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Everything posted by Helmsly

  1. Animal Crossing Plaza looked great. I wish that was there permanently instead of the Mii plaza lol
  2. wow Sleeping Dogs looks nice. Is that with the HD texture pack?
  3. well on the plus side, that commercial is too long for TV so its probably just some web/viral thing they've released. I hope they don't just edit it down and put it on tv because I think its terrible. I really hope the marketing push for the fall this year is a lot better then this.
  4. holy mackerel that was bad Edit - is that commercial real or a parody i'm just not getting? The URL in the description, link to a error page on the Nintendo site and the twitter it links to sends you to the creator of some iOS app
  5. My crazy prediction would be Left 4 dead 3. Its looking like that's going to get announced in the next day or so...would make great timing with the ND I like your speculations, I'd probably go with a list like that too.
  6. I was grinning like a 5 year old when Treguard starting talking again.
  7. Awesome stuff, I've been watching all of the old episodes recently, I'm so happy they made a new one.
  8. Luigi's Mansion 2: Really enjoying this, its even better then I hoped it would be. The game just has so much charm to it. DuckTales: I decided to set my Nes back up and play through my copy of Duck Tales again in the wait for Ducktales Remasted. Even though its been over 20 years since I played DuckTales, I seem to remember almost everything about the game, the locations of the secret treasures, secret areas etc The game still holds up very very well.
  9. yeah same here, I picked the first up in the Steam sale the other week and I've really enjoyed it. I'll buy the sequel day one.
  10. Yeah absolutely. I can't wait to see what Avalanche Studios do for the third game.
  11. right. Sony have been the butt of peoples jokes for the better part of the past 6 years, I'm not sure how people can even suggest they get away with anything. The reason that has changed is because they have been earning peoples respect with some of their most recent decisions unlike Nintendo who seem to be making mistake after mistake (when it comes to the Wii U, not the 3DS). I'm not sure how Nintendo ended up in this situation with the Wii U. Six months next to no software for their new console is pretty bad and the lack of marketing from them is just bizarre. I think a lot of the criticism they have been getting this year has been perfectly fair.
  12. I was thinking about that quote from Iwata too. I think its fair to say that Nintendo won't be happy with modest sales and their definition of recovery for the Wii U is not to sell worse then the Gamecube. When Iwata himself has said selling as much or slightly more then the gamecube is considered a failure.
  13. GTA IV with the 1989 Batmobile mod Just Cause 2 Sonic Generations
  14. Giantbomb have a pretty good article running down how this all came about. I think he is still working on Fez despite what he has said, but if he really has quit, then you are most probably right.
  15. Dead Rising 2 Poker Night at the Inventory 2 Left 4 Dead 2 Arkham City
  16. GTA IV with the Samus mod on Left 4 dead 2
  17. I'm no expert on the matter, but manufacturers of DVD and Bluray players do have to uphold to a certain standard to be allowed a licence to put a dvd player on the market. I remember hearing this was a reason why Nintendo didn't put in a DVD playback option with the Wii. Same thing could be done with consoles. That said, I think we are already at this situation you describe, if you look at some of the multiplats that get released. There are plenty of instances where a game has had a noticeably worse framerate on one console over another or worse loading times etc.
  18. Tony Hawk series Back in the PS1 and PS2 days when these games were very popular, I had friends that played them all the time. I just couldn't get into it but I can't say I really understood why those games were so loved. Resident Evil series before RE4 RE4 is one of my favorite games of all time. But I just could not stand any of the previous games in the series. I hated the controls, the graphics, the pacing the story..pretty much everything about them.
  19. I don't know, all this really shows me is that Sega handled the change to becoming a third party company badly. I don't see it as the absolute only way going third party is for every other company out there. I think Sega made just as many bad decisions after becoming third party as they did before and I don't think Nintendo would make the same mistakes if they went third party themselves.
  20. Last day of the Sale, nothing I want today so that's pretty much it for me. Games I picked up during this sale were:
  21. Nice. The comics crossed over a few years back and it was pretty good
  22. Some of the episodes from the most recent season of the Simpsons were pretty good so I have some hope for it. I actually think an American Dad/Simpsons crossover would have been better, as American dad has become the better of the MacFarlane shows.
  23. Are there any figures for the Wii U from the June NPD's yet?
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