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Everything posted by jayseven

  1. Before you say it's awful, bear one thing in mind; If the world game prices were to change, then the cheapest place to buy games would go up in price. I'm currently living in australia, where new games come out at about $120 - which is about £72. This is a normal price. This reflects the fact that Australians have a higher disposable income compared to other territories. minimum wage is practically double that of the UK. Right. Right? Why would companies suddenly change the market overnight? If it's reasonable to charge half the price for the same game in the other half of the world..... I mean c'mon! It's silly as hell but there's a logic; because it's always been this way.
  2. TO BE FAIR I've gotten FATTY FATTY recently. I cook DECENT food, but I just don't do much exercise. Once a week I walk 13km. I've started drinking more and more often. I have plenty of excuses to not exercise more, though, but these excuses quickly turn into legitimate reasons to just give the fuck up on pretty life and give in to the life of being a blind troll. AAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
  3. @markderoos this is the sort of thread that needs both contextualisation and nomination. i.e. I have no frickin' clue wtf this thread is about, nor why it should be a 'classic' - please tell me more
  4. Ah well forgive me, for 'tomorrow night' is a wednesday night.
  5. @MoogleViper in that case you won't mind doing the same run again tomorrow, will you?
  6. Those threads you mention are all definitely going in ith the mafia games it'd be great to get a handful of the seminal games to go in - I agree gentleman's mafia was a landmark moment - similarly (if it can be tracked down) I'd like to suggest that Chairdriver's first game makes the cut, seeing as it is down to him that we've had members even joining the forum just to play these games.
  7. @bob NO. WRONG ANSWER. What Aronofsky film(s) have you seen?
  8. I'm sure some of you will remember this archiving N-E thread from nearly a year ago. With the hard work and unasked efforts of @Shorty and @Ashley, having to 'downsize' the forum has ceased to be an issue. However, the idea of having a read-only board of great moments of N-E's past is still something that's going ahead. Much like last year's thread, the idea is for you to ensure we do not overlook any great threads. The threads suggested in the previous thread will be considered nominated automatically. Here are some guidelines; The HoF will be read-only, so nominating ongoing threads will not be a sensible suggestion Think of anything epic, monumental, pivotal, memorable or indeed strongly significant in N-E's timeline, both as a site and as a community Great moments reflecting Nintendo's history over this time will be great to hear, as well Feel free to link to individual posts, however it is the thread as a whole that will be considered, not just the merits of one sole post These are still nominations, and a thread is not guarenteed HoF just because it appears in this thread Your reasons for nominating will help some borderline cases Once the HoF has been initiated, there will exist ongoing Nomination threads, stickied, so that further additions may be made. I would advise that people use the forum search, or go via your own user profile page's find all threads started by this user. Any questions or comments are welcome! You will find a thread similar to this in various boards, but you don't have to repeat yourself as they will all be checked. Cheers!
  9. I'm sure some of you will remember this archiving N-E thread from nearly a year ago. With the hard work and unasked efforts of @Shorty and @Ashley, having to 'downsize' the forum has ceased to be an issue. However, the idea of having a read-only board of great moments of N-E's past is still something that's going ahead. Much like last year's thread, the idea is for you to ensure we do not overlook any great threads. The threads suggested in the previous thread will be considered nominated automatically. Here are some guidelines; The HoF will be read-only, so nominating ongoing threads will not be a sensible suggestion Think of anything epic, monumental, pivotal, memorable or indeed strongly significant in N-E's timeline, both as a site and as a community Feel free to link to individual posts, however it is the thread as a whole that will be considered, not just the merits of one sole post These are still nominations, and a thread is not guarenteed HoF just because it appears in this thread Your reasons for nominating will help some borderline cases Suggestions from any board and any user are welcome Once the HoF has been initiated, there will exist ongoing Nomination threads, stickied, so that further additions may be made. I would advise that people use the forum search, or go via your own user profile page's find all threads started by this user. Any questions or comments are welcome! You will find a thread similar to this in various boards, but you don't have to repeat yourself as they will all be checked. Cheers!
  10. My cake day is up in like 3 days and I have no idea what to do for it. My post made it to #23 while I was awake. Shame it was a .self! Never had so man orangereds. @bob Cube's post is correct. It may appear to be trawling at first but it quickly becomes a rich and varied source of information and entertainment that you can flick between depending on what you're specifically interested in at the time. You don't think you need to refine your internet procrastination method any further, but that's because you don't have the opportunity to do so yet :P Check out the RES and hit /r/funny, open all pictures see!
  11. I had a dream where I had one of Magnus's screenshots open on my laptop while I was playing a game on my xbox - suddenly the screen is showing EXACTLY the same screenshot, only the word above the door reads "Screedoor" in the screenshot rather than "screendoor" in-game, so I figured it was the wrong game and didn't bother submitting it as a guess... True story.
  12. I can confirm I redirected Heroijan but I do not know who to. Considering jonnas/diageo/me/heroijan must contain exactly one mafioso, and considering the trustworthiness of Jonnas... Vote: Heroicjanitor I do agree though - we can't let Jimbob get away with a steal but evil is inherently worse than neutral.
  13. I was the same as you in regards to the layout - totally put me off at first. Then Shorty told me about RES -- Reddit Enhancement Suite. Two elements are super-cool about it; firstly, neverending reddit, so you don't have to click to see the next page it just loads automatically when you've scrolled far enough. Secondly, show all pictures tab at the top, giving you quick access to all the funny/pics/gifs you can handle. I'm coming up to my cakeday and I'm very much just a lurker with the occasional post, but it's just such a hipster-enabler for so much information it's untrue.
  14. I know some of y'all go there; either you've told me, you're the reason I know the site exists, or you post the shit you've stolen from there. I also shudder because some of you go to that "twodaylater" website. Also known as 9gag. Anyway - not going to ask you to reveal usernames or anything. Just wondering if any of you can recommend some subreddits - and also have any of you ever made a frontpage? I posted a picture to funny (OC!) and got like 350 link karma. I took a photo and said to someone "heh this is kinda cool." Two days later someone else took a picture of an onion with green shoots growing out of it and a face drawn on it, which made the front page of /r/mildlyinteresting. STEALTHEDIT: I have a thread currently #24 on one of the default reddits. I hereby claim FRONT PAAAAGE!
  15. (edited your post to have the pic too - it's on a different page for me)
  16. Supermarket had a bunch of plants for sale so on a whim I've brought home tomato, onion, pepper, strawberry and watermelon shoots. Only when I got home and read the 'instructions' did I realise how much hassle it's all going to be. No sign of the fertile soil we had in a bag so I've got to ask the neighbours to see if they have any... The instructions are all "space individual plants 30cm away from each other" and I don't have a vegetable patch or anything. I've pretty much resigned myself to having successfully killed another plant (so far deadified two basil plants and a shrub this year).
  17. No - you're right. I'm not even trying to help at this point. I need to learn to keep my fingers pried away from the keyboard if I've nothing productive to say.
  18. @Ville look at the post again and re-identify the actual questions.
  19. Thanks Chaz :P Plus the fact that I'd KILL to be serebii in the dating game means I get very pissed off at his "failure" to to assimilate with regular society.
  20. Yeah he pretty much quit n-e alltogether.
  21. (sorry for bump) I'm playing my video store has wire s01 as I've been needing a good excuse to re-watch it.
  22. The price of happiness, eh? If you accept that you could benefit from help, regardless of whether you can pay for it, then isn't that saying something? The best thing about this forum is that you have a wealth of genuine, objective, wholesome people who will gladly offer advice and further help with any matters. Please feel free to talk to us about your strife. You should NEVER feel that your problems are too small to be shared.
  23. I wrote out this massive reply, but then I remembered that you hate what I say. One thing; by saying "hi you do fun stuff I DON'T CARE TELL ME ABOUT COMPUTER GAMES you display approximately ZERO attractive qualities as well as ZERO recognition qualities. I'm pissed AND pissed off so I'm not replying well, but do you SERIOUSLY not see how your message is BAD?
  24. @dr4khon - it sounds like you've got a fuck-tonne of mad shit going on; a whole bunch of stresses which are all tearing at you for attention. I've never really thought about it, but what is the health system like in Germany? Do you get free consultations or does everthing cost money?
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