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Everything posted by jayseven

  1. I have that sammich on a t-shirt and everyone loves it.
  2. Dude depression isn't something a girlfriend can just 'pick you up' out of. It's not something someone can grab you from and pull you to the surface. Get some help dealing with that. See your doctor. It's part of the 'sort yourself out first' plan.
  3. I didn't know exactly how to answer this so I've gone to t'internets; See here for full definition. Essentially it can be used in place of 'I' or 'me' but really only in some situations. If you say "the teacher asked Tim and myself to get the books" you are sounding like you are overcorrecting your speech - something one might do, say, in court, to try and sound cleverer or more proper. That's how it reads in this context to me, and that's just because I'm better at recognising the authorial intention of such a use in, say, a book, rather than the correct grammatical use! Hope this post was vaguely helpful.
  4. @Tales you are doing the right thing by reaching out to them -- contacting some friends and letting them know about how down you're feeling will help you identify friends that care. Be aware that friendships are always two-way and that a lot of the time one can find themselves left out of social circles because they stopped accepting invites out, and never acted as the agent of organisation, or harbinger of party timez. The person who said stfu is insensitive. Perhaps we're hearing it out of context, but why not unfriend? We've said before that getting out and socialising is the way forward. Find clubs to join, do a course, start a new hobby. I know it's always easier said than done but how else will it happen?
  5. Vote: Three pages of birthday greetings I am willing to repost.
  6. I got it all right, and I'm all for kids learning this shit. I find it odd that there's no essay-based question to go along side it to really test a student's ability to utilise a learned skill. This test assesses a child's ability to evaluate something in front of them based upon memorised rulesets. I'd still like to see a form of creative writing -- though i guess that's harder to really provide fair marks for. This test would provide more quantifiable results. I didn't read the extra information you posted, Emma, so I'm sure it's a complicated matter, but it is a step away from getting students to memorise stock essay responses, which is definitely a good thing -- however I have little-to-no knowledge of the education system over here so you'll have better insight! I think it's reasonable to test a child's ability like this, but I have mixed feelings about when the tests are suitible i.e. falling at the end of the year isn't necessarily practical for improving the child's abilities as they're going to move up a year and have a new teacher the next term, etc etc. Rambles here!
  7. I had the barcelona olympics game. Was good enough to pwn at just about everything except the diving. My favourite was archery. Mario Party eat your heart out, this is top quality button mashing right here!
  8. So just to clarify this dude just killed a man? (I mean he's a character and all but am did I miss the fact that he killed a guy or did the three bludgeons with a hatchet just temporarily mortify the 300lb character/rapist mentioned?)
  9. I wouldn't say talk to her in a week's time. I'd say don't talk to her again. Rather than living your life looking forwards to these checkpoints you need to refocus for a while. Priority here is you.
  10. It's not really a comforting thing, it's just a fact. Facts are harsh a lot of the time. it's not meant to comfort you but to remind you that thinking the world is over, everything will suck forever... well that those thoughts are wrong. Have faith in that. She's the only love of your life, so how do you know she's the love of your life? You've not lived your whole life yet. I invested a lot of time, energy, money and love in a relationship that was hollowing me out all because I thought it was the love of my life. it took a long patch of time (talking 7 months this time round -- we broke up before) to really recognise that it was my own stubborn grip on the idea of having one true love that was actually strangling me entirely in the first place. I don't know the full situation but you're, what, 23? The older you get and the more assertive you are of yourself, the more you will chance upon other people of a similar age that, too, have grown up and grown into themselves. I know it's cliché to say "when I was your age..." but it's true. It'll be true in 5 years time when I look at me as a 26 year old. Things do change. The first step towards that improvement is in taking the affirmative step and making that decision, in closing the door on the maybes and what-if scenarios leading to you getting back with her. From my experience, anyway, and that's not going to be the only answer you'll get.
  11. Is it definitely you and not her? If you're in a position to be saying detrimental things about yourself then maybe you do need to take the time to work on that before you play the love game? I'm all about moving on these days so I may be a bit bias, but I think you need to look after yourself first.
  12. Dazz; ask her out. Do what I did! Don't make it a date-date. Definitely worth having a shot at something that could be real. (lolz I totes got a dinner date in 45 mins)
  13. The sheikah lynch train was the most obvious clue. MURRAY and cube were flying under teh radar up 'til then, but the quick succession of lynch votes made it really, really obvious that it was a co-ordinated event. I think I got really lucky coming online when I was one vote away form being lynched as that would've postponed some of the madness. Despite disliking sheikah's approach; inferring and constructing theories from little basic data, it did get me fully invested in the game. I really came close to PMing DuD and saying "I don't want to play anymore." It was a very fast-paced game and I was sat here hitting F5 on more than one occassion!
  14. I targetted peeps. I believe I am the "guide " that resolved the conflict of interest, not that I know what that may mean. EEVIL and cube are still my favourites to vote for, as I consider myself, mr-paul and peeps to be good (in that order :P) and lean towards trusting jonnas. Vote: EEVILMURRAY I will try to post/check thread early tomorrow, but I'm out from now 'til sunday night!
  15. Does reed offer those kinds of jobs? A lot of recruitment companies 'specialise' in one type of job or another, don't they? I've never used Reed but I thought they were just office-based. I'm back at square one, having to mould my CV for a job centre interview on monday. Kinda don't have time to do it (should've done it already) and kinda don't have a printer... But I like my CV. I have experience in shop work, offices, call work, hospitality, tutoring, sports coaching, support work. Volunteered for charities, worked in doctor's surgeries, worked with kids. Held managerial positions, been in charge of training, been recycling officer (lol), was secretary then co-president of my uni society. It means I can apply for a range of jobs, and there are loads of proven skills that I've learnt in jobs that otherwise may be irrelevant to a job I want. Brighton is largely telecommunications. Many of the larger companies have departments entirely off the phones, which is what I want, but I'd have to start on the phones. But support work is a massive field of jobs now, and that's probably the path I will follow. However, I'm leaving the country in less than 2 months sooooo.... yeah. I kinda just need the dole money... :P Sorry tax payers! But consider it instead as if I'm being given back money I was taxed in the past.
  16. My friend made me a list of youtube music to watch, which I am compiling into a playlist so I can soak myself in new. I made my own in retaliation, and I may have been listening to that way more. Tonight my friend has organised an event he has titled MANLY NIGHT. It is a ridiculous premise that will diminish the intention of the night by building stupid expectations. Still, my other friend has marinaded us some steaks and is providing half a bottle of whiskey, and I'm going to nab a big, cheap, dirty bottle of cider. Before THAT is PIZZA. Another friend and I take it in turns to buy us both pizza. We've done it for about 8 years, about once a month when possible. It's his turn to pay, which is good as I have no money. Seeing family tomorrow really early, so I'm worried that tonight will wreck me. But yes, overall life is not bad. Money problems taint everything else, of course.
  17. Lol :P She has admitted having a tendancy to being melodramatic, and actually her idea of 'melodramatic' is to kind of be "ohmigod... I don't know..." so she's actually pretty chilled. I'm the one overthinking constantly. I panic because I'm a bit odd. She's picked up on both the oddness ("you're different to everyone I've ever met" and the panic stuff ("you talk more than all the other guys I've known"). She's been at mine after meeting a friend. I cooked dinner, we fooled around and tried to watch Breaking Bad. It became Breaking Bed... because my bed is shit. She got the last bus home. Then last night a similar set-up, only she was meeting Mutual Friend and they were in town for ages. Comes to like 10pm and I figure it's too late for her to come by just for 1h45mins, so she texts me "sorry going to head home, curl up with a movie ;)" and then "We'll meet soon ;)" and I thought it was fairly obvious -- the winks gave it away -- she was heading to mine. I did a quick cleanup and surprise, surprise, she knocks on my window..! We try to watch a movie, break the bed a few times, and basically she had to leave at 6am to go to work. I went and got a few hours sleep. So yeah... wow. Things are still Oz-themed too much. We keep trying to 'get to know each other' but it keeps turning back. She is fairly adamant that she doesn't want to get too attached before I go, which i guess means no facebook officialising of the whole thing. She was surprised when I said I'd be ok with 8 months apart. Things are going good, but still a bit wobbly because I can't kick my self-confidence into line. Most people I can talk about my weaknesses in a confident manner because ultimately I'm not asking them to share the load, but letting someone in means I'm afraid they'll run away the more they hear about the broken pieces that make up ME. The real danger is in the very fear itself becoming the arms that push away rather than pull together. Damn you overthinky brain! ... But yeah, good night :P
  18. maybe because it was an accidental mafia killing, and yvonne's ability would be to take out someone else? Who knows. There's no proof whatsoever that there's a vig killer out there because this is teh first night. I'd just rather assume that there's something that went wrong for mafia last night. BESIDES. DEDEDE IS MAFIA. Quit stalling. This is more stupid.
  19. @The Peeps yep. Dud confirmed this. Jonnas is correct. Dedede is literally mafia. Cube and murray are the best suspects, because they stupidly lynched stupidly. We need them investigated/blocked.
  20. Guys. The maff lynch-trained sheikah yesterday. If any townies voted for sheikah then they were utter, utter, utter idiots. Yvonne and dedede were so obviously mafia. Cube and eevil are clearly the contenders for another slot or two. It's foolish to think mr-paul is maff, foolish to think peeps is maff. Let's just lynch dedede today and have cube and eevil checked as much as possible. It was just ludicrous yesterday. proven innocent: jayseven, mr-paul, peeps. Proven idiots: cube, eevilmurray Vote: Jon Dedede
  21. I don't think I crossed into grovelling. I apologised for not walking her home -- something I definitely should've done. She wasn't aware of the circumstances of why I didn't -- but still, I forgot to even offer. Some people think an apology is this big scarce resource that you can never use. Sure, don't water it down, but don't feel like you have to be right all the time when a situation can be resolved by compromise. It's still early days, but I'm really struggling to see that people think they'd break it off just because of this. I'm not able to present the full circumstances in an unbiased way, but it's not just me giving her a chance here, it's me giving us a chance, ergo giving myself a chance at something great. You don't feel strongly for all that many people. Anyway - dinner and breaking bad at mine in... an hour. Better get ready! (no, that wasn't an invite to you lot, stay away!)
  22. 10/10 in about 10 seconds. Would love to see some of these for other countries as I bet I'd fail those.
  23. Actually I think you are now officially the most famous person I look like, @CoolFunkMan
  24. Well they now have 4 votes on sheikah and only need two more for a lynch. Looks like we need to move fast guys otherwise we may just be facing a whitewash.
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