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Everything posted by jayseven

  1. Tomatoes! TROLLFACIN'!
  2. I prefer strawberry flavour to strawberry actual... I also really want to like peach and mango, but I have a weird thing with new/unusual food; trying to 'get used' to the combination of taste and texture is an actual process for me, which takes actual time. Cube, maybe you're the same? Pineapple chunks are alright on pizza, but not the best. But probably the 2nd-best fruit for the job.
  3. Conversely, I've been without XBL for nearly three months now? I've never really played much online because I tend to get games after the hype's calmed down, and my achievement whoring mechanism tends to filter out online achievements. I'm probably not getting the most out of my games this way, but then that's kinda why I pay bottom dollar for teh games in the first place - so I don't have to feel guilted into playing them more than I want to. Except the MGS HD collection... Borrowed Duke Nukem Forever, and... yeah. It's duke, alright, but it's just horribly dated in the wrong ways. I can live with the turn-of-the-century FPS mentality of "MUST HAVE CAR BITS AND ON RAILS BITS AND BITS OF EVERYTHING BITS", with the linear levels and with the slaloming difficulty curve that spikes at odd moments. It's the loading which gets me the most! However, I'm probably barely into the game - just come out of the Lady Killer casino, fought a massive dude in a 'pit' and am shortly after a scripted moment. Also have Fallout 3 to hand, so after DNF and MGS3 it's back to the wastelands. Kinda annoying that i won't have the DLC here![YOUTUBE][/YOUTUBE]
  4. Ooh is there still space? Sendin' a PM asap
  5. Good idea
  6. Whenever I eat an apple while walking down the street, I genuinely feel like a badass. In my head, I'm all "yep, that's right. It's an apple. LOOK AT HOW HEALTHY I AM. Bet you want one now too, huh?" Today I also purchased a mandarin, and attempted to eat that whilst walking. It most definitely is not a fruit which appreciates divided attention - it requires you to sacrifice one hand to being sticky until you next encounter a washbasin. It also doesn't quite lend the same stylish aura that public apple eating offers; if you attempt the mandarin a lá pomme, then you're going to get juice down your front/up your arm/diagonally beardwise. Also, whilst spitting the pips out at first is immensely satisfying, you have to realise that from a distance it looks like you're just spitting like a common bogan. It's effectively like eating a drink, only you're left with this weird juice-casing mesh that isn't particularly appealing in its own right, and doesn't really offer the same spitting-fun as pips. Clearly, bananas and grapes are the champions of all fruit, however eating a banana in public is a whole other realm of awkward. Side-note: when I was younger, my mum used to say that I could throw my applecore in the gutter "for the birds." I've never seen a bird eat apple.
  7. Added BISHes from Diageo and Shorty at the ends of each difficulty section.
  8. Reliable sources inform me that this thread will help you get laid.
  9. That's pretty much my argument. I'm living in a situation to feel kinda bad whenever I play computer games, and it sucks. Others can sit and mong in front of a tv ALL DAY, but playing a game is meant to be worse? At least I'm challenging my brain rather than just soaking up 100 varieties of marketing! ... HOWEVER! Prioritising your relationship over games is probably a good idea. The benefit of gaming that I outlined above can be a negative quite quickly; because of the increased involvement you'll find it harder/more annoying to be interrupted. I think a lot of people have been brought up in families that would gather together to watch TV, so there's still the social element, whereas gaming is fairly solo (even if you headset/multiplay online, it's exclusive) and, in a way, directly far more selfish. It's a complex issue, of course, but I did have to adapt my gaming 'routine', and several times I did have to just switch my game off without saving and remember "it's only a game." If I played too much I'd be agitated, but also if I didn't get my fix, I'd be agitated. It's interesting, though, when you try to be a bit more objective about things like this. My girlfriend and I have vastly different tastes in everything. She also has a habit of automatically not being able to enjoy something that I say she would like. But that's another issue!
  10. @MadDog not at all - send a list of 8 things asap. It will be too late by monday.
  11. Like Louis C.K. Said about a woman on her period - he doesn't understand why youth of today are so afraid of a woman on a period. I mean, c'mon! You're guarenteed to NOT create a child if you fuck at this time... it just demands a bit more creativity in preserving the bed-sheets.
  12. I've been looking at using duolingo, but of course my dipshit brain decided to have the big pause at the first decision-making point; german or spanish? ... I don't know what to choose.
  13. No need to eggsplain, I shell make no further comment nor yoke about it. (figured puns were the best way out of the awkward situation, there)
  15. Scoreboard 1110 - ReZ 0860 - MoogleViper 0410 - Nemi 0300 - Dannnyboy 0170 - Animal 0140 - Cube 0100 - Jimbob 0090 - Eenuh 0050 - MadDog 0000 - Diageo 0000 - Emma 0000 - Flink 0000 - jayseven (playing but not eligible for the prizes) 0000 - Peeps 0000 - Shorty 0000 - Ville
  16. @Emma it's not too late to join, I'll just add your things to the list if/when you send them!
  17. Re-read it; £6 monthly fee and 1.53%/19.94 EAR (equivalent annual rate) - so I suppose on £1500 that's about £23 a month to start with and a total in-payment of £30 a month to pay. Doable. As to shrinking the actual debt, it's got to be something to motivate me when I get back to the UK, as paying £50 a month whilst on benefits isn't going to be pretty! Cheers for making me actually look, read and think, cube
  18. I am able to fuck up any omlette, but it always turns into some glorious evolved form of scrambled eggs so it's all good! I saw on reddit people were taking slices of pepper to use in place of those metal rings for a fried egg. Some people were even putting some bacon on teh bottom - anyone tried? Generally, my eggs are for carbonara and cakes. I don't make the cakes.
  19. Well on the plus side, at least you aren't me DWP sent me a letter claiming I owed them £110, which is a kick in the teeth because at one point they made me go 6 weeks without job seeker's allowance because of a bunch of red tape. My bank has gone from graduate to 'classic' account, which means they may will start to throw all sorts of monthly charges at me, because I'm £1500 into my overdraft. I was shit with my money for years and I am in no stable place to sort it out. I paid tax for a year while I was a student, then I paid tax for another year when I earned too little to be taxed, and I've been too lazy to sort it out.
  20. There was also bonus points for multi-bishing. Good effort! Reminder to all; anyone who hasn't sent any BISH in please. I just copied the participant list as I can't remember who's sent them and hasn't and don't particularly want to publiclally shame those who ain't. @Dannyboy\-the\-Dane @MoogleViper @Nemi
  21. I guess just lying in your bathtub at home doesn't quite have the same feel?
  22. Watching it with my cousin, we could vocalise what we thought was happening and correct each other - there's clearly a lot of fan service in the movie for those who've read the books and perhaps seen previous 'smiley' movies (imdb'd after the movie), but I think it was intentionally obtuse from the start but became more focused as the movie went on. I got the gist of what was happening, but I couldn't retell the whole movie in sequence and explain it! IMDB tells me that Zodiac and his version of Girl with the Dragon Tattoo the only Fincher movie I've not seen, so I'll get onto it.
  23. Started MGS3, just past the james bond-style intro credits. 4 hours of 'play' time, though admittedly at least an hour of that was snake standing still/codec menu while I was talking on facebook (can't do two things at once). It's going to be a slow burner, but at least there's no dog tags to get!
  24. I am currently the other side of the world, and as a consequence I have only missed 3 weddings so far - one that I had an invite to, while I tell myself that the lucky couples of the other two knew I'd not be able to make it, so instead saved the paper, for the good of mankind. I've also been invited to a wedding in greece (sister's husband's sister... so sister-in-law) but that, too, is a bit of a slap in the face. And none of my important friends have had children yet, so it's ok.
  25. YES. YES! YES!! Perdido Street Station is a mammoth task. Get past the first two chapters and you should be plain sailing. The bug-heads were a bit "..." at first but they're bearable. Please let me know how you get on with it - I have the next book, The Scar, on my Kindle which means I can lend it to you for a week. Good to know eh?
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