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Everything posted by jayseven
I believe I've been zombified. Vote: mr-paul. I'd like to hear what you've been up to, and I'd like to know what you were planning to do last night.
I disagree with the sentiment you offer. It is certainly true that if you take today's games and hold them to yesterday's then you'll find positives, and also in each generation you have well- and poorly-designed games. However, I do agree that posts are largely formed from the opinion of the poster, and I feel that this heavily taints the post itself, as we are about to find is the case with your post as well. (i.e. that you are often also illogical) This all boils down to how one quantifies the 'best looking game'. I need you to realise that you are biased. Yes, the best looking games aren't always the most realistic or have the highest polygon counts (seriously, do people still count polygons?). Yes, sometimes a creativ dev can utilise less powerful hardware. BUT the point stands; couldn't that game have looked better on a higher-spec console? The argument isn't that good games ONLY exist on other consoles. 2011 Gamespot winner (and IGN's) was Uncharted 3. How does that fare when you're talking about polygons and generic games? Did you check those sources? - a nintendo magazine rated it well - it was only nominated for some awards. Other games won - best wii game is not accounting for other consoles, either! - 95 out of 100 isn't BAD but it does kind of suggest that there are 94 better games out there, which suggests that your list of "best games this generation" is going to pale in comparison to other consoles What I'm saying here is simple; I agree that graphics do not have to be uber-realistic. I am not saying KEY is rubbish. I am not saying that developers are incapable of taking advantage of whatever hardware they have in front of them. I am stating a fact, not an opinion; the wii is not as good as the other consoles at producing graphics. That is the argument. KEY could've been made with the 'constraints' of the other consoles, while Uncharted 3 could not have been made. It would've had to 'suffer' a hit to the graphics department. This does not mean it would be a WORSE game. I just need to understand that you are actually capable of recognising facts such as this. I do not doubt this. But you have to recognise thatobjectively it is entirely fair to say that the graphics for the wii are worse than the other consoles. When I say that you spin what is said I mean that you decline to recognise the facets of truth in what was said and instead decide to zoom in on the other elements that are more to your liking. It is your added tones to situations, like stating he "gleefully" did this, which further my point that you aim to project your opinion as fact. We agree that graphics are not the be-all and end-all. OP's statement is still relevant because I believe it is fair enough to say that the wii's graphics are worse than the other consoles. I do not ask that you put a disclaimer, I just ask that you recognise that the power of using particular words conveys information in a particular way. I also ask you to recognise that whilst you so vehemantly demand that your opinion status be seen, you similarly are as quick to ignore the opinion element of others. If you understand that OP's comment was just, like, his opinion, man, then why did you have to react so sincerely - why did you have to make such an effort to prove him wrong? In regards to him missing out on great gameplay - I'm arguing that anyone who just owns one console is going to miss out on great gameplay everywhere. I'm sure we can agree on that. Nintendo has been the most commercially successful console of this generation, but you have to realise that this is largely born from expanding their userbase into areas which previously were not interested. While this benefits Nintendo, this has not directly benefitted the gamer. Sure, more Nintendo-money means that there's more chance of seeing a great new Nintendo game that does appeal to the core gamer, but it cannot be ignored that the wii is to blame for the shift, for the watering down of this generation. I agree that other consoles are imitating - I also stress that people who own other consoles think it is a negative thing. While Nintendo has successfully expanded their userbase (how would you describe this new userbase? What demographics are now included?), they have also lost much of their core, who have moved to other consoles. I motion that just as graphics aren't definitions of great games, that money making is also not the sole marker of great consoles. I have missed out on just as many wii games as the OP, and I've simply not seen enough justification for buying a wii in order to experience them. I can enjoy an array of experiences and games without investing in a wii -- and I'd gladly argue (perhaps elsewhere?) that other consoles have a larger choice of good games. I have issue with how you form your argument, because you lie by omission and because your zealotic nature means you come across as fairly blinkered. I also think you are incredibly defensive of the Wii. You have spun facts. By adding "gleefully" and other modifiers to how you describe factual things, you alter them to become opinions. By shading every element of truth with a fragment of opinion you serve up watered down, soupy arguments. I agree that you can be clear and concise, but I think that arguing requires the ability to use your eyes and ears as well as your mouth and hands to communicate. @dazzybee and @markderoos thank you for your comments One of my mantras is an argument is not the same as a fight.
Zeta was quite claustrophobic to play through, but novel in the whole premise. I feel I'm missing a trick or three with the chinese guy... Buy anyway - it wasn't a difficult set of missions, just a bit bland once you recognise that the benches full of alien tech is just like home... so the scavenging element of the game is out the window. But it's just so easy to level up on the mothership. There's a bit where you can keep summoning what seems to be an endless supply of deathclaws and raiders for xp! Aliens gave me 65xp and only took a quick headshot to kill (mostly). There's not enough negative to deter me from playing it again. But yes; there's a 73% chance I have a screw loose - this goes up to 78% if you ask me again (in VATS).
Clear demolition of untrue rubbish is, in itself, an opinionated statement that makes no sense, nor bears any relevence to reality. The Wii having 'terrible graphics' is not a ludicrous statement masquerading as truth. It is an opinion, catwalking as opinion. This is what I mean when I said that you needed to look at the OP's comment "creatively". Yet you shun someone else saying that those elements are important. That's what I was pulling you up on. I still think it's fair to say that "the best graphics" tends to equate to highest poly count/most realistic. When we are talking about games with art/style we don't insult it by just saying 'best graphics ever!' do we? We stress the way it's so great; colourful, dream-like, charming, etc. Even by your own opinion, the 'best' looking games could've looked 'better' on a higher-powered console. That's all the argument is, so why fight it? P.S. What awards did KEY win? What games won it in previous years? Just wondering. Would it be fair to say that a game's graphics =/= a game's greatness? Then why so fierce to state that the wii has the best-looking games of a generation? We both understand that this is still just your opinion (which you have already agreed is not something that equates to fact or truth, therefore you are aware that just because you prefer the wii games it doesn't mean they're BETTER)? Don't care. Well spotted! yes, that was what I did. I took your 'logic' and made it ill. Just as you did to Our Precious OP. ... So? No matter how you belittle my belittling, my point still stands. Are you seriously saying that different DOES mean better? Are you also saying that money making = the best? Because these are statements that should go on record. Maybe if the original poster had looked for the depth in those Wii games rather than judging them beforehand off a spec sheet he wouldn't have missed out on so many amazing gaming experiences. I get the impression there's some running knowledge about certain posters on this board that I am not familiar with, but the post we're referring to didn't attempt to spin facts like you did, and stuck firmly in the first person - they were explicit in demonstrating their personal opinion. I appreciate that you wanted to prove them wrong, but I don't agree that you do it the best way possible. (it's 12 midnight for me - so I hope my post makes sense. I feel we're stretching the fight out across several fronts, but I'd be interested in debating with you again. in the vein hope that I could get you to admit something)
I agree! They must've included those perks solely for the achievements. I got to 29 then used the Here and Now perk to jump to 30 to do it. Congrats on the multiple playthroughs. How long did it take you?
Zechs you seem to strive in taking apart someone's argument simply by taking it at face value rather than actually understanding what was being said. You also like to portray your opinion as fact. By saying "also" you agree that polygons, shaders, textures and teh complexity of teh models and game world are contributing factors that are important when considering the quality of graphics. Your suggestion that art style and direction are more important is fair enough, but it does overlook the fact that polygons, shaders, textures, and the complexity of the models and game world are things that would fall under the umbrella of direction/style. By suggesting that style/direction are of the utmost importance you are indeed recognising that these other factors are very important as well. Yet you are kind enough to acknowledge -- and indeed reword the actual point that was made; the other consoles have - and I quote you - more "powerful hardware". By definition, more powerful hardware would offer a grander scope to the art direction or style of any game in development. Would you disagree? By your supreme logic, the best console is the one which appeals to the broadest, newest market. I therefore propose that we ONLY make games in chinese from now on, because by default these will be the best games ever made, due to 'appealing' to the greatest proportion of people in existence. The case could even more easily be made to argue that buying a Wii U to play games that are already available elsewhere, but with a better controller, is not much of a bargain either. I understand that you feel that you have chosen to be a nintendo-only gamer, and that's fine. But an experience being 'different' is not necessarily better. A different experience can be novel, humorous and temporarily quaint. If I choose to drink a coffee from a thimble rather than a cup then it will be a different experience. Sure, it won't be as high-caffeination or as easy to hold, but it's a different experience, therefore totally worth paying £5 for the thimble alone. if you're not creative enough to read between the words and understand what another's opinion is expressing, then you're hardly going to understand the deeper points of my post.
55 hours later and that's level 30 done! Did what I should've done all along and abused the save system to get the neutral/good achievements as well as evil. Now I've started a neutral save file - level 5 currently after about 3 hours play. I'm going to try to head to the MZ DLC asap as that's fantastic for levelling up, plus I need to get ALL the audio files (I missed 5). I get the feeling that staying neutral is going to be a bit of a bitch. Oh yeah - and I'm now playing on Hard to get more EXP. I can't believe I finished the game on Very Easy the first time!
Dazz; why do you even try to excuse it?
And even if it's a 'safe' lynch and all lynchers are town, then it's still a good idea for eevil to use his pendant in order to get a good idea of who to trust. Though, personally, I'd use that power on the largest voting event in the game, to get the most info from it.
I have no idea what WIFOM means.
People who fall over without contact = 100% bad. People who fall over at the slightest touch = 99% bad. Sure, a distinction needs to be made for teh idiot who dives without any evidence, but it is still imperative to highlight the twattish nature of the individual who decides that falling over because of a feather stroke is ok. Diving in ANY form is stifling to the game. if a player chooses to fall over rather than continue running, then I have to mentally note their twattish nature. I really do hope that, once camera referees are in place, players are punished for illegitimate claims for penalties. Falling over at the slightest touch is just as bad because it's taking advantage of the rules.
I'm willing to trust Animal's 110%. Vote: Dannyboy.
Plus if you're looking for a serious relationship, how do you drop the fact that you've basically got a friend with benefits? Do you stop seeing this other girl, or do you then start trying to get a string of open relationships going? :P I think there's an acceptible amount of 'seeing others' while dating early on. I think it's perhaps unnecessary to label what things are before they've even started. Surely you only think about 'down the line' when you've actually left the station? You're not in a relationship with her yet. Personally I'm quite the beta male, so I'd hate it.
I watched Contagion last night, having paid no attention whatsoever to the movie pre-release. I was regularly pointing and exclaiming "oooh it's [so and so]!!" Half-way through teh movie we had to pause for a birthday-cake-cutting to happen. Some (idiot) said
I spent today preparing the food for a 15 year old girl's birthday party. I bought a bunch of stuff but took the time to make a few things with puff pastry. I was impressed with myself because I made a practice version of everything to ensure I'd not screw it up, and I finished cleaning up literally as they walked in the door so it all appeared seamless. The best thing about my life right now is the free time to cook new things. I have nobody teaching me so I'm certain I'm doing things wrong, but the end results are tasty so that's all that matters.
I think I'm supposed to be stoned to watch this..?
Check out how many likes vs. dislikes on youtube.
Reasonably chuffed. My new kid got a goal and an assist, a skill rating of 6 (rather than 4)... and an injury :/ I put out a team that was 95% development 5% win though so dev-side is good!
I appreciate your reply. Yes, Nintendo is catching up at long last - but it is still important to stress that other consoles have had much of this stuff for years. It is odd to see people waving these things as if they're amazing elements in gaming when they've been happy to ignore their existence elsewhere for 6 years. If these features were not enough to make a Nintendo fan try a different console 5 years ago then why should their existence on a Wii U be enough to win someone like me back? These features are pretty much the standard; the minimum requirements any console from here on out should have. TVii looks interesting but again largely due to its novelty aspect - and it's got nothing at all to do with gaming either, so I can't legitimately get excited about it, let alone justify spending a large sum of money. But a new generation of nintendo consoles at least brings back that hope that maybe the games will be too good to miss.
As someone who actually lost faith in Nintendo, I think I can safely say that the Wii U news has not restored any faith. As I stated here, the Wii U offers a new look on how to game, but aims to take the experience into a direction that I've never been comfortable with. It doesn't seem like, what, 8th generation gaming? It seems more like 7.5. From an outsider's point of view it's especially sad to not see better first-party support. I don't see how Nintendo's focus on TVii in any way makes up for a lack of premium 1st party launch support. NSMB is not the sort of Nintendo game that I used to love. I do not agree that Mario party 9 is what the company should've been focusing on when it was 25 years of Metroid recently (was there anything to mark the occasion, in the end?). Nintendo struggled with the 64 and the GC because of how the playstation introduced gaming to a new generation of gamers. Nintendo learnt from that and expanded the market hugely, but in oder to reclaim a prominent spot as THE gaming manufacturer they kind of had to water down their content and make a lot of compromises that seem kind of... lame to an outsider such as myself. I hope this makes sense.
Have you just been filling a piece of paper with words like "robust" and "fortified" again, jimbob?
The core of the matter is that I peel a bit of an out-cider. I see no good raisin nut to apple the plug.
My cousin has to be the one to load the conveyor belt with groceries, and he has to be the one to bag them (when the attendant isn't doing the bagging), claiming that everyone else does it wrong. I laughed, until we got home and we were all unpacking and I realised I was thinking that everyone else is doing it wrong; I was going to have to rearrange it all when they left.
@Supergrunch I went for a toad in the hole instead of a wellington last night simply because the pork wellington recipes I found suggested that I should season the pork and leave it overnight/several hours, which I didn't have. I also don't ever cook with decent cuts of meat so I pretty much need to go and talk to the butcher and make sure I do that right -- planning to do it next week. The old boy I cook for every week said that he likes salmon rissoles, so that'll be done next week too. I also made gravy for the first time - bit too much butter used, and a bit too much red wine vinegar (in place of balsamic... no idea if THAT was the mistake), for it was very sharp, but it was complimented by all. I also forgot to take a picture because I was rushing around so much. Today I get to make home-made sausage rolls and cheese twists and maybesomethingelse for a birthday party's finger food. I sometimes have to punch a hole in the wall to regain the lost masculinity. That's another topic.