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Everything posted by jayseven

  1. Doesn't really matter the order, does it? So long as the guys organising know, all we have to do is keep an eye out for the thread when it appears...
  2. Monopoly man; you're not wrong, you've just got to have another look at the question and 'rephrase' it before someone else does. I'm going to alter the rules a little, too...
  3. Alrighty, that's 4 down, 6 to go.
  4. Well, it's more of a 90210 spin-off, really, just with the VM writer on board. Damn you for getting my hopes ever-so-high. I guess I'll keep an eye out for this, though.
  5. But the 'rate the above...' threads could be merged to keep those folks happy. And besides, people just repeatedly post in those threads despite having not changed their avatars/signatures, and it's just silly, silly ego-boosting. People see your signature elsewhere. It's a shame the creative forum has to be associated with such drivel, instead of being associated with creativity. King of the Hill is where you say "i'm on the hill and i have twelve cannons pointing in all directions" then the next person goes "me and superman throw melons at you and you die. Now I'm king of the hill." then the next person says "you forgot to turn off your oven and you leave, now i'm king of the hill"... and so on. It's a nice banter idea over a couple of pints of something, but in a forum it's just lame and pointless and a waste of time.
  6. Rokhed's answer is incorrect due to pedantry. I never said there was just one correct answer
  7. Ok, for those of you that don't know how this works; - Each round will have ten (or more :P) questions. If you want to play, then you simple have to answer a question -- just one question. You are not allowed to answer lots and lots. - If you are right, the question is closed, and you get the point. If after aages nobody gets the remaining questions, they may be free for anyone who has already answered a Q to get an added point. - you can only attempt one question at a time. You must wait to hear that your current answer is wrong before attempting another question. - You can't edit your post. Doing say may result in no-pointage. - Quiz maker automatically earns themselves a point. Please do not demand to do rounds too close to each other, and let others have a turn at bamboozling the lot of us! I don't know why I'm explaining all this, as I tend to make things sound more complicated than they really are... So yeah! Here's my 10 questions. When this round is done then someone else simply posts 10 questions and updates the scoreboard. They can be as easy or as hard as you like - just please try not to make them impossible, and please sort of call 'shotgun' if you want to do the next round. I think it's fair to say that once someone calls 'shotgun' then nobody else can request to do the round after that - instead they'll have to wait 'til the next round starts :P Feel free to give clues if you want. oh, and each round will contain a question worth two points. Mostly because I really want to see someone attempt #4. Here we are;
  8. The problem I see with having a game-board is that it will just inspire a crapload of rubbish spam-fest forum games like king of the hill and count to a thousand.. I mean how many decent forum games are there? Mafia, BISH and the n-e Quiz are all I can think of that've been on this forum :/ Anyway, I have my own request - that the "rate my signature" and "rate my avatar" threads be merged. I'm sure there'd be an uproar if they were deleted like they should be (they're shit threads and utterly rubbish and useless and lame and dire and shit), so merging them would at least de-clutter the very dead forum.
  9. y' gotta be logged in to see that thread, dude :P
  10. I've got a subscription to gamesTM but to be honest I never read it. only missing issue #40 because of a publishing house change-over where they decided to fuck over their subscribers... I used to buy N64 and NGC religiously, and pretty much only ever read the reader letters. Such a hoarding whore I am. Oh, and Bizarre - a fucking awesome magazine. Wish I had a subscription to that. I've tried to order one many times online but for some reason my credit card always had one digit too few on the form so it was never accepted.
  11. ignore those guys esequiel - I'll sign up
  12. Four? I could stretch to two, I think. I know drugs are bad - I don't care, but that's a different matter. Four? Nah.
  13. Went to a club last night - a massive club with like five floors or something stupid. Got quite pissed - me and a mate were queueing for like 40 minutes for a drink so we bought lots at once. I basically had six shots of vodka in about thirty seconds... Didn't dance at all. Went outside with another cute, french-canadian friend who seemed to feel as if I was coming onto her when I wasn't, and started getting worried about her ex-whatever, so I was like "look I'm just here to get drunk, ok? I can't be dealing with any crazy shit"... got home at somesortoftime, and basically don't feel like I've slept, and still feel a little drunk and distant from teh world... Oh, and my headphones are broken which is MAJOR lame as my laptop has shitty speakers as it is. ReZ sometimes your life just sounds so... dull. Well I mean, I have no clue of how significant or important any of what you're talking about is.
  14. Um, you know what's weird? How easily riled you guys are buy some words some other guy said. Nobody who doesn't already follow the pope is going to suddenly radicalise their lives to adopt these 'new sins'... and to be honest, these 'sins' are things we all agree are bad anyway, so what's the fucking fuss? If the pope was just as narrow-minded as half the people in this thread, then I'd be worried.
  15. Urg. That budget is not nice. My pint isn't going to rise three or four pence, it's going to go up 10p. Sure, I can understand the thinking, and I'm glad other taxes haven't risen - but there are no cuts. And the children's benefit is just a joke, anyway - £20 a week to raise a child is just silliness. Yeah this budget reeks of a recession on the rise, to be honest. Government borrowings on the rise to 14bn, was it? Just all sounds a little iffy for me. No word on sorting out the disgrace that is inheritance tax either... Bah. To be honest, are we ever going to see a budget we like? :/
  16. Of course Don't think such little of yourself :P I think what rummy is trying to say is that sometimes it's not the external factors of the world, instead it's something within yourself that reacts in such a way. And to some extent, I'm sure you can understand the truth in that. The thing is, once you start perceiving the world in a certain way - for example, certain factors depress you, and their familiarity sparks the feeling without you being too conscious of it... I mean, if you could control your emotions surely you'd choose not to be depressed? Your point, and the truthful point, is that depression isn't something you can control - and to a very large extent this is true. Rummy's is that despite this feeling being out of your reach, the fact remains that you are human and thus capable of exhibiting a numerous and very quantious amount of actions and abilities that could facilitate the change in how you feel... but to some extent you may feel socially confined, and not able to do so. I think that what rummy says is correct on the one hand, but it overlooks the conscious/subconscious actions of "you", and fails to see to what extent it is "your" fault that you feel as you do. If you lived next door to me, then I would talk to you and try to show you what I mean, but of course that is not possible. But I do know that the main reason people get depressed is due to a lack of/ a weak social network; so the individual is unable to offload their issues and dilemmas to understanding allies. Owen; I hope you realise that the internet is anonymous, and if some particular thing is getting you down then there is no harm in trying to find answers in us plebs online we may not give you the help you desire, but then we just might. Either way, if you feel down about something, no matter how small, you have nothing to lose by trying to communicate with 'us'. We're not here to make things worse Er, yeah; long post. I'll shup now.
  17. Dyson; Fuck people who say what years are the best in your life. It's those people that make you think "well, i guess the good part of my life is over..." It's not over :P if the best days of our lives were over at 24 then wouldn't be have a lot less people willing to stick around for another 50 years? The grade you want at uni might seem unachieveable - and perhaps the hill is too steep to climb, but you can always pay to do the btec again if you really, really want to. Then you just gotta work, and fresh starts are good at inspiring that. And Owen: I hope you're feeling better than the last thread similar to this was around,that you made. The sun's starting to stick around for a bit longer day by day and I don't know about you, but it keeps me going
  18. Book I ordered while drunk the other day arrived! World War Z by Max Brooks. I was thinking "well at least it's not the Zombie Survival Guide as that was just rubbish" ... Then I noticed "From the Author of [iThe Zombie Survival Guide[/i] and it's mildly put me off already :P Yah, a book about zombies. I figured I'd check it out considering my tutor reckons my 'novel' that I submitted for my coursework had great potential. In case anyone cares, the Contamination story on the creative boards was my first draft of the story. If anyone actually wants to read the submitted version then please ask *knows that nobody will ask but wanted to put it out there anyway* Shorty woke me up about 10 mins ago banging on the walls telling me I had like 10 mins to get ready and go to the last day of the term before easter break... and to be honest i just can't be bothered. Instead I'll spend my day watching family guy, or reading this book, or playing katamari or something. I don't know!
  19. Well columnar (welcome to the fori!), I'm currently in my 2nd year of doing an english course and if anything my course is even more vague than yours - it's english studies, a mix of language, lit and creative writing. My solution to the improbability of ever getting a job is to basically take a masters degree, then maybe stick around even longer and weasel my way into a lecturing position... Ideally I end up being a fab author and shit, but realistically.. well who knows? Fact is we're still young (i may be presuming, but I figure you're <30) and life has barely began A move and a fresh start can be a very exciting time, and so long as you're making some sort of effort to chase your dreams then at least you can say you tried. Nice one for going for the journalism route - too fucking scary for me! Now, back to me, me, me... Without any undue surprise, I am feeling less agitated with my life now that my essay is over :P My life is very much unsorted, but I've been able to find joy in the little things, and to realise that small bit more that that is all life is. All I need to be happy really is to have a few things to look forward to in the future; currently that is easter, and with it comes two birthdays and a visit from whom I hope to be able to call 'a friend'. Summer's shaping up now as I have a painting job 75% sorted... so yeah. Things aren't necessarily looking 'up', more just a kind of horizontal view.
  20. Does it come with waffles? I like waffles. Can I play please?
  21. Well a cup mid-season would add two and a half weeks to the season, wouldn't it? That's not too shabby considering the season is two months already. I think a tournament in between seasons would be pretty cool. Love the chance to play some of the big boys :P
  22. neuuuutralll!
  23. Can friendlies be played at the same time? Do the tournaments involve everyone or just selected teams? Surely a tournament with 20 teams wouldn't take more than 5 rounds anyway, so it's not too bad?
  24. Mundi; well I can't remember where that post was :P I think it's not needed anymore as Lazyboy's confessed to the double-vote (and Rokhed's still neither confirming nor denying his, instead saying that I had a double-vote, which is clearly not true from the current standings) Jonnas: Him voting for me will tell you nothing at all about his character. Looks like I'm going to have to reveal my shitty, shitty role. I'm Evo from SSSV - I thought that'd mean I'd control people when they're dead or something, but instead I'm basically a computer chip that hops onto someone's back. I'm supposed to just 'survive' (and somehow I went and got taken hostage, I don't know how you put a chip around a chip's neck) each night. I die if the person I target dies. I think I was supposed to have some sort of awesome watcher-element too, but I guess Mundi left that out :P So does that mean the death-note guy can kill me now? Lazyboy: I want to hear whether her info is 100% reliable, or if it can be confused in some way by my role. Twice I've apparantly targeted the pulp fiction guy(s?) but it's just uncertain as to whether or not I 'stayed' with them, y'see. EDIT: That was phrased poorly - I mean I've ended up on the pulp fiction guys twice, as to whether they're who I targetttted is hard to say. I believe I can go from one person to another based on who I target targets :P Perhaps further target jumping too, not sure. Plus I think you're a bit of a suspicious character yourself :P always eager to lynch, and a double-vote. You mind saying what your vice-mayorship gets up to at night?
  25. Want to share those problems with the rest of us? :P
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