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Everything posted by jayseven

  1. hey blud -- RE: x11 reports, I'll gladly cover the middle league report and leave you with the top league -- ideally we'd have a lower league player actually commentating, otherwise i don't mind rotating reports for that one with you :)

  2. Nyaaaw! Touching. damn double-post; The luckiest people on earth. Some of these are seriously incredible!
  3. So when I'm home alone I don't mind having the front door unlocked, yet I still lock the bathroom door. Wrote a song.
  4. Scott Pilgrim looks extra awesome everytime I see it. I'm gonna have to stop watching teh trailers. TOO COOL!
  5. Worst change report ever! My dream defender indeed gained two skill, and another defender went up 1, but in general my team went down, so my team is effectively weaker than it was last season. Survival in the middle league is not going to be an easy feat at all!
  6. Daft; would you consider selling me the wifi adapter for £10? :'( Pwease?
  7. I loved playing the original -- this and vigilante 8 were awesome. For a moment I thought Twisted Metal here would try and do a Blast-Corps style game when they mentioned "Twisted Metal Nuke"... if they did then I'd have to buy a PS3 just for this game.
  8. After staying up late to watch a couple of movies with my housemate, I went to have a cigarette. Standing outside my front door I saw a magpie walk what must've been 100 yards on the other side of the road, occasionally glancing in my direction. It hopped onto a wall, then flapped onto a sign on a lampost and gazed at me. The sun had just come up, the street was deserted. It cried out, and lunged at me. When it was about 6 foot away from me, and its intentions were (un)clear, I cawed back and flapped my arms. It realised quick that I was clearly no easy prey, and I stroked its wing as it diverted from its original plans. I shall now go to sleep, glad i still have my eyes.
  9. Haden; start the new league ASAP, I say. Fuck everyone getting the chance to buy new awesomez (I don't have any money...). My 20 Dev guy has training cone, play-anywhere, shooting power, and mad heading skillz. He's a future legend!
  10. oooh YES PLEASE!! I was literally thinking earlier today "We've not had a mafia for a while... what happened to mine?!" And I PROMISE I'll get mine going after this one. PROMISESEEESES! Win. Big C bringing it back into fash'.
  11. Nice one fishy-fish! Odwin; me too! I don't think I'm going to do brilliant, but my 20 4 defender has been playing at leat 7-skill games all season and has 20 dev skill and 20 form so he should go up two bars at least... Changes reports are like little mini CHRISTMASES!! Only I never know precisely when they're going to be here. Arg!
  12. Sometimes reading about people's fears of the novel is touching, especially when they're always so damn romantic about it. Paj; apply for anywhere any everywhere, even for places you don't want to work. The interview experience is what you're after, and you are completely allowed to decline any job offers you receive that you don't want. You'll quickly learn the bullshit lingo necessary. Employers like to hire the young'uns as they can pay you a heck of a lot less for the same work. My 'first' job at woolworths was awesome because they accidentally gave me the 21+ contract, so they were paying me far more than the national minimum wage decreed acceptable for my age. My first interview was with Tescos, and it was horrible, but it gave me the perspective to succeed at every job interview I've had since (which is three, soon to be three and a half). For referees I used a college tutor and a family friend. I'm pretty sure they didn't call on either. I don't know what the job is like that you applied for, but in retail you need to prove you're somehow trustworthy, reliable, smart enough to use a till and able to handle sums of money without running out of the store. My CV referred to a 'volunteer' job I had helping my mum count foreign currencies when I was 10-14 at her workplace. But then on the application form for greatest life achievement I put "I once came 2nd place in a beauty contest in monopoly" and they still gave me the job - 3 places and 70 applicants. Nobody gives a shit. And clearly I'm in the mood to write.
  13. loved twisted metal as a kid. Steam is a massive move, and -- is that right -- move and nav are cheaper to buy separately? What was the subscription thing mentioned above? Sorry to bring it all up. Sounds like a great conference, there! Thanks for writing it up.
  14. narf! It's all on the previous page, boyo. My family is strong in essex, under many assumed surnames. BE AFRAID!
  15. True. if he did he'd have checked that lump out already. Then after he saw the head specialist, he'd've wandered over to the oncologist about his ass, too.
  16. woah woah woah! I missed the conference. What's this live-esque subscription fee, here? Could anyone summarise the conference for me while I wait for a suitible time to watch a summary video somewhere... Missed teh ninty one too, and am afraid of the fanboyism in teh ninty board
  17. - Opened with presumably the beginning of Call Of Duty: Black Ops playthrough. Game suggests (duh) a focus on stealth rather that OTT shooting - Brief 'trailer' devoid of game content for Crytex's "Codename Kingdom". Nobody knows what it's about. - Short clip of Metal Gear: Somethingorother where you can cut at will. Looks kinda fun, you can slice watermelons and stuff. - Halo: Reach stuff. I think. I'm not down with the kids when it comes to Halo. - 4-player co-op for gears 3 that looked traditionally 'epic' i.e. moreofthesame, but that's ok. - Then an hour and 20 mins of how the Kinect system revolutionises (read: makes more complicated than a controller) the navigation of the Zune stuff; movies/music. Say "XBOX" then a command like "play" or "stop" and it will do some surprising things. - Big push of some sort of ESPN 'channel' where you can watch the channel/pay for the PPV things. They focused on college football and we snored. - Pushing the microsoft network -- 'Live' and how the kinect camera actually tilts to follow you around the room while you web-chat with your contacts, stalker style. - Various shakey-hand commands that i forget - Several wii-emulating gamepacks; sports, dance, cars, party games, all sold separately and guarenteed to give your arms chronic aches from posing like a ponce. Lots of people forced-smiling and 'enjoying' running on the spot, dancing like a twat and posing like tetris blocks. - Some girl played with the latest generation of tamagotchi; a tiger (she thinks it's a dog) called Skittles who matrix-trips on some skipping rope. - New 'slim' 360 that is 'kinect ready', 250gb hdd, wifi ready and one big fan and smarter cooling system so that the console will now last longer than the warrenty so you'll have to pay more for a 'replacement'. - Console to retail at similar price to current 360 - Kinect itself is another $120-150, depending on who you ask. Shoould still be compatible with current 360s but microsoft aren't really going to publicise that fact. That's all I remember. It was genuinely over an hour of wiimitation software that, for some reason, tehy're selling on 15 different discs rather than one because they're money whoars, but it's working because everyone already wants a new xbox even though they already have one because I DUN UNDERSTAND WHAIII
  18. It is categorically impossible for a stuwii thread to be taken seriously. But clearly the forum enjoys it, so we must let brain-dead, three-legged dogs succumb to their own misery.
  19. or you could be like me AND KICK ASS FROM THE GET GO!! That's how I remember it and that's how it's going down in my autobigraphy.
  20. There's already a thread, Chode.
  21. Let's face it - it'll cost next to nothing and it'll be a heck of a show -- we could charge admission and everything!
  22. Gizmo maybe it's a good idea to let us know now, before it's too late -- cremation or burial?
  23. Urg, murder is that table. I'll aim for survival, methinks. Fingers crossed for the change report!
  24. Football is banned from this topic. It's mean enough that us pro-soccerites are taking up everyone's precious TV time. There's a thread for you lot! That is, unless your summer plans include coaching a rag-tag group of hilarious misfits to the dizzying heights of a local tournament final against their local, heavily-sponsored rivals whose logo looks suspiciously nazi-like and are, coincidentially, being coached by That Kid You Never Liked At School, who is practically stalking Hot Lady Mom Of Star Player who for some reason has a soft spot for you, and always has ever since that one time she was getting picked on at school by That Kid and you went up to him and used words, not force, to get That Kid to leave Lady alone, so she doesn't mind that you spend far too much time with her son and all his friends as you teach them how to control a ball or two, as well as the importance of stretching before the game. And I've already copywrited that for my next summer's to-do list, so hands off.
  25. nightwolf; cheers for the offer but brighton's still a good two hours away from essex and yeah I have a buttload of stuff. cube; MEGACOTTONNN!!! ...?
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