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The Peeps

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Everything posted by The Peeps

  1. I don't know why but I've been looking forward to Raid over the River since it was just a rumour I hope we see screens of it soon.
  2. I agree, it's OBVIOUS that Super Mario Bros takes place 3 years after Sunshine...
  3. 4. Nintendo released a rumble pak for the N64 therefore it may be called the Nintendo Rumble Wave.
  4. Actually that explanation is for why the sea is blue. It reflects the sky. Don't know why the sky is blue though
  5. If it's true then great, if not then we'll just have to wait for E3
  6. The Rev senses where the controller is in relation to it and can tell which direction it's facing, as Echo said, it doesn't need to face the screen
  7. Could you tell us what the skeleton is saying Shino? It seems to be scaring the pants off the passers by
  8. Well we can't really disprove any theories unless Nintendo themselves bring out a timeline...
  9. Maybe reformat your pc? My friend had non-stop popups for about a month and couldn't sort it out so he reformatted, but if anyone has a simpler solution post it so I can laugh at my friend's unecessary efforts
  10. http://www.jokaroo.com/funnyvideos/skeleton_prank.html This one is in Spanish (I think) but it's still pretty funny to watch.
  11. Aha! I like the direction this story is headed what lands are Luigi, Bowser and the Princess going to be in, and who will arrive with them? Can't wait for the next one Sprout.
  12. I've not seen Ganon in any trailers, I only know he's in it from reading on here. For people who aren't reading storyline information it is a spoiler. I don't see how it's obvious that Ganon's in it because we only know because of what we've been told by Nintendo. Not everyone wants to read info like that because it will spoil the game. Just imagine Zeldafan, that you're playing through the game without having read or seen anything about it. You get half way through it and Ganon appears, how excited and surprised would you be? Some people want to keep that element of surprise in their games.
  13. Does anyone know what I was going to ask?
  14. Some people believe in a doughnut shaped universe, that way space can have no end.
  15. I don't have the will power to keep myself from reading any information, the game is still soooooo far away! But realising how far away TP is has helped me see how close E3 is
  16. I still like NRES as a name. Nintendo Revolution(ary) Entertainment System. "Enres"
  17. No no no! They should keep it just Nintendo characters! I can't wait for this game, I played it non-stop on the N64 and GC so I hope this version beats them both. I really hope they'll use the FHC well, I can't think how they'd do it at the moment but I'm sure they've found a suitable control scheme.
  18. Why would the name of a game from a developer other than Nintendo give anything away for the final name of the Rev? The name could be RS but it could also be a lot of other names, I don't see the connection between having a game called Red Steel and the name Nintendo RS. The DS didn't have a game that used it's name did it? If it was called Red Steel RS then yeah, I'd have to agree but it's just Red Steel. It's just the name of a game, if they'd have called it "Steel of Redness" would you be saying the Rev will be called Nintendo SoR? Nintendo RS is still a good name for the system though, and could well be the final name but I wouldn't base that on this game's name.
  19. Great stuff Sprout, as the others said it is very reminiscent of the Hyrule Castle level in Smash Bros 64 that was my favourite one
  20. Ganon wasn't in MM. Some people are trying not to get any information about this game but still like to talk about it so things like that should be put in spoiler tags. If people don't want to know things about the game - such as what the storyline is going to be, then we should respect that.
  21. Carmageddon - N64 - Pure shite San francisco Rush - N64
  22. Sounds good, I'm eager to try out a sword fighting game on Rev (as long as you can use the FHC as the sword). Scans please
  23. Does anyone know what Link's main motivation for this game? Like in WW he had to save his sister, so what is he doing this time?
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