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Everything posted by jayseven

  1. Thank you dannyboy that's much appreciated
  2. No worries - glad it's been of some sort of benefit
  3. I don't think it was emphasised enough, but you need to provide the link to the thread you're nominating, too!
  4. It's october now... but if people still want to play then I am willing to extend, otherwise we can wrap it up?
  5. jayseven


    Profile page; n-europe.com benelliusa.com thinkcomputers.org bgobsession.com scifi-meshes.com coloring-book.info aaand 3 other pages worth of boards. Most they've ever posted was 2 (that I saw). Not a single url left anywhere! How odd. EDIT: WHAT IF THAT WAS THE PLAN! WHAT IF I JUST LEFT THE URLS FOR THEM *mindblown*
  6. Bingo I'd do a pun with your surname but I realised I don't know how to pronounce it.
  7. Happy birthday Mr Odwin! You beardless blue wizard, you.
  8. Yeah seeing someone is fairly common. People have been known to report feeling pressure, like someone's pushing them down, too. Personally I was well aware of what it was I was experiencing due to my dad telling me about when it's happened to him, so it wasn't too scary and I was able to rationalise. FYI drinking a lot of alcohol is a known contributor, mr. Drunken Thread. [/black pot]
  9. This one confuses me too much. Initially I thought it was meant to be a camera that wasn't being held by anyone, but @Shorty does nemi's picture meet the technical requirements? P.S. Deadline smedline.
  10. Great effort went into this game - mad skills, peeps Gutted my lynchbomb wasn't real - though i guess it fits into my character. If the bomb had gone off, it sounds like town still couldn't've won >_<
  11. this blog and the subsequent comments provide an interesting attempt to explain why some of these third-world borrowers are expected to pay an average of 50% interest on these loans - or, rather, why that's ok/not ok.
  12. Your vote won't be counted for another 4 seasons!
  13. Vote: Nobody let's get this rolling!
  14. I'm lucky in that part of my routine requires waking up before 7am - the past week I've not had to, so I've woken up as 'late' as 11am. Doesn't compare to your 5pm (or my previous waking times) but it's a noticably sloppy thing that is fairly insubstatial in itself, but still enough to make me feel shitty about myself. Don't fuck it up, dude. You've got a good opportunity. Don't fuck up other people's shit!
  15. The other 3 main ones came out on the GC. Capcom's 'dedication' to the GC was one of the reasons I got the console! never experienced any resi besides a 5-minute capped demo of Resi 2 for the PC, but played the f- out of REmake, CV, 2, Zero, 2 and 3 were released at poor pricepoints and would, in today's market, have instead been released as HD downloadable games - their sales were really affected by that as well as poor marketing in general. Capcom's "big 4" games -- viewtiful joe, PN05, Killer 7 and thatwesterngamethatneverhappened Deadlysomethingorother. Alongside RE4 they were supposed to be 'exclusives' but that was later amended to temporarily exclusive. ... Sorry. The GC was the last time I was massively into the news behind it all. RE4 was a great change in direction but dropping the survival element means that, to me, it really is just the start of a new generation of games. RE5 shoehorned co-op and RE6... It's so far removed from the original brand. It is what Assassin's Creed is to Prince of Persia, only it wasn't good enough/different enough to get its own branding, and as a consequence I think that what we have is a genre-defining game struggling to be hip and trendy rather than setting the standards. [insert paragraph about b-movies here]
  16. Woooooo! Go jonnas!
  17. The pic seems so familiar but my google skills aren't good enough -- it does look like Jonnas needs to update the references section on the wiki article though!
  18. It's hard to really comprehend just how much a change of environment can stress your brain the fuck out. So long as you're both being productive and recognising that you are self-improving then you'll appreciate that you're stagger-stepping up the mountain, plateau after plateau. I've personally realised that I really, really need structure in my day because otherwise the default structure is a slow boat to nowhere; I get up tired, I go to bed late, I eat too much, drink too much, escape too much and minimise social interactions too much. If I'm free to do the fuck I want then I do whatthefuckIwant, not whatthefuckIneed. I need to get some mates and get drunk and get shit off my chest!
  19. Forgottosetmytactics but that's not enough of an excuse - congrats bob! *cries quietly in the corner*
  20. (I lol at the requirement for aesthetics, and shake my head at "lack of content") My cakeday today! Hit the front page while I was sleeping with a repost gif. Lots of angry people. But lots of karma! I say lots... Total is over 1,000 anyway. This and XBL achievements = my life is entirely about digital made-up points. It's a shame I'm not better at the Name That Game 2012...
  21. RE: Suicide; I think how you respond to the question can tell the examiner plenty. @Debug Mode ... I relate to a lot that you say. I've read a bit about schizophrenia and I think that it ticks more boxes, but then again i pretty much mentally block anything and everything to do with labelling, as I have enough reasons to be a failure as it is and I don't need more titles to add to the guilt-enducing pile. Mostly I just ignore/escape rather than comprehend with these things. When I read that you've taken the big step to Jpn I felt pretty shrunken. How've you coped with that change?
  22. Don't give up hope yet! I have a lynchbomb :P
  23. Carlsberg are doing cider?! madness. What does it cost to do homebrew cider in the uk? Is it ACTUALLY cheaper than buying cheap/strong cider? Points updated!
  24. I know where I've seen 3. before! (I don't actually know the answer).
  25. Bearst mate in the world. I targeted heroijan - this time he was supposed to target me (my power is randomised from a preset), but my PM said that he was 'reluctant' to target me with the bear around -- presuming the bear protected me? No kill in the write up and with heroijan essentially roleblocked, it maketh sense; Vote: heroijan
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