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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. @Goron_3 as much as I agree with a lot of what you're saying, you seems to be ignoring both Mario 3D World and Nintendoland in that assessment which would counter your argument. But you have a good point, the mix is wrong and I'm wondering how much both Mario Kart and Smash are going to highlight the iterative nature of those franchises. I'm starting to think that Nintendo are concentrating more of their development force on the 3DS, which would make a lot of strategic sense. Customers in the west do show a tendency to spend predictably on Nintendo consoles so I can understand why they are putting those franchises on the Wii U. I'm just wondering what they are going to do once they have run out? Will they leave the console to die like the Wii and just let it turn into a box that people only play Mario Kart, Smash, NSMB and M3DW on?
  2. Oh yeah, Liberation Maiden down to £4.99!
  3. That's weird. Not that it's a big deal or anything but why does Diddy look like he's got sleaves? Surely it would be easier all round if the model of him just made his arm blend straight into his wrist?
  4. I think that's the problem. My job isn't meant to be like a call centre but it's just becoming a repository for people that don't know how to JFGI
  5. Gradually having the good bits of my job worn away til all I have left are taking phone calls from people that really shouldn't be allowed to buy our products. Seriously who the fuck buys pieces of networking kit without even knowing how to change their own fucking IP address? My favourite today was me spending 15mins helping a customer who had me on speakerphone in a metal box and setting up a unit by committee it would seem. We finally get to a point where I ask them to scan for networks to connect the unit to and low and behold they say "Oh no... we're not on site with it yet".
  6. It's not really a surprise about the servers not being able to handle things. Poor Wii U with it's (kind estimate of) 4.5m units against a mighty 45 million units from the 3DS. The server room must have been screaming away.
  7. Honestly, that game is so built up. I have no doubt in my mind that whatever they released would have been garbage based on 10 year old game mechanics with (from what we saw) pretty mediocre artwork.
  8. It's just really heavy load on the servers and they haven't dedicated enough resources to handle it. I just kept on trying every hour or so and it finally got through. Thank you for typing this. The argument was getting ridiculous.
  9. Um, why has the General Bargains thread been locked? I might be being thick but I can't see a any particular reason and a mod hasn't posted on close.
  10. Alrighty, so the 3DS can actually exchange information with other 3DS units when they are close by. They swap info about each others Miis and lots of games are designed to use the function as well. StreetPass Plaza actually has games entirely based off this and they have a lot of charm and are surprisingly addictive. Recently Nintendo released some new games for the Plaza that are really great as well. Check out a bit more HERE. Take Zelda for instance, when someone StreetPasses you, a shadow version of their Link turns up in your world which you can battle! Crazy stuff :-) So about the StreetPass communities, they are groups made to get people together in a local area and have fun with 3DS. It's all about multiplayer gaming and sharing in the fun with real people. For me and bluey, we created StreetPass Banbury and hosted a Pokémon tournament as a qualifier for a national tournament event. We ended up helping host that event and met some great people :-) This StreetPass UK site is a hub for all of these local groups and a way of helping people start ones of their own. It has a whole bunch of other cool features too :-)
  11. Update tomorrow!
  12. Nintendo have had a massive facelift on their StreetPass hub site which deserves a check by anyone with a 3DS. It allows people to coordinate real-life events for 3DS meetups and to create their own communities for StreetPass just like @bluey did. I'd highly recommend checking it out and hopefully you will be able to enjoy some of the great events that @Gentleben , @welsh_gamer , bluey and I have done! StreetPass UK
  13. From what I've seen, I think that would be a good idea but I'm not going to lie, as someone that's just gotten back to it and been knocked out almost instantly, I'm pretty disappointed.
  14. Looking like it's going to take out some of the retail park then :-(
  15. Ummm yeah so there's a MASSIVE fire going on over the other side of Banbury near where I work :/
  16. Agreed and Winnning
  17. Meh.... allowed me to do some sweet shopping for my friends. There are far too many great PC games out there that I want to try and when the sales are one it's hard not to find an excuse not to buy a ton of stuff. Also I put together a wishlist that bluey could look at and not break the bank getting me some games for xmas.
  18. Was this meant to be sarcasm?
  19. In the box is a little red leaflet (think it has the picture of a present on it). This has the number on it.
  20. From my perspective, the demand is pretty poor when you think about the IPs and brand names attached. Maybe we should be looking into why the PS4 has sold so well despite not having many games.
  21. Charlie presents it as being a tipping point where the player can't trust that what he is doing is necessarily heroic even if originally suggested to be so. I guess they saw it as a benchmark point of storytelling maturing in games and how that particular point is very poignant as gamers are in control of those actions.
  22. That it did... in the FPS section which also mentioned Goldeneye
  23. Question is... does Ashley still suck at it?
  24. I watched and enjoyed it. It's obviously aimed at people not like us so I can see it's merits from that point of view. Firstly, I think the list is fine. Most of us have been so mind bogglingly exposed to these titles over time and similar lists that Charlie's one seems quite dull by comparison. He gave plenty of attention to Nintendo and their franchises, even looking at the Mario franchise as a whole and basically saying that they were all amazing (also showing footage of Mario 3D World too). Zelda got a graet mention as well. Just keep in mind that this was about games that changed culture and how they changed culture not games that were good. @S\.C\.G - Zelda did not change wider culture, despite having a massive impact on gaming. For instance it helped cultivate the audience that would enjoy things like WoW (which did change things in the way that would qualify for the show). There were also mentions of SEGA in there, particularly Sonic and rightfully none of that got into the list. Phantasy Star may have been one of the first MMOs (along with Ultima Online) however it's almost insignificant in terms of cultural impact. I think a lot of people have genuinely misunderstood what this show was about. I was thrilled to see Charlie address the Atlantic computer war, how games led to to the bedroom coder revolution and how that has now come full circle. In fact, the only thing I would complain about is that the early games like Space War actually invented the entire concept of computers having a graphical interface rather than something that was just CLI. As for those of you that wanted more Nintendo well pffffft.... there are a whole bunch of games that got missed out of this from the entire Final Fantasy series or the birth of games like QONQR. Nintendo may mean a lot in terms of the culture of gaming but I think that they got plenty of screen time based on the impact that they have had in the wider scale of things.
  25. It's almost like there's some kind of magic at work!
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