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Everything posted by jayseven

  1. Wallace, stringer bell, avon barksdale as three mafia dudes then. Who else? Wee-bey could be a good shout. Poot and bodie with wallace. I'd hardly imagine D'Angelo was a maff. Omar would be the most likely neutral, but even he favoured helping the police because he despised barksdale and his crew. @DuD - marc is not part of the barksdale crew. That should be good enough for you to know he's not mafia so no need to chase him. Focus on others that we know much less about. @Marcamillian who do you think we need to know more about?
  2. Mike Myers + William Shatner mask = great link for that 3 degrees of seperation game (... or however many degrees it is. Is it celcius or fahrenheit? Does it make a difference?)
  3. So two double-voters. We need character claims from both. Now.
  4. K so got Dud Worked out and @Marcamillian lol - it's all I remember about him. Bubbles saying "you're green.." in their opening scene. I'd lay a vote on Jimbob but to be fair it's currently his working hours.
  5. So I've been cooking for (at least) 4 people for pretty much every day of 2012. It's become a hobby by now, and I've tried my hand at a lot of things. I'm still an incredible noob and there's loads of basic things I don't really know. Self-taught (as most of our generation are, I guess?)
  6. @Cube I can translate marcammillian's posts "He's not very smart. Either going to be Prez or Hurk - both cops" "ReZ is not Hurk or Prez, but he's also not one of the Barksdale drug dealer crew. He's a drug user. He's no threat. But if you want to watch your back... money's gree, don't forget that" Just realised this is probably saying that Rez's character is - lol - referred to as 'Green' in teh show. Green is a drug fiend, hangs with Bubbles - the pair of them have a hare-brained scheme to use photocopies of money when buying drugs. The drug money at the end of the day is counted, and D'angelo's crew come up short thanks to the fake money. D'angelo is pissed, but doesn't lash out at his subordinates (D'angelo later flips and becomes an informant). Later, Green is spotted, and put in hospital. Bubbles feels a huge tonne of grief. tl:dr; ReZ is most likely good. "There's thinks I know and things I suspect. You know [the wire] you know who he is. He could be lying but... well I'm paying attention." If ReZ is green, then that's a great match-up. Makes me suspect that the typically suspicious players will make good barksdales/stringer bells... Someone help me out here - does a cop in the show do drugs? I keep thinking of Lt. Daniels - but for two reasons that's not tales - Daniels is dead, and I'm thinking about the actor's role in the TV show Oz.
  7. @Cube it's something I noticed - this is a one-question referendum in 2 years time. There's no mention of the timescale of what would happen if yes was the vast majority - potentially couldn't there even be a 2nd referendum if the majority isn't seen to be high enough? In any case, working all the economic/budget stuff out would probably take a couple of years, then there'd need to be a transition phase... so nothing will happen 'til 2020 - when Sean Connery will be 90, and finally set foot again on his home soil.
  8. Congrats! I have to admit I do have mixed feelings, considering your scottish uni education has, so far, been a darn sight cheaper than mine :P But seriously - congrats! Everyone deserves to pursue what they're interested in.
  9. Currently on page 9 on my settings. which posts fall into the remit of those pages with no outright lies? Could be useful. I was jailkept lastnight. I did nothing night 2, @The Peeps. So how many people are, so far, on target for their secondary win requirement?
  10. Users have (I think) 10 thanks that are 'refilled' after 24 hours. I may be off withe numbers but the concept is correct. Have you been thanking a lot recently?
  11. (I think ReZ was making a bad pun on field)
  12. Looks like I need to check out Le Havre and Puerto Rico!
  13. My work here is done.
  14. That's how it feels, Magnus!
  15. 2. monkey island 4. borderlands 3. psychonauts 5. Lemmings paintball 1. advance wars
  16. Happy birthday to you both
  17. @Coolness Bears I'm jayseven on chess.com - playyy meee!
  18. Dude they have to earn that title.
  19. I once had a really bad service at Subway. I've always made a point to be quick and exact with what I want in order to help the staff get through my order, except on this one occasion I was treated to constant eye-rolls, laughter, under-filling, over-charging... because they thought I was another brighton high-street drunkard. In actual fact I was coming home after a 12 hour shift at the football stadium (when I worked in food retail). I told them on the spot that it was the worst subway service I'd ever had and they just said that they didn't care. I sent an email to subway.co.uk or wherever and they told me they'd pass the matter on to the nearest people. A week later I get a message from the Bristol people, saying they're sorry and - hey - here's a £5 voucher. Cool. Except it wasn't bristol. I message them, and they retract the voucher and tell me to re-complain. So I do. Eventually (after several emails) they send me a letter in the post that says "take this sheet in to the subway that you have complained about and we will give you a free 6-inch sub. Please note that we are re-training the staff that worked on the shift you complained about and also ensuring that all staff at that branch are trained." So basically they wanted me to claim my compensation via telling the people I'm complaining about that I've complained about them. I wrote back and said this was a ridiculous thing, and vowed to never eat at any subway again. Since then, I have only once (bateman's bay, NSW, AUS_ but I do intend to keep that promise.
  20. They believe in you, so surely they want to offer you more hours - perhaps it's a case of finding the hours to free up. If you can't have more hours unless someone else quits, is that ok with you? Would you be willing to move stores/live elsewhere for more hours? If you keep getting recognition from your superiors then eventually surely you can join them :P
  21. I agree - chess in the flesh is a different game altogether - I do tend to win more games on the board than on teh line. Still, consider joining chess.com. It is an incredible resource for fans of the game, and there are many different ways to play the game -- 3 days per move up to 5 secs per move. And, I am taking you up on that. I'm back in the uk around xmas, and I'll be in bournemouth at some point, as yet decided. I'd be happy to show you how to use a chess board :P
  22. Like chess? Tell me you have a chess.com account so I can show you my moves?
  23. Ecstasy (E's).
  24. Split-screen gaming is, to me, a 2-player thing, partly due to how much of teh screen you sacrifice. But games tend to exert time-related pressure on you, and require most of your non-trivial attention and thus the co-op sesh is about the game. Board games allow much more freedom in focus; split-screen with beers is fine but throwing food into the mix is difficult! Trying to chat shit, catch up with mates, it's not as easy with your eyes glued to teh screen.
  25. I know a guy who knows some guys can get your "basketball shoes" shipment delivered anytime, anywhere, on the down low.
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