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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. I'm still not sure how I feel on Mega Evolution. I think it's coz I haven't seen a Mega Evolution that I've felt is needed yet, although some of these newer announcements make a bit more sense. There's loads of Gen 1 Pokemon I think are desparate to be mega evolved. Ideally (for me) Victreebel, Persian and Jynx. That would be particualrly delish.
  2. Incoming Pro Controller offer: Nintendo just announced an offer (saw on Facebook) where you get 30% off the Pro Controller when you buy MK or any MK Wii U bundle off the official site. Dunno what that works out at, can't be arsed doing the deets: Anyway, why they didn't do this for launch is beyond me. Morons.
  3. @Gizmo and anyone else who is interested, Nintendo just announced an offer (saw on Facebook) where you get 30% off the Pro Controller when you buy MK or any MK Wii U bundle off the official site. Dunno what that works out at, can't be arsed doing the deeds. Anyway, why they didn't do this for launch is beyond me. Morons.
  4. Hmm I shall also have to check the cash flow situation. Plus there's the games I'm currently playing to get through. I know it's like a fiver but having just got a puppy and toys and chipping and insurance an all that shit I is broke. Damn dog!!
  5. Must... Resist... Urge... To buy... Pokemon... Cards... Like... Old... Times...
  6. Definitely worth buying if you don't like using the game pad for prolonged periods of time. I think the game pad is decent enough but much prefer using the pro controller for games like Mario Kart, Mario World etc. It also feels great in the hand too. A definite must buy for a Wii U owner IMO. : peace:
  7. Hmm seeing all these cards just makes me want to go and buy a pack of Pokemon cards again! Can you / do people here still collect them / get them these days? Are they any good?!
  8. I will deffo be looking for some Jonnas shaped advice judging by the amount of people who said they got stuck playing this! Also, Glen-i, I love that GIF.
  9. Yeah I'm the same as Dem0 - never bothered with the trading card 'game'. I collected the fuck outta the cards, but never played them. This sounds massively interesting though. Never knew anything about it until now, but a game that follows a similar path to the main series, only you use trading cards to battle instead of actual caught Pokemon with move sets you choose? Count me in! Question: how do you get cards in the game? Do you collect them, find them, buy them?
  10. Lovely art @Glen\-i !! This is such a good game. I urge everyone to buy it!! You need little artistic talent as the lessons are so good. All my creations above are just the lessons so far and they're really easy to follow. Will play more of this today and post some more creations! Today I learned all about shading! I drew this Chimchar which I'm massively proud of as his hands and facial features were a bitch to sketch in! Then I sketched this bird pokemon which for the life of me I can't remember its name! And I call myself a fan. This was done with the pencils. : peace:
  11. Addicted is the word. Shit's like crack. Although I've never done drugs, so just guessing it's like crack. And FYI @RedShell, I had zero interest in this game until your review!! So therefore this is allllll your fault. :awesome: But I thank ye. : peace:
  12. Happy Birthday Josh! Have a good one!!
  13. Very true. I ventured into free play earlier and just drew a Diglett but it wasn't that great. Could tell it was Diglett though. But then I just had the Diglett / Dugtrio chant in my head from the actual cartoon as I drew... "Diglett dig, Diglett dig, trio, trio, trio... and repeat. Anyways, here is my progress so far. The first ones are earlier beginner lessons and the last few were recently done today. The earlier ones are much easier as you are basically drawing over an outline, but the other 3 it's not quite that simple! Shows I've had some improvement though. I also think that my Bulbasaur bulb is better than the guide picture. Modest. Hmm. When you export them and view them on a computer screen, you can see your shortcomings! Must pay closer attention to the lines! Anyway, back to it!
  14. I actually haven't played any of the other art academy games before. I'm not a big draw-er to be honest. I'm much better at drawing cartoony style things rather than realistic things so this seemed more up my street. I wouldn't mind looking into them now though after how much I'm enjoying this. I agree that the mini lessons are definitely worth doing even though you don't really have to. It makes it easier to start drawing the Pokemon when you don't have the outline already there for you. I haven't bothered with free paint mode yet. I'll prob do that once I've learned how to use all of the tools first. Plus I don't think I'd be that good at free paint yet! But yeah, deffo post some of your stuff. I'd love to see your creations and get this thread bustling with drawings! Even if it is just from me and you!
  15. Thanks H-o-T! In fairness, the background wasn't done by me, and this is one of the very early drawing lessons so it isn't free hand or anything like that! The game is doing a great job of introducing different techniques so far though so by the end of it who knows what you'll be able to create! : peace:
  16. I'm becoming a bore with all these posts but i'm having so much fun with this game! I would like to share my Togepi! Which I'm particularly proud of!
  17. Gonna download this in a bit. Popped into the local Asda (well, my mum did whilst I was at the gym ) and they didn't have it. She even asked behind the counter in case they hadn't put it out yet - she's a gooden but they didn't have any. I realllllly want it though so I'm just gonna download it instead. Anyone who got it today got any thoughts on it? Any early creations they wanna share?! : peace: Blimey. It's worth downloading this just to laugh at how bad the annoying girl who is drawing alongside you at the academy is. I mean I know it's prob aimed at people younger than me, but if you need to look at her examples to make you feel better about your own creations then this is not the game for you! Look at her damn Squirtle!! Mine on the other hand came out quite delicious if I do say so myself! I'm loving this game!
  18. I really want this game but forgot to put a pre-order in. I want a boxed copy I think. Dunno if my Asda will have it though. If I do get it I will deffo post some of my creations too. But they might not be great. FYI. Looking forward to seeing what everyone comes up with!! : peace:
  19. I don't listen to any, truth be told. But a thread like this is a delicious way to introduce me to some decent podcasts as I wouldn't mind getting into them! I'll give the one you've mentioned a try Goron! : peace:
  20. I love that game. I bought the Wii U version too but I played it only on the game pad. I dunno why, but it just felt like it should have been a handheld game. It still translates really well to the big screen but it's definitely best on the 3ds IMO. And I agree, definitely a return to form. I still don't get the hate for RE 5 - I adored that game, 6 was truly awful but Revelations was right back to the style of game it began as. Loved it!
  21. Oh God totally. I never did finish this game because of this very thing. I'd got like all of the 8 pieces but was missing one and had to give that greedy jewellery bitch all them necklace things - I hardly had any and needed loads to give to her. H-o-T helped me out with how to do it on here, but I just never did. And I never finished it. So that's still every single Zelda game I've ever played unfinished. It's a shame to, as that aside it really is a wonderful game.
  22. Do you venture into the Wii U general discussion or the sales thread much?
  23. I want to be a leaf Fused. I really do!! Until then I shall continue to weep daily.
  24. So is anyone looking forward to the 3DS version of this game? As much as I like the look of the change in art style I can't see the 3DS version being the go to for me once the Wii U one hits. It almost seems as though it's a stop gap to keep us entertained until the Wii U version arrives. Also, as an original 3DS user, that small screen is gonna make for some difficult viewing right? When the stages move out? Or is it that the stages in that version are on a smaller scale to prevent that? I'm looking forward to both versions but can't see me bothering with the 3DS once the Wii U version comes along. Just me? Also. WHERE THE FUCK IS NESS.
  25. Really great review RedShell. Looking forward to this tbh. It's the kind of drawing game that's up my street - cartoon / anime rather than a bowl of apples etc - I definitely feel like I could get some good results with some practice! I hadn't even really considered it before reading the review, but now I'm pretty much sold! : peace:
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