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Everything posted by jayseven

  1. My top 5 bands-I-want-to-see-but-haven't are; mewithoutYou Zeromancer Eighteen Visions Totally Radd!! ... Most of my favourite bands I have seen. Brand New, The Used, Alexisonfire, Zebrahead, Jimmy Eat World, Green Day. Yeah, I know, I don't have a very 'deep' or 'cool' selection of bands, but to be honest I just don't keep up with the scene. All the bands I've listed are bands I was in love with two or more years ago. I'd love to organise a concert where I have like 30 different one-hit-wonder artists playing successively, or something.
  2. P'haps time to open the questions to those who have already got some? I feel people will either know the answer or not, and I'm not even sure that's James Caan anymore...
  3. Today I be awoken at two past the noon, asunder with a bounty of chills and phlegm, escaping akin to the fashion any wanton sneeze exhibits; tingling my passages and rewarding their success with giddy, anarchic feelings up my spine. Further tales I speak of from those bedazzled hours of yonder are rife with moments of fond mirth; perusing my sand of time away, and not despairing at my spiny lot. NOW I R GETTING 2 DA CIDER CHOPPA!
  4. Vote: Mcoy to get things going, I guess :/ The whole chairdriver thing will be resolved in the next couple of days, when we can confirm shino's info via other lynches or whatnot.
  5. We weren't trying to kill townies, but what were we to do? We couldn't investigate anyone to see if they were bad. We were sharing a single role between us, and origninally Mundi had it set so that if one of us died, the other would be powerless. Thankfully he changed that - sure, it wasn't much use in teh end, but we knew that one of us would die pretty quick because A) he's an admin and B) I've been in every game so far, and I always get targeted at night times. Moogle; sorry :/ wish I could remember why I chose to target you that night. Maybe I didn't and it was Shorty's idea, I don't remember. From now on I'll keep a lil' .txt file on my thinkings and musings and choosings.
  6. Why did you pick moogle for him to target?
  7. Oh, another guilty pleasure is to sit in bed with the curtains mostly drawn, and lean over and peek through to spy into the shop opposite and see what people are buying, or to oggle any ladiez, etc. Very guilty.
  8. *repeats what Eenuh said, word for word* To clarify; I'm in
  9. Can you remember what it was? We were fairly tactical.. Oi - we killed oxigen :P We were indeed neutral, and were genuinely looking for the mafioso. Some of the townies we killed would've been an accident, thinking they were bad - others were probably just because we didn't want them to investigate us :P Having said that; if you had kept one of us alive for a bit longer, then the game would've been won aages ago. I was suspicious of LazyBoy from the start :P I'm also pleased that I guessed Rokhed's character correctly :P
  10. He's slipping!
  11. But if he then targets someone good tonight, he won't be evil anymore. Shino reckons he has dodgy info on big C which suggests big C either targeted a baddie lsat night, is a baddie already, or that shino's powers are dodgy. Big C says he targeted nobody. Shino says Big C is guilty. aye, that's what I think, so I'm going to wait to hear from the pair of them again before I vote.
  12. ok... Well if big C's not targeted anyone and his status depends entirely on whom he targets, then why would shino risk enough to say that Chairdriver's bad? As much as I love the guy, Chairdriver in my eyes has not acted unsuspiciously. Other aspects; We should really listen to what Domjcg is saying about Brian Mcoy, seeing as that's our strongest contest besides big C.
  13. Sounds to me as if you're in desperate need of affection.
  14. ok. I think some girl I know things I fancy her. I mean, she's attractive but I'm honestly not in any position to start anything with anyone. The main problem is that she doesn't either; and because she clearly thinks I do, she's all awkward around me and stuff. It's really annoying. To be honest, it's not a major thing at all, it's just annoying. We used to have cool cigarette conversations and instead now I have to put up with her being all stupid and stuff. Yeah. I'm a bachelor. I don't think I could possibly have a girlfriend right now. Too much hassle. Er... yeah! Not much to say. Went to a japanese restaurant today for a mate's birthday, the second time I've been there -- it's a brilliant place. Every dish is tastelicious. Lol.
  15. I think the british version of "patriotism" is a lot different to the US or Scottish versions. Charlie; you focus patriotism on whether you boo your team off of the pitch or not; that's just silly :P for a start you're talking about the percentage of the population who not only gives a shit about football but also goes to the games. Charlie; would you stop what you're doing and put your hand on your heart whenever your anthem starts playing? I am proud to be english for reasons beyond any national anthem. I am proud of where I was born, of what I've seen and what I am able to do. I just don't see the need, as Edge said, to sing and dance about it. I like being english, but I'm just so damn aware of how little that matters :P As for teh topic- american patriotism... Well the flag represents a massive ideology that you can't understand if you're not submitting to the same lifestyle. I mean, there's no 'american dream' for countries beside america, are tehre? The idea that anything is possible may not be a reality, but it's a hope for many americans. Being a part of 'the greatest nation in the world' I suppose drives some people to continue their mundane lives. I suppose my point is; if you were raised in america, you'd be one of those people saluting the flag. Don't diss others because of their upbringing.
  16. Noodleman; you need to have a question worth two points. Add another one, or assign double points to a current one if you wish Frigging love the idea of this round, though! Bloody awesome. Anway; is Question 5 Misery? It's hard to tell! Probably not right. I really think I know 9 and 13 tough!
  17. ok, key thought; Chairdriver says his allegiance depends on whom he targets? Well if shino says that Chairdriver is evil, surely whoever Chairdriver targeted last night is in the mafia? Therefore; Chairdriver needs to tell us who he targeted so we can lynch them. If Chairdriver cannot provide decent information, then Chairdriver is our target. This is a win/win situation. If chairdriver gives us a correct answer, then we lynch Shino tomorrow, thus getting two damaging players quickly. If Chairdriver lies and we kill a townie, then we get to kill Chairdriver tomorrow, and we know that Shino is good. So yeah; Chairdriver; who did you target on teh first night?
  18. Ok, well hows about when you visit, we walk back to our flat and I'll photo the stuff I'd point out to you? Mwaha!
  19. Not sure if that's the special K Somme is talking about :P
  20. HaBi! Be good to each other and get drunk.
  21. Well maybe we should have more questions per round, as yeah the Q's go pretty quick. Next person maybe want to try a number between 10 and 20? Whatever they feel liek? ... Somebody's going to have to do a round... Not really fair to just sit back and watch everyone else do the rounds. It's not really about winning, is it? :P
  22. yeah I figured the vegetable status would see me through. Only thing that gave me concern was a momory of trainspotting; Renton empties a bag full of necessities for going cold-turkey and he says something along the lines of "eight tins of tomato soup, six tins of mushroom soup for consumption cold"... and, well, I had a tin of mushroom soup cold yesterday because of McGregor's awesome reference, and was worried that he hadn't referred to Tomato soup in the same way. I started getting stomach pains about 6 hours after the tin. Turns out that was sheer hangover Just finished a poker night. Turned out a lot better than expected. Why? I dunno. Because I got drunk? Going to watch some more movies/tv and get pissed-er. Oh, yah; a guy who turned up had his 21st birthday tick over in our presence. Me and the housemate basically retired to my room in order to create awesome presents! I stapled some newspaper around a clock I found as wrapping paper, and she made a monkey spoon. We made an awesome b'day card. He showed how much he loved it by saying "I'll pick it up tomorrow"... great. So yeah; tomorrow will be somethingorother followed by somemorestuffIagreedtobutamtoodrunktoremember, then a restaurant trip. Oh, yeah; got the b'day boy to have a shot of my chili vodka. Man, that stuff is going to be lethal by july...
  23. Your logic is rubbish. I will crush youuuuu!
  24. Which is why I look forward?
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