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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. It has helped Emma, thank you. It's interesting that you said about them always being a bit mysterious - that is exactly what this guy is like. I agree with what you are saying about moving on not knowing, but I don't think I could do that. What if he is in the same boat as me and he thinks I am not interested? Coz it could look that way I suppose. Hmm, maybe I should just sleep on it and clear me head before doing anything.
  2. Yeah I hear you. I just think I'd rather have some sort of closure from this experience first though - as we spent a lot of time together over the past few weeks and I did feel like there was a connection. So to cut that out and try and wipe it from my mind probably isn't the best idea. But I understand what you're saying. Thanks
  3. I have tried online dating before. I'm gay, and have met a few other guys from a site I go on infrequently. When I say meet, I don't mean for sex - that's not the kinda lad that I am. The problem I have found is that most of the guys on these sites are literally after just that. A quick shag. Others are looking for the ideal partner (as we all are I suppose) but though they say they will talk to anyone, half of them will not bother with you if they don't like the look of you. The problem with the gay world - and also online dating IMO - is that everyone is so fickle. You are judged purely on your appearance - and I know there has to be an attraction, but even if you have loads in common with the person viewing your profile, they will click away because you aren't 'fit' enough. I have recently met with a guy off the site I mentioned above and he was really really nice. He took me to a bar / restaurant place in town for some food and then we went for a walk by the river and through the town - which is lovely at night. I stayed at his and we played games and watched a film for the rest of the evening and then I left the next day. It was great. We were texting loads, and before we met after a few messages were exchanged we Skyped / FaceTimed for 5 and a half hours! Nothing rude, we just talked that whole time! Then when we met there were still no silences or awkward moments. Anyway a few weeks have passed and things are not the same. He came out of a long relationship about 7 months ago and has said he doesn't want to commit to anything - he just wants to enjoy spending time with me. I was totally cool with that, but had noticed that he was still frequently using the site we 'met' on. So I asked him if another guy asked him out for a drink would he go. He said yes. It really threw me. We had been getting along brilliantly - I hadn't used the site since I messaged him and there were no other lads on my radar - nor was I on anyone elses - and he just came out and said he would happily go and get to know someone else over a drink whilst doing the same with me. So I then asked him - what if you preferred this other guy after getting to know him - he said that it would mean things weren't working out with me and he would say that "as he likes to be honest". But that isn't being honest. The honest thing to say would be he has met someone else who he wants to spend time with. I said that it makes him a liar. A lie to prevent my feelings or not it is a lie. And he is ok with seeing other guys after we have spent 3 nights together as well as having what I thought was a really strong connection. We last spoke last Saturday (the texting and calling becoming less and less as he has been busy with work) when he text me to see if I was ok. I replied with the usual - 'I'm fine, just having a relaxing weekend etc' and then heard nothing all week. I text him on Friday as it was his birthday - I said I hoped he had a lovely day and he responded with a thank you and that he was out in Manchester for a party. In his text back the first thing he said was 'I've just given you some space this week'. I didn't ask for space? I text back with a simple - enjoy your day - as I wasn't going to ruin his Birthday with any unnecessary questions. I expected a response from him over the weekend but so far nothing. I think I know that things are 'over' - even though we didn't have a label or anything - but to just let it fizzle to nothing is a bit crap in my opinion. It's hard to take a little bit too as I don't know the reason why. Am I just not good enough - or is there someone better than me? Who knows. I haven't really spoke about this with anyone - tend not to speak to my sisters or parents about it and writing it all now has made me feel a bit upset / sad. When I have recapped how something started so promisingly and has turned into what it is (what even is it?) it's really tough to take. I know this may not be the typical post in here, but I'm hoping some of you can relate to it so you can kinda understand where I'm at right now. Don't suppose you need to be gay to have been in a similar situation in the past. Just looking for some guidance I suppose - do I do nothing, or demand to know why everything has suddenly stopped? Sorry for the length of this - I just had to get it off my chest I suppose.
  4. I expected a score like this to be honest. From the demos I have played and the things I have read I had high hopes and it appears that they are going to be met! Can't wait to get my collectors edition next week!!
  5. Those headphones are actually amazing!!
  6. Yep - I am also noticing that the battery life is not as good. I say not as good, but it was never great on the 4. But it lasted longer than my 4S is doing. Same as JonSt - I am getting around a day and a half - probably less. Have to charge every night. And that is just with the odd text, odd call and music being played whilst the phone is locked. So the screen is never on really apart from texting. Brightness full. Quite annoying.
  7. I am actually booking the release day off work as this game just looks so freaking AMAZING! Must have please. Like now. This is all.
  8. Mollie is absolutely stunning. They're all great looking girls but she is the best lookin IMO. They have had 3 great singles from this upcoming album. I'm quite excited about it!!
  9. Loving The Sats at the min. And they look great in this video. This is much more them than the last 2 club tracks. Even though I did like them too!
  10. People must if it is number 1! And that's little promotion. If they have the right song, they can probably do well again. It's all about the songs. But they didn't put a foot wrong with their songs all those years ago. The amount of great pop songs on this collection shows that.
  11. Well The Ultimate Collection album got to number 1! I'm actually really pleased for them
  12. Yeah I agree Shorty. I wanted the woman!! He sounds too robotic - sometimes I can't understand him!! And Mike - hope it arrives today for you! : peace:
  13. You gotta admit though - for an Ultimate Hits collection, it is PACKED with hits. Like seriously. What is annoying me a bit, is that every TV show they have been on they have sang live. Might not have been good live singing - but if they just stood and mimed they'd have been slated for that too! So good on them. Love's Got A Hold On My Heart may be the gayest song ever. But I fucking love it.
  14. So... I may be out-gaying myself here, but I do not care. Steps are back people! It would appear that their Ultimate Hits Collection - which was released Monday - is on course to bag the number 1 album spot this week ahead of Evanescence, much to some peoples disgust I loved Steps when I was younger - they had some fantastically cheesy pop songs and did some great covers - IMO. I saw that they had a documentary on Sky Living where they were to meet for the first time since their split 10 years ago. Since that, they have got back together, recorded again and are going on tour next year. I won't be going to the tour or anything - but will admit I downloaded the Ultimate Hits Collection - and it's brilliant. It really is just hit after hit and it's nice to hear some innocent pop music - you just don't get it anymore! Anyone else a Steps fan on here? Any closet fans?! Come on, there's gotta be at least one of you! Or is it just me...
  15. Wow, that sucks guys - I really hope those waiting on orders get theirs tomorrow. It is a joke. In fairness to Apple - they said phones ordered from them in the UK would NOT be with customers for launch - just sent out then instead. I think they did it so people would not expect it to arrive and they had themselves covered. Smart move. Though I expected mine today as I had a UK Mail tracking order so knew it was ready for delivery by the end of day. Post thoughts if it does arrive of what you think though!
  16. My 4s arrived around 12:30 today. Loving it. Hate that they have changed the iPod app to the 'Music' app and changed the icon for it too. That is annoying. Aside from that - it's lightning quick, the camera and video camera are amazing, and Siri is a great little function.
  17. 11" MacBook Air. The best Apple product i've ever bought
  18. Well... I had my iPad for around 4 weeks - and then sold it. As much as I loved it (and I did), it just wasn't being used like I hoped. I just did everything on my MacBook still, apart form things like watching videos etc. It was great for that. Anyway, I sold it and got £360 for it on eBay (paid £399) so didn't lose too much. What I did love about the iPad - was the size. I just missed the keyboard... So, in the last week I have sold my MacBook Pro (to my sister for £600), and used all the money to buy a new 11' MacBook Air. Had it since yesterday and I just love it. It is the best Apple product I have owned. I decided that I wanted to replace my Pro with an Air as I wanted the thunderbolt port so I can (eventually) have a desktop setup. As much as I love the iMac's - I just like to sit on my bed, or the sofa with my computer... However the thunderbolt display will allow me to have a desktop setup, running from the Macbook Air. It will give me so many options - I have a load of HD movies on my external storage and they are going to look great on the Thunderbolt display. Once I have done with the big screen I can then just unplug my Air, and away I go. Ultra portability! So yeah, I don't regret buying the iPad, it's a fantastic item, but it's not for me. The Air is everything and more. It is so small and portable and with the thunderbolt display it virtually turns into an iMac. I love.
  19. Yeah I was late for work coz of it ha. I normally leave the house at 8 to start at 8:30 but was still sat there at 8:25 refreshing! In the end I just had to go. So on the way to work I was using my phone to refresh the site and once it began to load I exited Safari and went straight to the store app. 2 minutes later it was ordered. Was really easy. It took my order (though brought up the post it note page a few times as it was trying to progress through the checkout etc) and then when I got into work, I signed in and checked and it had worked! Got the confirmation email shortly after. Account already debited too! Cannot wait until Friday - hope they arrive on launch day. It's strange as it looks exactly the same as the phone I have now, but I am really looking forward to the huge leap of iOS 5 as well as the camera and Siri funcitions!
  20. I am a huge Apple fan. And rightly so as far as i'm concerned. RIP Steve Jobs. Frankly, a genius.
  21. I have the white iPhone 4 - there is no contest. The white is an amazing looking piece of sexual technology phone. Technical term right there. White all the way. The 5 got no mention - expect it around June / July next year. There is no way they can wait any longer than that as the competition (HTC, Samsung) will have caught up and then some by then. Letting people wait this long for these minimal 'upgrades' is not good from Apple imo. But great for people who have a 3g / 3gs or are wanting to move to an iPhone.
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