Blatant stealing isn't exactly a problem with this game :P You're right taht it's phrased wrong, and I'll change it from "right or wrong" to "wrong", and that combined with the other two references to only being allowed one right answer ought to clear things up.
Number friggin' one (for claritie's sake I left out the ums and ers and some of the repetition. You weren't as bad as me, but it reads better :P)
"Hello, N-europe, I'm dyson but you obvio--probably already knew that because well one you may saw my pictures and two on the top of the post thing it'll say my name so yeah you probably already knew that.. well I'm just wasting time so I should probably show you my room coz that's what I'm doing. oh but before we start that's one of my cats "hey kara *cat-patronising noise* kara! say hello!" oh it's too dark you probably can't see her.
"There's my sister's room there's another one of our cats -- ANYWAY there's my room, this is my door which has been kicked once or twice due to frustration. That's probably not good. This really random man thing that just kind of appeared on my door one day, I dunno how it got there. A free sticker pack of a scanner darkly which I haven't seen but I still think that EVERYTHING IS NOT GOING TO BE OK is a pretty cool thing to have on a door.
"So where are we next.. here we come to the matrix poster once again I got for free. Really terrible film but even so.
"Soon as you come in as you can see we got my chair which I also sit at - let's go do that now let's sit at the chair.
"Sit down, get some n-europe, whcih is always nice. Ooh look there's one of my posts which one is that - "you have a fucking salsa pot collection that's fucking hardcore".. yeah that's jayseven's - I jsut watched his room that's pretty cool.
"What have we got here- we got a coffee mug, a 360 controller. Not sure why that's there. It doesn't even have any batteries *nope* lynx. an old can I don't know what that's here - my wallet which is for girls but I left it there. My card "oh my god steal my details" except you can't. Keys with an eel (eeyore?) keyring on it. These are my mums. One of my ocarina songbooks; fantastic.
"Keyboard, mouse, PC under there... We got a crisp packa-- why is all this rubbish here? Swear I normally have it tidier than this... What else we got? Oh wow, some fun stuff - we got; CD player, oh yeah(!) tamagotchi, one of the fantastic ones which you can- oh it's paused at the moment, I can't be bothered with it. Here's a clock, which... runs out of time, for some reason.
"My glasses case- I'm not actually wearing my glasses at the moment because I think they gave me a headache yesterday. Oh here's my ca- OH yes right here's my carry case for my ocarina - again, it's a fantastic little thing. Love it to pieces. Makes a good noise *plays ocarinaaar*... yeah you probably need to.. you probably need to have someone holding the camera so you can really demonstrate the holes and.. *plays again* anyway, there you go! Ok that's that
"What else have we got here? Let's get off this chair, comfortable as it is. Really old remote control car, an amazon box protecting one of my really old harry potter books, a viva pinata kazoo which actually surprisingly works quite well - *doop be doo de dooh*
"PC games up on the next shelf, old DS case. What have we got here? Command and Conquer, DEFCOM, Pure pwnage [ownage?] DVd soundtrack collection, wohohorld of whahorecraft [yes, world of whorecraft. You said it yourself. Man what a game that would be...] wow I haven't played that in ages.
"DS games from when I actually bought my DS games... Gamecube games with a stationary set in front of it... N64 games- more N64 games up there. Power supply box. Speaker with an "I am 13" badge on it because I was thirteen when I got em. Where's the rest of it? I'll show it to you later... and some books.
"So that's my desk. Heheh, here on the floor we have some clothes that should really be tidier than this - normally I am it's just- I'm lying, I'll stop now *clears throat suspiciously*
"Laundry bin there, wh-heheh, which is my idea of, y'know, getting all this stuff off the floor. Just a general bin there. My TV; I have such little space in this room [yet soo much to talk about ] that I actually, y'know, I actually don't have enough space to fit everything, so everything finds its own place in here somewhere.
"So let's go on the bed here- this is my TV with random stuff on top of it. My 360 and 360 games down there, which I love. Couple of gamecube games for some reason.
"University stuff all goes down there. Underneat it is my poor GameCube, which is what got me to join N-Europe, strangely enough.
"Behind there is there anything interesting... no, not really.. then why would there be?
"Another Scanner Darkly thing which came which was free... A drawing that my sister did, which is very impressive. BISH. FAGFACE. She's quite nice, I suppose.
"Here's a drawing I did; you can probably see the difference in drawing abilities, if you could call it that. It's meee, that's my rendition of me anyway that's terrible. Anyway yeah that's my sister's good quality of drawing.
"What've we got here? Call of Duty 4 poster which my Dad got and he was gonna throw it away and I said "No!!!!! I'LL HAVE IT" and I DOVE across the room in slow motion as it dropped into the bin, luckily I managed to alter my trajectory mid-way through and land in there first mysel-- [sorry, lil' dramatic re-enactment that happened in my head, there] -- Coz obviously I like having soldiers *ahem* ... In my room... Maybe not.
"Classic. Absolute classic. This will pain Villan if he ever watches it... Chelsea One, Aston Villa Nil?! Ooh! Ooh, that sounds important...
"Ok, ok, that's enough of that. A couple of posters up there. I've got a Family Guy poster which my sister bought me and a snakes on a plane one, and another snakes on a plane one there. They're both-- they're all [let's be honest, you hate the family guy one?] really awesome I just don't have any space for them [lies].
"Up here even more random stuff that I should probably sort out- throw away some of it. A box - Ah I can't reach it. There's probably loads of crap in there.
"More crap down this side. Once again, something from my 'space' problem. Got a suitcase. I'm not sure- ah, well anyway there's a suitcase there.
"Wardrobe full of old clothes and things that I wear. I used to go to the Army Cadets. Kind of not interesting. Wardrobe full of clothes again, which don't fit.
"My bed, where... I'm not even going to lie to you [well you did promise *nods head*], you know what I was gonna say. Stuff it.
"More stuff round here. A PILLOW, that can go back on my bed [Hells yeah, you fight that mess]. This is in the state it was when I woke up, actually once again I'm lying [bAD dyson].
"A window, where you can see outside into the beautiful world. These curtains are generally closed, though, but I thought I'd, you know, I'd make myself seem a bit more human and actually open them. It's quite nice. Garden's a bit of a mess, but you know.
"Coming back over here, we have.. That's the erm... That's the hi-fi, which that speaker and that speaker are connected to. I don't use it very often but I wish I had put some music on. What CD's in there now... Is there a CD in there? [small echo of 'help me I'm stuch in a CD player' escapes].. Oh there's not. Aw man, I was gonna put something on. Maybe I will. Ah, what's this? I've been buying some.. AAAH WOOW! OOHH you're in for a treat n-europe. You're in for a FRICKING treat.
"One of those electrocution games which... played a couple of times and haven't really played since. They scare the shit out of me. Some really old kind of personal memorabilia bits. There's my birthday clock, more toys, one of those stress-test games, they're quite fun.
"Let's press play on that. *music starts* Wow, this is a classic *music sounds like something Party Boy dances to*. This is my special drawer, as I call it, which probably isn't the best name for it. It's where I keep things that have personal whatever. Meaning .
"Man I haven't heard this for ages! [you expecting me to transcribe the song?] Who remembers the video for this? It's a legend.
"Whoops [or books? that does make more sense...] Lots of books in there and a couple of games. A vibrating pillow. I dunno why I bought that to be honest,[or why it's within arm's reach of the bed? You sneaky devil] it's a bit of a waste.
"Quasimodo *"don't you want somebody to loooove" plays audibly* - Had that ages ago. Wow would ya-- This song is awesome. Classic. Just the first CD I could find.
"Let's go over here. Dartboard. One of those magnetic ones, pretty good actually, above my bed.
"Erm, that's pretty much it. What've we got down here? Got some drawers under my bed. *laughs* Just to check that there was nothing *laughs* We got some cards, got my Wii box I think - is that- wow I wondered where that got to. There's something else here; Wii Play. Fantastic.
"And got another box here. Box? Well there it is. *grunts* damn, this one's actually semi-impossi-- *inaudible*... Whoops *sighs* Let's see; got my megatokyo collection there, my work folder, gap experience which I don't plan on doing, loads of uni stuff. I said it was impressive I actually lied [again! Chronic!].. so that seems to be a theme for my thing, lying- There's a ROUTER!!!!!!!!"!"&!&^
"Anyway N-Europe I have ten seconds left before youtube cuts me off, so I'm gonna go. Thank's for watching. See you around. Maybe... Ok."
Dyson; I feel like I know you now. I know how you THINK!! Hell, your voice has even joined the rest of the choir in my head. So now you ARE how I think.. *cackles insanely*
I think I might have a job in transcribing! :P Now gimme the friggin' points.