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Everything posted by jayseven

  1. I appreciate you expanding on the tiers there, O_W - I need to get through Deadwood as I stopped at the start of s03. I think you're completely reasonable in shuffling the shows around like that. Breaking Bad loses its position because it doesn't do a great deal of social commentary, am I right? @Iun good idea about separating into genres. Though I've always introduced BSG as "ok so you know star wars and stuff? BSG is NOTHING LIKE THAT"
  2. I've unearthed a few more bits of crazy. I think she nearly said "I love you" last night and it freaked me a little. She gets quite... loud and... annoying when drunk. She repeats herself, repeats repeatedly repeating her repeatrepeat. Like "I like baths, they're so relaxing. I mean, I'm always relaxed when I have a bath, which is why they're great. Baths." It's one of those things where you notice it you can't stop noticing it. But it's also teh fact that I'm highly irritable at the moment, so I feel bad that I'm feeling bad! I've had a long, hard week. I know that basically all I need to do is stop her by talking myself and it's fine, but if I'm low on energy it's just difficult. Just in a place where I need a few days to defrag alone... but I can't yet. Been busy dealing with everyone else's life troubles that I need to focus on mine.
  3. Ate out at a restaurant where the tipping was included, and that does admittedly annoy me, despite the fact that I always tip 10% anyway. If service is actually rubbish or non-existent then yeah I'll not tip at all. That's my passive-aggressive way to let them know I wasn't entirely satisfied. When I worked at argos I'd infrequently get a quid from a customer if I helped them with stuff to their car. Both the customer and I know that it's pretty much just a token gesture, and technically we weren't allowed to accept the tip but I figure if they're offering it then it'd be ruder to turn it down.
  4. I find it odd that the same people who were vocally saying "yeah the wii U isn;t graphically awesome? SO WHAT!" are now saying "The PS4 graphics aren't good enough!" It's not due to hit shelves 'til xmas time, right? Combining the number of companies backing the PS4 I'm sure we'll se a larger list of great games for release date. And basically, any 3rd-party Wii U game we see this year will be a PS4 contender, too. It's also pointless people going "to me the social aspect of teh PS4 is useless, because I have no friends, tehrefore the console is shit."
  5. Got a few new favourites thanks to some playlists others have made me. (Beach House are great) Love these tracks.
  6. Treated my lady to a meal out tonight. Fancy tapas in the nicest, most authentic place in town. Had plenty of fun and now nearly 4 weeks into our relationship it didn't feel like a date at all! I've never experienced having someone to share stimulating conversations with for such prolongued times. But I spent the bus ride home just feeling a bit peeved. Mutual Friend's dad's funeral is next week and, because I'm jobless, I've been spending this week with her gutting the dad's flat. I've been tasked with downloading the songs for the funeral (amongst other responsibilities, like arranging the 'guest list') and MF texted some worries about the songs towards teh end of the evening, and my lady's rooted begrudgement came to light - she said "you can call her" and "you should go be with her now." She's trying to play the supportive other half, and be understanding that our Mutual Friend is in a time of need, however I have a real thing about being pushed away and I didn't appreciate that my lady was "happy" to suggest I leave our good evening (at 11pm), especially because I knew my lady was only saying that, whilst actually thinking "I wish he would spend all this time with me even though I know he's doing a Good Thing and I know he's not doing anything untoward with her but still I was hoping we'd have this evening to ourselves and yet she is texting him but not texting me and she's not texted me for ages and I've not seen her for ages and..." I mean she's an overthinker, like me, except she has much less logical override. We 'defused' the non-situation, but still she doesn't really 'get' that I react strongly to being pushed away. To me it's the same as not being wanted, or being rejected. I put up with it a lot for a lot of years and it's my sore point that still needs healing. I was so thrown by my own overblown thoughts that I forgot how to quickly diffuse the situation simply. She apologised and recognised her mistake before I even had to, and I really do appreciate that, but I'm left with that lingering emotion of annoyance of an evening not-ruined-but-certainly-tainted, through no real fault or control of my own. It's been really difficult to carry out a 'normal' courtship-relationship with the restrictions we have; a 'deadline' of me going to Oz that we've mostly overcome, and our homepoints being under parental control. She works and has responsibilities and all I want to do is see her. I hate this part of a relationship where the distance tugs at the heartstrings -- and yet I am fully eager to enter 8 months of distance and separation. The big picture is painful, but ultimately I'm lucky and falling in love with someone beautiful and I can't hold on too long to the negative elements of the situation. Rantrantrant! I can't really discuss this with others in my circle because since me and my lady hooked up two other couples have started to form and as such there's a lot of hollyoaks-esque gossip and drama, so one word spreads like wildfire. So n-e gets the chestweight.
  7. Y'know, I can handle being on max-capacity buses, I can live with restaurants having tables that little bit too close to each other, but I don't think i could live in a world where we efficientify (new word) motherfucking toilets. Most of my university life was spend discovering the quietest shitters on campus for those days when you knew that solid shit you had after you woke up was going to quickly be answered by a liquid/scattershot shit shortly after. The world NEEDS an excess of toilets. Ramar's vision has freaked me out. I may need to go quiver in corner somewhere. (... I want to say this is all true but it's not)
  8. Josh64 hit closest to what my lady said - that she'd be sad that when her and her friend goes to the loos to talk about some guys the guys might walk in. It's their sacred chat spot! She also said taht most women's loos tend to have queues (in pubs/clubs/bars/etc), which is another aspect to be considered.
  9. Is gender-neutral the same as unisex toilets, only without the word 'sex' in it? Rottingdean seafront is barely Brighton at all. It's dead as fuck, and likely this is being introduced not to be all groovy and liberal but just so that they don't have to fork out twice as much money to provide two sets of toilets for a part of the area where there are like 10 people a year visiting who don't want to pee in the sea. Lots of silliness.
  10. Premier league = top tier Championship = next one down League one = next one down again Sorry about the niche analogy! Essentially, Walking Dead is amongst the best shows, but not good enough to be compared to the top top top shows
  11. Walking Dead isn't in the same league as Breaking Bad, if I have to be honest. Most of season 2 is just too slow for TV, and the 2nd half of season 1 also drags. But the show can promise, for a long time, sections of really high and quality drama. I'm cool with that, but it's a championship side compared to the premier league of Breaking Bad.
  12. It's the same as before -- if you want to talk about a game then do a forum search to check if there's already a thread to post in. If not, make a new thread. People will enter a discussion in an active thread, not one three months old. Losing things to the passage of time is something we shouldn't be afraid of
  13. Also having the PS home button thing on the 'slant' would make it face you when you're holding it in a relaxed posture, wouldn't it? As a 360-er I think the pad looks plenty comfortable in this bulkier version. Combined with the stupid nextbox rumours, I'm taking a shine to this turncoat option. If I can get PS3 games somehow at a reasonable price, then I'm sold... But only sold in like 3 years time when it's affordable.
  14. Gave up on the super-sonnet idea (thanks to shorty bringing his english degree out of retirement) and wrote something much more 'me'. She seriously loved it. Seriously. The card she gave me is hilarious for in-joke reasons. We made a pizza and half-watched half a film. Annoyingly she didn't get to mine 'til 8pm and had to leave at 11pm! Her bastard work. But overall, much more enjoyable not being out in town amidst the throng of people forcing themselves to not hate v-day.
  15. @Daft shame on you for stealing bob's joke! (he posted somethiing similar waay up there at the start of the thread)
  16. just Gesticulating jestily Must masticate messily Rummy rummy rummily
  17. I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not! Rararsradsg
  18. Trying to be a proper shit and write a poem. A sonnet, even. But I'm being extra strict and using the first letter of each line to spell something stupid, and now I'm struggling to find a word that starts with V that is unstressed, followed by a stressed syllable. Then i start to re-re-re-re-read the whole thing and I just worry. I'm planning to write each line on a flick-book and do a little doodle to go with them, so that she won't even notice what the initial letters are spelling until I tell Mutual Friend who will point it out later. Gararagag writer's block!
  19. My teeth don't line up great, and I have managed to chip all of my canine teeth, so tearing off a bite to eat is rarely a one-clamp job. I'm always making a mess of eating. Don't hate the things I do!
  20. whendidyougotravellingwtfwhydidn'tyoutelluswhatdidyoudohowwasitandWHYDIDN'TYOUSAYYOUWEREINOZ ... You may have said you were going travelling during my 'quiet' n-e phase...
  21. Aw, meranda. You had so much promise, you brought us so much hope. And now here we are - the cloth has been pulled back, and the statue of your purpose has been unveiled. We crossed our collective fingers, hoping you would arrive amidst the fanfare dreams and ambition, laying your strong claim to Member Of The Year 2013, but instead all is detritus and lust and wanton desires; false dreams. We hoped you would want to take us to another plane of hilarity, instead you want to take us to another website altogether. Where did it go wrong, meranda? Where did it go wrong...
  22. When I'm single I don't give a shit but when I'm with someone it feels like I'm part of a problem, or in some sort of competition. It's like when people complain about traffic whilst actually being traffic themselves. My original plans were beer, pizza and xbox with a mate - we didn't even realise the date!
  23. Never been a huge fan of it, but starting a new relationship... I do feel extra-compelled to do something. Unfortunately the meaningful gift isn't happening, and I've got no card, so I figure I'll write a poem and read it to the lucky girl (:P). We initially made no plans at all, but now it's too much to waste a day together... so we're going to try and go for a quiet drink, and come to mine to watch a film. I hate the idea of going to a restaurant surrounded by couples. SHUDDERRRRR.
  24. Ah man at most stations I'll take the stairs when I can. Usually I'm travelling London with a 30kg suitcase and the stairs are insurmountable. I forget the name of the station, but I think 3 N-E meets ago I walked half-way to hyde park then got on a tube, and the station itself was down a 600+spiral staircase. Everyone I passed was all "omg is it nearly the top?!"
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