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Everything posted by jayseven

  1. Ecstasy (E's).
  2. Split-screen gaming is, to me, a 2-player thing, partly due to how much of teh screen you sacrifice. But games tend to exert time-related pressure on you, and require most of your non-trivial attention and thus the co-op sesh is about the game. Board games allow much more freedom in focus; split-screen with beers is fine but throwing food into the mix is difficult! Trying to chat shit, catch up with mates, it's not as easy with your eyes glued to teh screen.
  3. I know a guy who knows some guys can get your "basketball shoes" shipment delivered anytime, anywhere, on the down low.
  4. Great to read you've got a job you enjoy that you're good at, Animal. Job satisfaction seems to be a rarity! Well done
  5. I'd love to see a round like that. Even though I have no idea who those people are.
  6. It would make plenty of sense for the double vote to be with Barksdale or Stringer Bell, ringleader and right-hand man. I don't really see why Lester Freeman would have a double vote as his character never had any strength in ordering anyone around. @Jonnas the only leverage I can think of was my refusal to answer a question...
  7. @Jonnas So the justification you are using is the answer I gave when asked a question..? If mr-paul never answers the question then how do you know if I am justified in asking it or not? The sad thing is that if this continues to go downhill, I will be proved right - it is better to not say anything at all. I did point this out twice (and mentioned jimbob a handful).
  8. To ensure we do actually make sure all avenues are considered; Two double voters: Jonnas, Supergrunch, Diageo, Zell, Jimbob One double voter: Jonnas, [/strike]Cube, Diageo It may be pertinent for Jimbob to lay a vote on someone who has no votes to see if it is he who is the other double voter, or if it's one of the deceased. Just to clarify; I was told that witholding my targets and my power would be an un-town thing, and in this instance where mr-paul has been asked to reveal his targets and power (something known about me) he refuses. I am refusing to give my full character information away because I think it is entirely fair and just if I want to hold back some information. Just as mr-paul feels he is justified in holding back his information.
  9. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-19912623 Yeah... it sucks Guy beats three types of cancer (according to Dodgeball, but I've never really looked it up) then wins the TdF 7 times. Living legend. I didn't want it to be real. But another part of me just thinks "... but if they're all using the drugs then surely he's still the best?"
  10. @Sheikah - again miscommunication on my part; I was agreeing with you, too :P To rephrase; "In the last game, I thought you were annoyingly misquoting me! After the game I realised you were mafia and that was your purpose. So in this game I am conscious of this behaviour, and I see it in mr-paul's last couple of posts."
  11. Look, you're doing a decent enough job at omitting things I've said and twisting my words that I don't really need to pander to your rhetoric, especially... ... if you're going to have double standards. Of course I don't want us to waste the entire day on me so I will bring other options to the table. I'm a little surprised at the speed to which my suggestion to consider alternatives has been so rapidly shot down by yourself and Nintendohnut. Just as you say that my actions make me shady I too can formulate; you added a non-counted last-minute vote on Zell, and as Nintendohnut suggests we should be aware that mafia would jump on the lynch train for cover. I can suggest easily that you are on that train. You also refuse to reveal any information, which I can easily mark as Classic Mafia Tactic. So please, don't forget Classic Townie Tactics either. One thing I learnt from you winding me up in the previous game is that the people who choose to twist my words the most are the most shady. I also had your thought. One kill a night would mean they'd not be able to get everyone at once, and I can guess that grunch, for his smarts, and rummy because without him the phone numbers would probably never have made sense (re: jump-the-5 code). I tend to survive longer in games because, as so exquisitly demonstrated in the previous pages, I tend to cause my own havoc. Presumably Marc has been too quiet for the maff's taste. Similarly, it could be logical to assume that folks with wire knowledge are split fairly between town and mafia, as best to avoid that one particular element shifting the balance.
  12. @mr\-paul Are you denying that it is beneficial to know the source material for a mafia? Who have you targetted so far, and what's your ability, again?
  13. ... I'm pretty good at being me, aren't I?
  14. Your wording makes it seem you were displeased to have not spent money.
  15. I will apologise if my last post seems like I was lecturing you about the other avenues; I actually added the first line on after I'd refreshed this page and it wasn't meant to come across as if I was being even more defensive, rather it was meant to be an "ok, I'll pull my finger out and give something back to the discussion." My playstyle (lurkish, inept, forgetful, defensive) aside, trusting me aside, I think it is valid for someone to say "I don't want to say something, and I don't want to say why I don't want to say something." It seems a lark, but just as you don't know who to trust, I don't know who is listening, or what information would be useful to them and not town. The plus side is that as the days and nights roll on, these walls of text and butting of heads will provide larger haystacks with more needles in. @heroicjanitor was viewing the thread earlier (I appreciate it is UK night now); @Jimbob for reasons above; I think @Marcamillian's alright; @Nintendohnut hasn't exactly been quiet, unlike @ReZourceman and, to a lesser extent @Tales have been quiet. It is likely that this short list of non-zell-lynchers contains a mafioso or two. Likely.
  16. Consider other avenues. Please note that I have been trying to educate people about the vital circuitry of the show i.e. explanations of teh beeper/character descripts. Other points to cosndier; no lynch (11): The Peeps, uəʌəsʎɐɾ, Jonnas, Sheikah, Supergrunch, Diageo, Rummy, Zell, Jimbob Zell (9): The Peeps, Jonnas, Sheikah, Cube, DuD, Diageo, uəʌəsʎɐɾ, Jon Dedede Rummy (1): The Peeps Marc (1): Rummy No Lynch (5): mr-paul, DuD, Jon Dedede, Sheika, ReZourceman I am not a double-voter (that I know of! To test: Vote:Nobody) Two double voters: Jonnas, Supergrunch, Diageo, Zell, Jimbob One double voter: Jonnas, Cube, Diageo Alternatively, if there's a triple-voter then it would mean that Cube HAS to have a double vote, however surely it's unlikely that there'd be two such voters in one game. Much more likely that jonnas or diageo have one double, with the other belonging to grunch/zell/jimbob. Jimbob being the only one alive means we only have him to ask about it. 504 South Broadway is a stripjoint. In the TV show this is a front for the Barksdale crew. It is significant because there's a stripper that works there that essentially helps out the wire case (and gives Lester a thing or two). Also, it would be smarter to look at who didn't vote for Zell Zell (9): The Peeps, Jonnas, Sheikah, Cube, DuD, Diageo, uəʌəsʎɐɾ, Jon Dedede [mr-paul, who voted after majority] Did not vote: heroicjanitor Jimbob Marcamillian Nintendohnut ReZourceman Tales (of course, one may trust these to varying degrees, and one may doubt the last few voters as they could be potential mafias in sheep-skin) (it's taken me over an hour to do this. Inept.) That Jimbob is a potential double-voter and that he didn't vote for dell would mean there's another line of inquiry we should pursue. @Jimbob!
  17. Alcohol and secondary role condition that I need to target 3 townies* If you haven't seen the show then you are going to miss out on subtleties and nuances. You have to appreciate that. Asking me a question such as "would revealing your character be a negative thing?" inherantly neglects the non-binary nature of what is good and what is bad in the show, and thus what this mafia game itself will do with such perceptions of morality. Marcamillan has watched the show, and I think he is expressing the wiser opinion here.
  18. Indeed that's fair enough - but it's silly to ignore these meta-things entirely when trying to decide whether you want to 'believe' me or not. @The Peeps I don't know. Are we not getting any other information/leads to follow?
  19. My character is unconnected and uninvolved in Barksdale and his crew. I'm not revealing any more because, ultimately, I am town and knowing more about me will not give you any more info about mafia.
  20. I need to use my power on 3 townies in order to win. I was not thinking clearly and could only recall that Peeps was a town when I cast my die. There is another angle to this. If town suspects me of being mafia, then the mafia are more likely to keep me alive for longer for the 'confusion' I leave. While some may see this as me 'wasting' town's abilities in trying to clear me, it still means I stay alive longer - which means I'm more likely to piecemeal together my own thoughts. Jonnas pointed out that I have excellent down points in my mafia games. As cube hinted before, I am also capable of game-breaking moments, too. I am sensitive to the interrogation process way more than I am to figuring out, on the fly, who is good and who is bad. I work better when there are several days worth of thread to sift through and find patterns. Combined with my default inability to be succinct, we're all destined for the same excruciating circus.
  21. Jeez Sheikah. You need to start being your own devil's advocate here. There are obvious answers to your questions that you can work out yourself.
  22. My first guess was Omar but you said that he was no threat and a fiend. There's only a handful of fiends int he first season - Bubbles and his white/green-ass... [rez is a green guy, maybe that makes sense?] I can't recall other fiends... @Shiekah; I reached my target night 1 and 3. I forgot to send a target night 2. I also targetted teh same person on nights 1 and 3 - my logic being because I was drunk, Ok?! I get what you're saying, and I appreciate Nintendohnut attempting to act as middlegroundman.
  23. Two questions to people; Wilfred and Burn Notice. I've been told that Wilfred is an Australian show that has been remade in teh US. Anyone have any experience with either/both? Also I've been told that Burn Notice is good, but I have no idea why it should be, so I'm hoping someone here can argue the case.
  24. Because I have a fairly "respected" repertoir of being a fucking idiot when I open my mouth. Case in point: as soon as I hit "post reply" I realised that my phrase "not-so-neutral" would, obviously, come across as relating to mafia alignment rather than the intended "if you're trying to be a pundit and question everyone equally, you're doing a very hostile job" dig at your approach to mafia games. So I sit back, learn a thing or two, and only contribute when it's necessary, because adding to a shitpile of confusion would only help the mafia, right? When I have something productive to offer, I will. I have nothing productive to offer. I also do not disagree with how other people have been debating, thus I have not stepped in to steer. Shh.
  25. Honestly, it's more like Dino Crisis meets Resident Evil. I do agree, it's a stupid-but-fun idea but it would've just trashed JP's rep. The other side of the coin; how far can JP even go? I've seen the trilogy but, frankly, I was young and I don't really recall what happened in teh 2nd and 3rd movie. Were they both just people revisiting the island and going "ohp, yep, it's still fucked?"
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