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Everything posted by Helmsly

  1. I liked messing around with the AR stuff on the 3DS, I'm glad they're doing more with it.
  2. waking up Easter morning to several easter eggs all ready for me to eat. This is pretty much me right now^
  3. funny...he said exactly the same thing about you. 8 minute Long video from IGN:
  4. well damn, the HMV near me closed forever on Friday so i've missed out getting one for myself.
  5. if i remember correctly the Gameboy DuckTales game was a port of the NES game or at least it was very similar.
  6. there is no way I can express how happy I am about this, Duck Tales was my favorite game as a kid, it was such a well designed platformer. This is amazing news!
  7. ShopTo seem to have some pretty good bundles right now.
  8. Yeah I think they should have stuck with the Wiimote. Although I do like the gamead, I still feel the Wiimote has a ton of potential that hardly anyone even attempted to tap into. For the most part, games just had you mindlessly waggling the controller to do something you could do with a button ( even Nintendo were guilty of this at times like having to shake the controller to roll in Donkey Kong Country Returns) Games like the Wii port of RE4 showed us that when calibrated correctly, the pointer controls can be amazing.The problem with that game was that the controls made it too easy, as the game's AI was never designed around the player being able to aim so accurately or so fast. But imagine an RE made from the ground up with AI smart enough to to deal with this, you could have an amazing title. I also think FPS games could have benefited from the Wiimote too, I'd love to play a game like Left 4 dead 2 or Portal 1/2 with the controller. I wouldn't be better then playing with a mouse but it would be better then playing with a analog stick.
  9. was going to ask this very question. It was stupidly hard but you could unlock all of the tracks from AX
  10. I told myself I'd wait a year to buy a Wii U of my own, but with these new prices are tempting me to get one now.
  11. Awesome. Just Cause 2 was a blast
  12. I'm confused by this too. What was supposed to carry the Wii U through these months? I understand that Pikmin and Wonderfull 101 slipped but they are just two games. So what else was supposed to make people want this console? Was it the gamepad? Was the Wii name supposed to do it? Nintendoland? I really don't know.
  13. Donkey Kong Country I used to watch this all the time on cable in the late 90's. Most episodes had King K.rool trying to steal a crystal coconut, with characters breaking into song at least once in an episode. Looking back the show wasn't very good, I think I just watched it because it was something to do with Donkey Kong country. Earthworm Jim Channel 4 used to show this Sunday mornings in the mid 90's, so this would be the first thing I watched at the weekend for a couple of years. What I liked about this show was that it constantly broke the 4th wall, with character talking to the audience and poking fun at what was happening. This show has aged very well, still funny today. Fun fact: Earthworm jim himself was voiced by Dan castellaneta (voice of Homer simpson). Kirby: Right Back at Ya! I used to catch the occasion episode of this back in 2004 on Fox kids, I don't know why I like this show, maybe because its unashamedly goofy in what its doing. I really liked that Nintendo gave this show its own channel on the Wii! Captain N and the Mario bros cartoons were also favorites of mine.
  14. Nice work from Nintendo, I hope they do this for more titles.
  15. wow nice to see the 3DS take off. I really think Nintendo have done a great job in the last year in boosting support for the console and its paying off now.
  16. I'm unsure about this new belt design, I was always a fan of the winged eagle belt they used in the late 80's and most of the 90's and part of me hoped that was coming back (since they brought back the Intercontinental belt from that era too)
  17. I wonder what Wii U exclusive game will enter the chart first this year. Here's the Wii U all formats charts for the same week:
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