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Everything posted by Magnus

  1. Don't play Partners in Time. It lacks the exploration of the other games and the babies add nothing to the game except serve to overcomplicate things. It's not nearly as funny as the other games, either, unless you find babies crying (and crying and crying and crying) hilarious and the villain is uninteresting. It's playable, but it's bland and dull as dishwater. Only play it if you really don't want to skip any game in the series.
  2. How hard is it to find a proper emulator? I must have played it on an emulator at least a decade ago. :p But yeah, Earthbound is pretty great. Probably my favorite game in the series, though Mother 3 is good too.
  3. Or... Shadow! He could use his guns. Pew pew!
  4. Ike will almost certainly be replaced with whoever the main character of the new Fire Emblem is. If they're feeling lazy, they can just reuse Ike's moveset, anyway. :p
  5. Not to mention how they seem to slap Kirby on any game that doesn't fit any of their other franchises. At least it keeps the Kirby series fresh, I guess!
  6. Fawful only made a cameo appearance in Partners in Time. Just one of the many things wrong with that game. Bowser's Inside Story is great, however, so that should keep you entertained for a while.
  7. Happy birthday, Hannah and what's-his-face.
  8. If you need a place to stay, Iun's got you covered.
  9. Well, you're a bear, so that's understandable.
  10. And if you only play through the single-player once, it's short.
  11. Yeah, barely. :p
  12. I don't see how the first game can be better because of its characters when the second game has Ellis.
  13. It's best not to think too hard about these things, Flameboy. There's also Hot Pursuit, which is a sequel to Hot Pursuit 2, which is itself a sequel to Need for Speed III: Hot Pursuit.
  14. Your boyfriend will be thrilled. (Hopefully not.)
  15. Don't get your hopes up too high, Jamba. Unless you loved the challenge comets in the Galaxy games. Then you'll love what this game has in store for you.
  16. Sorry, guys. You weren't entertaining enough for Rummy.
  17. Man, you really love N-Sider. No hotlinking allowed.
  18. That's always a plus!
  19. It has both the English and Japanese soundtracks, unlike the American version.
  20. Well, you haven't played any of the real Paper Mario games, so you don't know what you're talking about. Didn't they say it'll be out this holiday season? So even if they did announce a release date, the game would still be months away.
  21. "And my answer for ze question number deux: to fix ze problemz wiz ziz tax code, we only have to luk at paragraph cinq, sectionne troise, where ze intricaciez of ze taxes iz explained..." "Hoochie mama!" "Excuse moi? Did you say something?" "No, carry on."
  22. Happy birthday, Sam. I hope you're spending the day with your girlfr- Erm... This is awkward.
  23. Well, they did do a fantastic job with the dub...
  24. Yeah, that narrows it down.
  25. I guess the lesson here is to actually support niche titles when they're released. :p Not that that made a difference with Valkyria Chronicles. Thanks for nothing, Sega.
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