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Everything posted by jayseven

  1. I am extremely far south and I can confirm that ozzies are not southern faries.
  2. I think that's a very good point that perhaps cuts right to the heart of both sides of the 'argument', ville.
  3. Well, I trust cube. That's all I got. No theories.
  4. Booo peeps :P I've been silently hoping that people are just stealthing it, doing massive updates. ReZ hasn't disappointed Except for that tagging though. Sheesh.
  5. Nice! I think I worked out that I could get 560pts if I do all the 'easy' ones on the lists. Love the letter too ReZ :P
  7. Welcome back! What on earth have you done? please remember me
  8. That's my point - that you aren't saying that, yet it can be construed that you are saying that! My secpnd paragraph ("I'm kidding...") is meant to explain that. I completely agree with the illness thing. I've fretted and been bothered about the 'correct' phrase to use in this thread. It's suddenly very understandably why 'political correctness' came to be. Trying to think of a term to describe something without offending, then trying to think of a term that doesn't sound like it's trying to avoid offending, as that is kind of offensive in itself... I completely agree that there are many states of mental being; I'm sure there are just as many as people, even! It's a tricky thing to contemplate, though, when you need to both say "autism is but one element of your conscious nature" and also say "autism explains your nature." The problem is that we are trying to classify an element of being as an explanation of that mode of being... It's very hard to both minimise and maximise the same thing - but I think we are guilty of doing that exact hypocritical thing constantly! We want to minimise the role of our 'disorder' in terms of how we define ourselves, yet we need to maximise it when trying to get others to understand. Hypocricy is my favourite thing to ponder currently. It's very hard to get away from. But yes -- the irony of trying to rationalise differing rationalities to people who all differ in how they ration... To think about this thread another way; it isn't meant to be insulting when one says "you are selfish" - for you put yourself first -- you experience your self before you experience your world. How you perceive nature is the ONLY way you perceive nature, so to hear it is wrong, ill, disabled, retarded, diseased, dislocated, unreal, insane... well, that's to hear that your whole EXISTENCE is undermined. So the self-defensive module of thought comes into play... And I'm rambling again. Thank you, dannyboy, for understanding I don't know if I've gotten worse at it or just extremely aware of its intentions, but I'm finding it difficult to actually just communicate these days, without there being a load of baggage on top. EDIT: See if I had decent rationality I could reduce this post down to half the words.
  9. I think you're belittling people with mild forms of health issues by saying they're not actually suffering from mental illness :P I'm kidding. The semantics is correct - they're not suffering like those with a debilitating problem, but that doesn't mean they don't have an actual illness. This kind of misappropriation of meaning is the only reason we're all writing walls of text -- misunderstanding, and taking things to heart when the message is aimed at the mind. i don't think that anyone is implying that mental health issues are made up, though me assuming that I can speak for what everyone is thinking is rather going against what I'm going to say next; tehre's no way we can know for sure how everyone thinks. We can't assume that everyone who thinks like us will act like us - we can't assume the opposite, either. if someone on here started saying "all deaf people are cunts," or "all ginger people hate gypsies" then I'm going to feel, as a deaf and ginger kid, that I have to stick up for my creed... without really knowing if the statement is true or not. If I say that I think we're all made up of a bunch of disorders, that it's 'normal' to be fucked up, I'm not shrinking the value of one who legitimately wants their suffering to be recognised. We don't have to choose. We can have both. I'll let rummy speak for himself, of course!
  10. @gaggle64 please don't misread what I'm saying - I'm not saying "oh it's easy, just change your behaviour and click your heels together 3 times - and cross your fingers," as it's a largely impossible task that is endured for the rest of one's life. I never said it was easy. Doesn't mean that changing behaviour is not useful or helpful. I'm obviously not saying what I mean clearly, and it's a delicate subject. I do like the wallower-wallflower transposition :P Very good.
  11. *flips table and takes his threads with him*
  12. Resident Evil 4?
  13. Just to say that what Rummy said is logical and isn't meant to belittle, it's just meant to help people who are different to understand that the frustration they feel when it seems nobody understand their issues is felt by everyone to some degree. I think :P I think though that understanding that there is some recognition, some deeper understanding available for anyone who is feeling different can help one shift their perceptions a little. My friend (previously mentioned in another thread) has learnt to alter his behaviour - he has learnt not to get angry when people tell him he's repeating himself; he's learnt that they aren't trying to offend, or misunderstanding him, just trying to help. People who aren't aware that they have a recognised thought process that causes confusion or conflict can find themselves to be angry, depressed, alone, and I think the first step is recognition, then one has to understand that the label they've now been stuck with is not the end of the world, which is what Rummy's hitting at I think? That being defined is no excuse to feel sorry for yourself, because everyone has an excuse to feel sorry for themselves and if we all spent our lives wallowing we'd never get anything done. This comes from a seasonal wallower. And however badly trained professionals may be perceived to be, they can understand and provide care far better than the generally ignorant public who, like you who, thinks the stigma is crippling. So; Live in ignorance and feel possibly misunderstood, alienated, confused, angry. or Live with the knowledge of your label and feel justified, righteous, opressed and aloof. 'Treatment' can't cure but can try to help understanding prevail. Harmony is what we need, and that requires focus on teh individual, not the label.
  14. I think it's a very good thing that their justice system is clearly set up to keep popular feelings and emotions away from doing more harm than good.
  15. 2, 2, 2! Games, wins, clean sheets. 2nd spot. 4 in x11. Going to enjoy this while it lasts ^_^
  16. I've found that my distinctions have somewhat flexed since I started. Considering the VAST majority of my modern gaming history, as found on xbox.com, has been borrowed games or games I no longer have it was important to define WHY I'm doing this. Yes, partly to ensure I go back to the games I have - realising i have Dead Rising, Devil May Cry 4, Quake 4, Red Faction: Guerrilla, Brutal Legends, MGS3 and The Orange Box just sitting there waiting to be completed... and that's not even considering the XBLA I have... So many of my games are unfinished but I no longer own them. For a while I was giving myself a Mastered symbol for 100% games, but then decided to shift my thinking. Unfortunately It means that I have all sorts of misordered items floating around, but I've spent probably 2 and a half hours inputting stuff instead of properly enjoying my Friday, and I'm only about 75% through! Not sure if I'll extend backwards. Roughly... 20 MSII, 35 GB/GBC, 5MD, 25 N64, 30 GC games. I've impressed myself with my memory of the last 5 years of gaming so y'never know. Looking forward to ATTEMPTING to keep this updated. I'd sig it... but it looks a bit ugly :P
  17. Yeah? Rofls. The contract here renews every 16th, so the beginning of a new month is usually when we start to notice lower bandwidth. It's been painful going from 50mb in sheffield to... this. Part of the reason why I didn't renew Gold - severely unreliable connection preventing decent matchmaking, and just lag in general. makes skyping a real bitch, too
  18. Added a fine bunch of you folks How would you go about this; I owned 50+ games then sold them all, including probably at least a dozen that I never played. Should I even list them? Pretty harsh to list them as unfinished, as I'm hoping not to buy them again!
  19. I've gone to make an account and ~ville is on the list of latest updates. Lulz. I did the opposite to shorty, and thought I'd made an account when this thread first came about - apparently not! Awaiting registration email (crikey.. it's not instant?!) Just a brief look at ville's and I do quite like the blog aspect - it's something that appeals to my hoarding side but the task of entering every game sounds a little daunting, but perhaps rewarding in its own way. I've not got that many games to my name currently, and largely rent/borrow, but I am guilty of purchasing new games when I've got games sitting on the shelf and this might just do the trick. Will report back if/when the rego arri-- GENIUS. It's in the junk folder. Of course. ___ Hit a cataloguing issue - do I define Metal Gear Solid HD collection as just that, or should I break it into separate games? Separate games will remind me that I've got some left to finish, I suppose... Back(loggery) to it! EDIT: ... just spotted I can toggle to detailed mode... glad I noticed after adding just a few games!
  20. Yeah I know that, but having a 30gb monthly cap on downloads means it's just the last nail in the coffin.
  21. No worries :) I am quick to think people are overreacting and not realising that what I'm doing can be construed as an overreaction, then I get picky about the definition of overreaction and people think I'm not focusing on the correct thing, which I think is annoying because all arguments need to begin with agreed definitions of all terms - which THEY find annoying because me wanting to argue in an agreeable way is, to them, patronising or in some way insulting.


    So basically I want to find a middle ground from where we can duel, but others just want to duel. Or be left alone.


    Everything is a misunderstanding.


    And I love my grey profile :P

  22. Great. Accidental backspace. Lose all I wrote. Probably a good thing. Basically, I've been aware from a young age that people are different, and that there are reasons for this. The intertextuality of life -- of being influenced by many different compartments of experience; school, parents, memories, actions, other people, tv, games, experience as a whole -- makes everything explainable, so long as someone has enough time to sit and listen. When i was younger I read a book on Label Theory which is a largely debunked attempt to explain how calling your kid "a little whore" leads to them growing up to be a whore, and generally tries to excuse adult behaviour away as a consequence of childhood. Much like Freud's musing being classic yet utterly, utterly wrong, Label Theory can provide a very useful basis for understanding others, and how your own actions and words can be powerful. Here's an interesting, and slightly worrying, experiment about how nobody in psychiatry really knows what they're talking about. The concept of nobody really knowing what they are doing is pretty much the centrepiece for my mind's perception of mankind. There are so many external factors to one's life that control the limits, that the actual elements of control one does have are completely dwarfed. Yet people roam around in their suits and high heels, shaven faces and make-up; the same people will look at amazonian tribespeople with sticks through their noses and green pigment all over their skin and say "well aren't I glad I don't live in a society where I have to do silly things like that." Yet all this spouting about 'understanding' society on some level... I still just don't understand, sometimes. I get haunted by a little social exchange for days, sometimes. The finality of it all -- the fatality, the inconsequence of anything. I'm probably quite schizophrenic. lol.
  23. Disliking your smile is a retarded thing to do. It's understandable, perhaps, because of whatever connotations it brings YOU - and that generally speaking you're not smiling to yourself when you SEE yourself, so teh smiley face is all alien-looking to you... But! Think about how you are with other people. You smile = they know you are in a good mood, they know you're happy, and that extends to them feeling validated in how THEY are -- they see that you are satisfied with their behavior. In summary; a smile puts the other person at ease. A crazy stare means "I'm a bit ON EDGE!" and I'm not sure if honesty will help your situation @Serebii. @Cube your 'second smile' photo (at hyde park) is great. It's a good smile! Don't be ashamed of it.
  24. See, many people would rather kill Chris Brown - the guy who was going out with rhianna, but decided to punch her in the face a few times. He got away with still being a millionnaire rich boy. fuck it. 1. Chris Brown For beating up his girlfriend, and possibly even being more rich because of it.
  25. WTF DOGAMOTO WHY MAKE THE SITUATION WORSE WTF WTF WTF ... The discworld games were AWESOME. I need more o'dat shit...SON.
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