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Everything posted by Magnus

  1. I like to think you're genuinely shocked by this realization.
  2. I figured that was what you meant, but I liked my interpretation better. It was more evil. BAN EVERYONE. Oh, wait. They already did that once.
  3. Haha, it kind of sounds like you want to get him banned. :p
  4. "Dear N-E. Today I went to the airport to pick up my boyfriend. The end." I'm sure it'll be more exciting when you tell it, though!
  5. I've never met you before. So no. :p Though I do like the idea of having sex twice being so many that you've already started to lose count.
  6. It sends you right to the flagpole at the end of the level. I think you can also get one if you die so many times that the game decides that even being invincible isn't going to get you through a level.
  7. Haha, obviously. Like a fly to honey.
  8. Play some sidequests. (Also, I agree that that gem thing is annoying. I usually just unequipped my gems first. I didn't change my equipment all that often, anyway.)
  9. The Simpsons did it.
  10. He's really worried about auto-merging.
  11. He probably just meant that if he'd known he'd have to complete the game with both Mario and Luigi before replaying a bunch of levels anyway, he could have picked the brother he hadn't already completed the levels with. As it stands, he may have replayed a level with the same brother when he went back to get the golden flags and will have to play through the level a third time just because Nintendo wanted to pad the game out as much as possible. But yeah, that was pretty annoying. At least it's a short game, I guess.
  12. To anyone saying that Skyward Sword had a great story, here are some games you may want to check out: Planescape: Torment Grim Fandango Ghost Trick 999: Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors I mean, I love Zelda as much as the next guy, but let's not kid ourselves here.
  13. I can't believe I've been here for a year already. How do you feel about Digimon?
  14. People were complaining about the eye color from the very first episode. Pretty sure it was planned all along.
  15. You're in for quite a ride.
  16. They grow up so fast... Man, we really need to find you a woman.
  17. That looks really nice. Make sure you buy a fold-out couch so I have something to sleep on when I'm in the area.
  18. Here it is (maybe):
  19. I was going to wish you a happy birthday the Australian way, but they probably just say 'happy birthday'. So... that.
  20. I thought the funniest thing about that video was how Kotaku was all, "yeah this is most likely a viral ad" and then they posted it anyway. ... It's funny if you think gaming websites playing right into the hands of publishers is funny, okay?
  21. And suddenly we're all wishing we had access to a 3D printer.
  22. Didn't you go to London again fairly recently? No reason you can't use some of that student loan money to go to the next meet.
  23. Haha, yes. I realized as soon as I saw that you'd quoted my post. How embarrassing. :p Sorry, Arab Freak! Here's a little song befitting your age: The training wheels come off your bike You start to notice girls you like A-hee hee hee
  24. You can either import it or not play it at all. Is whatever meager amount you'll get for trading the game in (no idea if it matters if it's an import or not) really worth not playing the game for?
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