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Everything posted by Magnus

  1. I think if they could just get people to sit around and watch ads all day, that would be their perfect world. I was disappointed when I tried to watch the recent Parks and Recreation webisodes only to realize that they were region-locked. Maybe NBC is trying to protect us from spoilers.
  2. Guys, remember that time when we talked about that new game that had just been released? That was awesome.
  3. I think we should get rid of all the gaming awards. Just to spite Happenstance. Next year, we should just give out participation awards to all the active members. Then everyone will feel like a winner.
  4. Is it too late to suggest more awards?
  5. I really liked Tangled. Going by ReZ's list, that was the only new movie I watched in 2011. Whoops.
  6. Yes, we had this discussion when Super Mario 3D Land was just released, and apparently it did. I don't really understand people's preference for using A+B. Is it just because that's how it was back on the NES? Because I've tried bending my thumb to use A+B instead of the much superior Y+B and it seems really uncomfortable/you have to press A with a weird part of your thumb. It's like you guys have talons or something.
  7. Yeah, sorry to start the year off on such a bad note. We may as well close this thread now, because no one's going to be able to top my bad stuff.
  8. The Sims 3 has decided I've been enjoying it too much lately, so now it won't let me save anymore. Well, not consistently, anyway. Who wants to play a game when they don't know whether or not they'll be able to save their progress? I spent half a day in France only to find out that I couldn't save, eventually stopped trying to save and figured I'd keep playing for a a while longer and try saving again later, only for the game to crash at the end of the day. This year is off to a bad start.
  9. I think Wesley just wanted to know whose homes would be empty.
  10. Now there's one party that won't be awkward at all when you're looking for someone to kiss at midnight.
  11. Yeah, I wasn't asked to any parties, either.
  12. He's probably angry because they killed him off almost immediately.
  13. It's not terrible, but it starts out strong and then drags on and on and on. You end up going through the same areas over and over again with new enemies spawning every time. It's not as good as the main game.
  14. I played it at the point in the game when it takes place. Seemed to make the most sense that way. But honestly, it's not that great.
  15. I always go through just one text box per sitting when I play Ace Attorney games. It makes the story kind of hard to follow, but I bought my DS to be played in short bursts, goshdarnit! You just convinced me out of getting a Vita.
  16. Saying you like the sky and then saying you want it to be almost completely different (I think most people would like it more if there were more things to see there) seems kind of silly. I thought the sky was disappointing. You've seen everything it has to offer within ten minutes, save for the thunderhead, and that's mostly empty, anyway. There's almost no sense of exploration because most islands are either completely empty or have locked chests on them, and you can't even open those until they get marked out on the map.
  17. It was eight hours six months ago, at least. I guess it may have been changed since then, though.
  18. How have I never heard of Maru before?
  19. Didn't Twilight Princess do the same thing? I was expecting the bow to replace the slingshot and for the final item slot to be taken up by a more interesting item, but I guess that was expecting too much. I always hated the sail in The Wind Waker and how you had to go into the menu to equip it every time you used the boat. So annoying. I really liked how Skyward Sword relegated some of the more minor items to context-sensitive button presses.
  20. Flying around and collecting rupees with the beetle reminded me of the seagulls in The Wind Waker. And now that you mention it, the whip was very similar to the grappling hook. I was too busy thinking about the whip in Spirit Tracks to notice.
  21. Cats will never cease to amuse me.
  22. Just order ask them to create a new section for the Awards, like last year. You can create the threads yourself, so it should be almost no work for them.
  23. Eight hours. Or just until someone else posts.
  24. Or just replace Multiplatform GOTY with GOTY. Everyone's going to vote for Skyrim, anyway. Edit:
  25. Yeah, I was thinking that there haven't been a lot of PSP games this year, but you included everything else, so... I probably wouldn't include the DSi shop thing (I can't even remember what it's called), but I would also get rid of WiiWare/PSN/XBLA in favor of Best Downloadable Game or something similar, so maybe you shouldn't listen to me. I don't know, I just think it looks a bit cluttered. :p
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