Not read any of the other replies so sorry if I'm repeating anything...
I thought Nintendo took legal action to ensure that this kind of thing can't happen? Surely they knew that Sony would copy them. Although Sony did dismiss the FHC as a gimmick, now they're trying to cash in on it.
I don't think we really have that much to worry about, anyone who would be brought in by the thought of a motion sensitive controller would go the the Wii because it's the real deal. The Playstation 3 is merely a Nintendo Wii starter kit. Once people experience a taste of the fun you can have with the PS3 controller, they'll sell their PS3's and be able to get a Wii... Or even 2!
I can accept that the controller is bound to be copied as it's so innovative and takes gaming to a whole new level. I expected every console to have it, or a somehow advanced version, in the generation after this but what Sony is doing is completely contradictory to what they have said about the Wii controller. I hope Sony aren't going try to pass this off as their idea.