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Everything posted by jayseven

  1. A fiver?! Fuck, I miss the UK. It's still about £20 here - enough to pique interest but not enough to part with the dollars! Fuck. I think I'm going to be more of a games addict when I return, simply because games on the whole are half-price over in the UK, so why not? @Hero\-of\-Time let us know how it fares.
  2. Soooo. I think I accidentally spoilered The Dark Knight Rises, though it makes sense because I knew of some of the lore. I survived a fair few weeks, though! I was meant to go with my cousin to the cinema but he ended up ditching me for his mates, and I've not had the time during the day to go and see it yet.
  3. All I could think of: Oh yeah BAD STUFF (legit): - Decided to exercise on bike indoors because I'm a fat loser - After an hour of baus mode realise my eyes are all flashy and fun - Remember retinas are shit - Lol j/k 7/04 never forget - Get depressed about future of blindness - Take medical notes to opticians, book expensive non-nhs appointment for tomorrow morning - buy milk and groceries like a housebaus - get home to find milk has leaked all over my medical notes and bag and food I can't remember the last time I was so heavy hearted sad yet rather manically gleeful at the same time. It's like I've suddenly developed a really dark sense of humour and I can't stop laughing at how much my life sucks.
  4. Just a brain fart, really. Cow, pig, dog, donkey, monkey, rat, rabbit. Love how they each have different connotations when you're using them to insult people. I wonder how easy it would be to try and introduce different ones, like rhino, hamster, koala. Hard to see koala as a negative though.
  5. 'Cow' is such a weird derogatory term
  6. Scores updated, begrudgingly.
  7. Indeed, saying it's 'mindless' is just saying that you don't mentally approach gaming the same way. I could say to you that I think it's mindless to spend £40 on a game and stop playing after x hours, whereas me and my 'mindless' achievement hunting means I'm playing the game for another x hours. If the person playing the game is enjoying the time spent, then does it matter?
  8. wtf. WTF. WTF
  9. @Dcubed I had to look up "skinner box" to see what you meant. You think achievements are evil because they brainwash a player into playing a game into a certain way. Would you agree? I don't think it's worth exploring other parts of your logic until I see your answer to this.
  10. I've read that the kid could be Chico from Peacewalker or maybe even one of the clones, though less likely.
  11. Assault Heroes 1 and 2, Warp and Raskulls, methinks. Unless anyone has played any and would advise against it.
  12. Just bought 3000 MS points so this is a tasty sale. I'll double-check it's the same in my region. Any suggestions on what's good money there? Assault Heroes 1 and 2 for 400 is a decent tag so I might get those.
  13. You're right - especially at this time where my squad has been left to rot, new blood is very much needed. Thanks for making the decision for me
  14. I have... kinda forgotten, but is 17 4 a good youth? My gut is saying god no, especially considering he has zero special qualities. ... I just realised that I've just purchased an 18 5 forward...
  15. This. There's a roundabown the road that cars pull up early to let me cross - it's more effort for them to do this because it's a bit uphill, too, and generally it's annoying behaviour on their part because I truly never know now if a car is going to stop or not. Combined with this is the zebra crossing about 200 metres further on my walk. Cars don't give a shit about pedestrians on these. I have had cars race to beat me over the zebra crossing even though I'm already 3 steps onto it. Now I just start walking. Fuck 'em. People who take stacked trolleys into the self-scan tills. I understand why people prefer self-scan to human beings (I sure do!) but this is counter-productive, clogs up the scanning area and makes the queue of 2-item folk wait longer than they need. These aren't really 'weird shit' but they're things that I 'deal' with every day. And oh man do I have a long list of pet peeves. On the Oz version of That Show Where The Groom Plans The Wedding the dude liked to eat yoghurt whilst looking at himself in the mirror. There's nothing on that level of weird around here.
  16. The age-old "must look everywhere!" mindset. To this day, whenever my in-game guy goes down or up stairs I have to check under/behind the stairs for items.
  17. @Magnus the collectathon in Revelations is bearable as you can get maps to show you the locations and there's no real difficulty. The pigeons in GTAIV and the trophies in Arkham City were just far too numerous. Games that don't stack difficulty achievements are usually annoying - except for Shadows of the Damned, as that was a fun blast through. Currently aiming to do Fallout 3, though I didn't level up the 'boost' way to get achievements (use the perk to instantly give you another level to get achievement, then load previous save, do a bunch of bad/good stuff, do it again). There's a definite element of number crunching with this game but they're all part of the game anyway. Sometimes I'm happy to run back through a game with a collectable's location guide. I do feel kinda duurty.
  18. Death post: You're stupid. (not you jonnas, of course!)
  19. I have no idea what my record is for facebook likes, but I assume it's not more than 10 - probably around 5. I'm not sure if this means I have loads of 'friends' that don't give a crap or if you have a ridiculous amount of friends...
  20. I was thinking of you when I made the post :P I use x360a after I've done my main run through a game to see how to go about clearing up. I recognise that this means I'll be missing out on a lot of achievements the first playthrough, but I went through a patch of trying to get 100% from start and found it really ruined games for me (Mirror's Edge was ruined by me trying to get too many achievements at once). I've not yet turned to boosting achievements (though one of my last Dead Island achievements happened because I accidentally joined a boosting party) and not sure if I ever will... However it is, to me, a completely plausible event for me and a frient to co-op sesh a game purely to clear up achievements. The game I spent the most online hours on was MW2 which had zero online achievements.
  21. I've recently started my backloggery, which made me really think about just how complete my games are. I've got a 360 and I would say that my gaming habits have been completely revolutionised by the achievement system, to the extent where I will often compare achievements in order to decide between new purchases (of old games -- still refusing to pay release prices). But for me, online achievements basically don't count. If I manage to get all teh G for a game's offline mode then mentally I've mastered it. In many instances I am willing to play through a game again in order to get additional achievements, so I guess this increases replay value. However, because I want MORE achievements I am finding that getting a NEW game with NEW achievements trumps returning to a previous game that I know I enjoy. Whereas my N64 days consisted of re-completing goldeneye and perfect dark over and over, these days I have no need to play a game on the hardest difficulty unless there's an achievement for doing so. But what achievements/trophies do you say "no point even trying," or "never going to get that. I'll stop playing now," or does it ever happen? With Metal Gear Solid 2 (part of the MGS HD collection) I was going for the dog tag achievement. You don't need to get ALL tags but you need a large percentage. I got to the penultimate boss on Hard and just realised that there was no way in hell I would be able to do these bosses on Extreme. In a sense, that was probably around 25 hours of completing the game on various difficulties completely wasted because I gave up trying to get the achivement. Do you aim to get all of the achievements/trophies? Do you alter your shopping habits based on what game achievements are like? How much to you persevere with attaining all of them?
  22. I understand your skepticism, Sheikah, but occam's razor! Adding two votes on is a hefty thing to do when it's far more likely that your gut feeling is mistaken.
  23. I can't see how it's illogical yet. He was highly suspicious of me, so used his power on a post of mine which should've been a goldmine if I was merely fabricating. If I was stitching general thread knowledge together and merely claiming them as info I'd got from my role, then his power would put me beyond doubt. That he used his power to put the last nail in the coffin is not surprising. That I have been cleared is not surprising, not is it not useful - now dannyboy has someone else to trust, which spreads the net of townsmanship wider. I can understand his logic, but I can't understand yours. I appeal to you to reconsider. I put it to you that it would be illogical of him to use his power on someone he fully trusts, and instead it is a far more sensible thing to do it on someone he does not. Believing in me does not require a large amount of faith when it has been proven with as close to science as the mafia games allow. 97% truth in my role claim, my night actions - including last night's targetting with heroijan. It's logic.
  24. @Sheikah - at what point did I suspect you? Considering Dannyboy was anti-me for so long, especially how he disliked me revealing his role should emphasise the importance of his information rather than detract from it. The very fact that it seems 'odd' is the reason why it should be trusted. I don't see how others voting on jimbob makes me seem scummy enough for your vote. I think you are overreaching. @The Peeps roleblocker/protector rolled into one exists as a jailkeep does it not? You confirm that he's targetted you, I don't see that as conflicting with his role. Allowing for jimbob being jimbob, I don't see why you being jailkept is damning, nor do I think that his real life business is a fabrication let alone justification for a lynch. Just stressing that I'm not mafia - and that I don't think jimbob is necessarily either. Though he could be, I just disagree with the evidence so far.
  25. I thank you dannyboy, for taking the time to verify my facts And I facepalm at the rest of you for continuing to vote for me. There's no way it could be 97% true if I killed heroijan. See the light! @Sheikah you're the most jaw-dropping, laying a double-vote after that. - I am linked to heroijan but I am cleared of killing. I was not evasive about saying anything - people post replies in rapid succession and I don't have time irl to just retort immediately. You need to be objective here and rationalise a few of these points, because it's shocking to see you ignore dannyboy's post so quick. I also don't think jimbob is suspicious, for what it's worth - again that's due to my belief that he has legitimately been swamped at work.
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