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The Peeps

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Everything posted by The Peeps

  1. The trailer wont work for me I get an error message
  2. I think I will be getting a black Wii over the white then, it just looks sexier Also I hadn't seen the RevOlution writing on it before
  3. I don't care what rating the game gets, as long as I enjoy it then that's all that matters.
  4. If PC's are obsolete then why was Gran Turismo running on one at E3?
  5. I remember those days, but I was always an onlooker. I don't think I ever posted a comment...
  6. Officer Jenny. I stopped watching when Misty left... It used to make me laugh when Ash would always ask the pokedex what pokemon he's seen even when he's already come across that pokemon before.
  7. Me too. I enjoyed reading this http://keirsey.com/personality/nfij.html it's very true.
  8. 1. If the female audience enjoys questing then they should be content with games like Legend of Zelda (and many are). Why wait for a questing game with a female main character? 2. Metroid.
  9. I know I completed southpark - excellent multiplayer too btw but I can't remember much about it :S mostly I remember snow and turkeys. What was the final boss?
  10. Mostly I feel that I've completed a game when I see the end credits, but there have been a few exceptions. Eg, Majoras Mask - I completed it but still felt like I needed to get all the masks, it only felt complete after I did that.
  11. I'd say exactly the same thing but quoting is easier
  12. Nice find, I'll probably put this in my favourites
  13. Happy Birthday
  14. It would be brilliant if ever made. I wouldn't like it to be like Pokemon Coloseum though, I'd rather have the top down view from the gameboy games... and if the battles were done like stadium, coloseum etc then it would just drag on, it takes them ages to get a move done.
  15. N64 was £150, I don't think Nintendo have brought out a console that was more expensive than that have they? GC was £129.99 or something I think... So £120 isn't an unreasonable guess. I hope it is that cheap but I'd be willing to pay up to £200 for it - but I'm sure it will be less.
  16. Didn't Rare make Lylat Wars though? I still play it now, such a great game
  17. Gambit should definitely have been in the films, he's a great character.
  18. Maybe there could be a small button on the side of the remote to hold down when you want to talk? Whatever they do, I have faith in Nintendo. They wouldn't do it if it would have all the problems you guys mentioned, they'll have thought of ways round them.
  19. Starfox Assualt was ok, but the on-foot bits were really terrible in my opinion. It just didn't feel like a Starfox game and the story wasn't all that great. Hopefully this will be more like Lylat Wars was, the DS version will be apparently.
  20. Edit: The "mistake" is that it will be illegal for customers to sell any next-gen PlayStation games that they've bought. Now that I think of it, a lot of the games I've bought have been pre-owned... The only ones I pay full price for are the ones that I get on the day they're released - usually Nintendo games. Sony do seem to be getting more and more arrogant.
  21. Thanks for the heads up
  22. Make clever ones then
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