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Everything posted by Helmsly

  1. for batteries I've been using these in my Wiimotes since 2008 I bought a pack of 4 back then and they still work today. I even charge them on the Wii's USB's at the back with a little USB hub. Make sure to buy the proper USBcells made by Moxia though, as there are cheap knock-offs out there that'll just be a waste of money.
  2. I couldn't see any major differences, action scenes are still handled with QTE's and button mashing. And there are encounters/fights that give you control of the mouse cursor during the scene to grab objects and hit people with them , just as Walking Dead.
  3. Gameplay wise its pretty much identical to The Walking Dead Telltale game
  4. The Wolf Among Us I really like the art-style of this game.
  5. I'd buy it.
  6. Rockstar Support
  7. Mario 3D World looked great. I'm disappointed that DKC Tropical Freeze has been delayed. I'm happy to see Sonic is back in Smash brothers. I'm mixed about Scribblenauts, its finally getting a release which I guess is good but its way too late now. Heck, it isn't getting a release until December meanwhile Unmasked is available right now on PC.
  8. Sounds like a nice update. I wish they hadn't changed the eshop music though!
  9. The servers must be taking a hammering right now. I'm still debating if I should buy a couple of months of XBL Gold just to see what Online mode is like.
  10. This is quite something:
  11. Well now, I wish I had known this a week ago, but it seems that if you half press the right trigger you can move around at speed with the gun up and the reticle still on screen. I played through the whole game just holding LT and moving the aiming reticle slowly.
  12. I felt like IV took it very seriously and as a result I ended up not caring much about the story, but V is a refreshing change back to the pisstake the older games had like Vice City. I found the way the three characters bounce off each other hilarious.
  13. @Emi1yRogers just posted.
  14. Helmsly


    ha yeah, exactly my thoughts on it.
  15. How long did you play it for before you gave up on it? The reason I ask is that I felt the same about all of GTAIV and when I first played GTAV, it seemed exactly the same for the first few missions and I was really disappointed, thinking its another boring GTA before the game started to come into its own.
  16. Ideally more story missions because I really like the characters from V and want to see them do more, but I don't think is going to happen. I'd also like more of those random encounters added to the map, I really enjoyed just driving around and finding people that would lead to its own small contain story. But yeah, most of all I would like Las Venturas added to the map but its very unlikely.
  17. Well i finished the game, I'm actually kinda bummed that its all over. I want to see these characters get up to more trouble.
  18. Just a heads up, this game is on Steam already and currently at a discount if its bought before the 29th of this month, there is also a further discount for people that own Scribblenauts Unlimited on steam which stacks with the first discount, making it currently £19.49. http://store.steampowered.com/app/249870/
  19. Helmsly


    I am very interested in this, as I recently hooked my PC's second monitor output to my tv with a long HDMI cable and I set Steam into BigPicture mode. So right now I pretty much use my PC like a console when it comes to games. Its amazing and the idea of that being more fleshed out or that I can stream it to other tvs in my home such as the living room is something I would definitely use.
  20. I love the random encounters you find from just exploring the city.
  21. I hear you, he level of detail in this game is just insane.
  22. Yeah i'm really enjoying this game too, its the most fun I've had in a GTA game since Vice City.
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