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Everything posted by Helmsly

  1. yeah so far most of what I've heard about this console has been pretty bad.
  2. I wonder how bad the Wii U is doing historically compared to other consoles in the past like the Sega Saturn.
  3. I think the argument is that the larger followed channels like GameXplain, Wiifolder or Totalbiscuit for example, wouldn't be popular if it wasn't for the way they present their videos and the personalty they bring to it. Its clear that time and effort went into making their content. I mean obviously these videos don't make themselves, it takes time to record and edit them along with the money needed for editing equipment, decent mics and a capture card. Up until now they got ad revenue for the work that went into making them.
  4. Are Nintendo taking 100% of the ad revenue from these videos now or will it be shared with the creator of the video?
  5. Awesome! Can't wait.
  6. 12 new screenshots http://www.computerandvideogames.com/404832/grand-theft-auto-5-twelve-new-screenshots/ http://www.gameinformer.com/b/news/archive/2013/05/07/rockstar-games-offers-12-new-grand-theft-auto-screens.aspx
  7. Bit block (formally Wii Folder) have been doing weekly video updates as they play through this game, here's the latest video:
  8. Apparently HMV had a £7.99 sale for Sonic All Stars Transformed for Wii U which might explain its sudden jump into the Individual Formats at 36
  9. I saw a thread on gaf saying there are Easter eggs and things hidden in each video. Yeah agreed, I tried out the demo today and it seemed pretty cool but not good enough to actually pay for those videos.
  10. I'm sure part of that casual market has moved on, but I can't believe all of those millions and millions of wii owners have just all moved to ipads and Kinect.
  11. Not to match that level because just as you said, it was a special phenomenon. But you would think there would be a lot more people interested in the Wii U, being that it carries the Wii name and yet the name has had almost no effect in increasing its sales. Its barely reaching gamecube levels despite carrying the name.
  12. did they release this as an app for smartphones or do they just mean you can just access it from a smartphone browser?
  13. As much as I enjoy watching Nintendo Directs, they do not compete with the amount of coverage that E3 press conferences get as you don't just have the the games media there, you also have journalists from the BBC and the New york times etc I have to assume Nintendo are aware of this so I really don't understand what their reasoning is for not having a conference this year.
  14. Just saw this and enjoyed it but I think some people will not not happy with a certain twist in the story. personally I liked it. I found it hilarious the film referenced Croydon of all places, which made me laugh (I was watching the film in a cinema in croydon at the time too lol)
  15. As much as I like Nintendo Directs, nothing comes close to the amount on coverage E3 press conferences get, so I can't see this as a good thing. Its also worth mentioning that even though Sony didn't reveal the PS3 at E3 and instead held their own separate show earlier this year, it was still a press conference that was very much in the vein of the ones you see at E3. It had press in attendance including non-gaming press, which is why it got so much coverage at the time. Plus the fact its a whole new console. A Nintendo Direct simply doesn't get that much attention, which I feel the Wii U need more then ever right now.
  16. FE at number 3? that's awesome! -edit- full chart:
  17. Apparently Lego City sold 100k and Need For speed sold around 10k. Both Monster hunter games on 3DS and Wii U sold a total of 130k
  18. These are the numbers coming in for the March NPD's Software: Hardware: Nintendo Press release: Overall year on year sales down 10%
  19. Japanese box art plus some of the extras you get with the Japanese limited edition: http://www.e-capcom.com/gyakutensaiban/5/
  20. I just realised the closure of the Weather channel will actually effect some games:
  21. well I understand that they can't support these services forever, but it seems really early to drop support for them already. I thought they would have at least a couple more years left in them. Funny enough I've been playing my Wii recently, pretty much on a daily basis, and i've been using these channels a lot the past few weeks.
  22. Week 14, 2013 - UK Individual Formats (Units)
  23. I really enjoyed the Taker Cm Punk match. and theTriple H vs Brock too. Rock vs Cena not so much.
  24. yeah the problem with the boss fights all depended on how you raised your character. if you put your points into making your character a fighting machine then it was fine. If you didn't then...
  25. PAL UK Charts - Week 13, 2013 Nice to see Lego City and Luigi's mansion up there. Monster Hunter dropped pretty fast it seems.
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