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Everything posted by jayseven

  1. Cosplay at PokeCon 2039: It was clear that it was time to just give up.
  2. Do it most eye surgeries are very successful and totally worth doing. I'm just a bit bitter. Surgery is fun! People give you presents, you get to take drugs LEGALLY and then they even give you a voucher entitling you to FREE DRUGS for a few weeks. And for girls you get flowers and whatever. For boys we get hot nurses! Then afterwards you get family sympathy and time off work/school/the street. FOR GAMES!
  3. Craving does the trick! (can't think of anywhere right now...)
  4. They cut the muscles, got the eye out, sliced it open, drained the eye-fluid from behind the detached retina, froze it, put more fluid in, stitched it shut, put a silicone band on it, wedged it back in, gave me a lollipop. That's what I remember, anyway. Order might be slightly wrong. They told me it wasn't supposed to bleed the way it did. But then I had one of the top dudes in the country perform the surgery so maybe his standards are ridiculously high! Might thread rip? Broken N-Ers, unite!
  5. My left eye has a 'wrinkled' retina thanks to the way that it's effectively impossible to get such a thin bit of tissue back down the way it was in the first place, so my view of the world is distorted to the extent where it is essentially just colours and shapes. Combined with depigmentation in the peripheral of my sight, which affects both of my eyes, my visual field is shrinking slowly. I have a hard time adjusting to light changes, and have very poor contrast skills and no true sense of 3D. I pride myself on people not realising that I'm blind and deaf for ages. I shame myself at how suddenly obvious it then is to them. I'm going to have a bit of a drink tonight, I think. Do you think that even if you went private you'd be able to get all the specialists together? They need to dedicate a House episode to you. Also, do you ever think about just how little we really know about the human body? I often feel like there must be one, maybe minute, but definitely one reason why all my shit has happened to me. I can't explain it very well... but... bleh. You definitely have it worse than me. While I'm slowly falling apart in a fairly predictable and consistent manner, you seem to have a lottery of trouble added continuously at random intervals. Oh, hello forum.
  6. My eye surgery gave me DVD, which they can't fix, and has led to several eye muscle problems that I just don't give a shit about. You can live with DVD if you don't feel conscious about it. Most people don't notice it with me -- mostly because I rarely focus with my left eye at all (wow I'm so lucky) so it only really comes into play when I'm tired or focusing on things which my left eye can focus on, like text in books or on computers (which is why I got additional reading time for my exams, and a 'custom' laptop that... was just a bit dimmer than others, or something). Don't have any invasive surgery if you don't think it really bothers you. My eye haemorrhaged in surgery leading to discoloration of the whites of my eye, my pipil went wonky (still is a bit but nobody can tell) and... well actually all that was pretty cool; That was taken... a week after surgery? It's part of the reason why I'm a drunk arse most of the time. So yeah I just totally turned that one around from about you to about me -- sorryu! I just react like this when eyes are mentioned. If you have any questions about eye stuff that I might be able to help you with then please do ask. I will tell you all that I, and various wiki pages that I may steal from, know on the subject.
  7. Doshin was one of those games that I couldn't find cheaper than £20 for aaages, like Ikaruga, Resi 2 and Resi 3, so I never got it.
  8. Stumbled on this and thought you Doctor Whovians would like it; A partial map of the TARDIS. if you've not seen it/if it's not been posted in here already. I really just popped in to post this. Cheerio!
  9. I've been ID'd for a pack of Rizlas before. My mate got ID'd for a pack of matches. And I definitely have a case of 'oldface'.
  10. That 'trick', if it's the one I'm thinking of, actually works. Check out Happenstance's thread
  11. The problem with these spoof movies is that by narrowly mocking a specific type of movie, the people who normally love those types of movie (especially twilight fans) will just be all offended and think it's shit, while the people who hate twilight won't get the stupid references.
  12. I'd say more milk/cream, less sugar.
  13. Yeah I think that picture's just to help get it in the cultural consciousness, as that was only 'discovered' fairly recently, was it not?
  14. I do mean just deesquared.com. Flink; axe cop meets empire would be totally winner! We can be the next forum project that lasts for two weeks? (I'm serious)
  15. I made other points! Bah. You wanted an outside opinion.
  16. "Deesquared" is just better. It merges your initials of DD while also putting across a vaguely reviewery tone, with 'desquaring' being a made up word that sounds like it means 'to simplify', no? Removing "movie reviews" means that you can utilise your url differently should you venture to do so in the future. Also nobody likes to type in really long urls. dsquared, dsqared, whatever funky internet-trendy purposful misspelling suits your tastes. Just, please, don't have "dudedazz" because it sounds like a child is doing it.
  17. I had the very old-skool brick Gameboy versions where mario was the ref in tennis (boy how I loved that game...) and golf was quite a perplexing game to play for a 8 year old kid. Always wanted the Color ones but they were always quite expensive. I used to routinely borrow Mario Tennis for the N64, to the point where the guy at the video rental store would see me and know what I was after, and even would let me have it for a 10-day holiday at my nan's for the price of a day. I once even 'accidentally' put the wrong game in the case (mission impossible) in order to get more gametime with it.
  18. Such a polarising Zelda game though, wasn't it? While OoT is actually the only Zelda I've ever completed, WW is the first one where I just went "... are you kidding me? Fuck this." I stopped at the collecting-triforce-pieces, I believe. Probably my own fault because for some reason I spent days decking out That Island with lots of flower pot things for no real reason whatsoever. I think I could go back and enjoy the game more now that I'm older, though. But I probably never will.
  19. BOVRIL FOR THE EPIC WIN! ... It's not going to win this vote, but I'm glad Pancake is as clued-up as I am. You can get ready-for-your-mug powder sachets of bovril, or a jar of the stuff very similar to marmite. The sachets are more convenient, but the jars of the stuff are more versatile. Me and a mate in sheff (for those in the know; Andy) once had about 30 cups of bovril in one hilarious night. We'd have a bovril and marvel at how awesome it was, then watch tv/play games then one of us would go HOLY SHIT DUDE I JUST REMEMBERED HOW TOTALLY AWESOME THAT BOVRIL WAS! WE HAVE TO HAVE ANOTHER ONE RIGHT NOW and so we would... Coffee is tricky to get into. I started drinking it for a reason similar to shorty -- getting to work, needing a caffeine boost but - Oh no! I've not got any change for the vending machine. But- wha- Coffee is FREE at work?! I used to guzzle a can of coke in minutes before a shift, but ultimately I'd make a coffee with variable amounts of sugar (depending on lethargy) then make it half boiling water, half milk - both to cool it down and to adjust to the taste. Milky coffee is totally win. Tea strikes me as pointless. Anyone who as Hot Chocolate with water is insane. Not how it's meant to be done. A mention must be made for hot milk. A splash of sugar... mmmm wintery nights. Also, hey, mulled wine for teh alcoholics amongst us. All three of us.
  20. Oh, man, had a brief session today and got annihilated repeatedly. Totally lost it. Just going to Power Through so I've done with danger close (140 more to go!) then prestige and start again.
  21. Pshaw! They weren't tears in my eyes. They were tears in YOUR eyes. Everywhere you looked you saw tears in peoples eyes.
  22. A closer game, this time. Noodle didn't put out his strongest side and I think in the end all that got him the W was the home advantage (and my striker that has one good game in twelve...).
  23. Just got round to watching Brick. My main complaint is the lack of subtitles combined with the mumbling and the frequent shots during dialogue that didn't have the mouthes of the speakers. I must've missed around a third of the script. A very condensed flick that, I suppose, really just says "noir is totally dead unless you spoof it in such a way that the viewer is more concerned with trying to find parallels rather than realising how obvious the story is". Having said that, I very much enjoyed watching it. It's tense and vivid, and it's actually rather refreshing to see a 'teen'-cast movie that tries to take itself seriously, when the easier option would've been satire.
  24. That's quite a nice read lovely bits of alliteration and consonance, I'd just say that this bit; "dore me for what I am, not this reflection Don't be floored by deception, Admire my direction" ... the pacing is a little off. The reflection/deception/direction feels too forced. If you change 'floored' or 'admire' to rhyme with the other then you may get away with it, like "Set fire by deception, admire my direction" -- or change 'floored' to a word that has similar vowel sounds to 'deception'. I think that 'deception' is the wrong word to use, stress-wise, though. The "fuck what they feed you" detracts from the general tone that the rest of the poem carries, too. If you want it to be a song I'd say that you should try and work with song structures; verses, choruses, etc. Don't be afraid to mash up a whole mixture of your writings to see how it turns out. Be brave and cut what you know isn't good!
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