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Everything posted by jayseven

  1. WHAT ABOUT BACON?! PETER SCHMIECHEL?! To be fair, you're third after those two, danny. Happy birthday!
  2. He's tried it on me at least three times. It only worked once!
  3. Cancel it. Fuck them and their privacy-invading! - Ingested far too much caffiene - sitting very still to counter the mad-beating heart! - Spent the best part of the last 6 hours of my day watching awesome videos on ted.com - Should probably cook dinner. - Yeah I'll go do that now - Then Kenny Vs. Spenny season 6!
  4. Do I really need to google for a "questions lost actually answered" webpage? I do? Oh. questions lost actually answered. And for the extra lazy; questions lost actually answered. QUIT WHINING ALREADY.
  5. I'd put some money on joker having a 'cameo' in the third movie, somewhat akin to his mention in teh first. He'll make an appearance via some newspaper headline or a mention on a scrollbar on a news report, grafitti on a billboard, etc, etc, you get the gist. Seriously, I wonder what sort of odds I'd get for that...
  6. My completed games list is; Lost, Banjo kazooie, condemned, Assassin's creed 2 and MW2. I think I have a fairly typical range, there. For me, a lot of the achievements I don't have for a lot of games are online ones, where the game makers are essentially trying to bribe me for my free time.
  7. I went to a bbq this afternoon, drank some homebrew cider that was stronger than it tasted, told my new joke (I now know TWO!), played some COD (beat everyone) and some guitar hero then got a cab home, watched twin peaks and... wow it's late again! Aaah unlucky! I hate it when I lose something. Even though I'm a 'messy' person, my mess tends to be sorta organised -- there are piles dotted around my room, and if I want to find something specific then I know it can be in one of three places. When tidy people lose something, they lose all hope of ever finding it again. Well over the last year I've become numb to the typical 'stealing'. Toothpaste, shower gel, shampoo, onions, general food, etcetcetc. I will be glad to move on from this place.
  8. Performing in front of the queen is undenyably a dream come true. Just not necessarily mine.
  9. I woke up to see my new cardboard sign of "You STILL owe me" had been altered to "you'RE still Gowe-ing DOWN SmeD". I changed it to "you're still gowe-ing downTOWN TO BUY PERSIL LIQUITABS FOR smed". Not sure how far this one can go. Spilt a glass of water during my falling-asleep, went all over the plug sockets. Freaked out. Housemate who 'accidentally' took my copy of assassin's creed home with him must've taken my fallout 3 and my fallout 3 DLC disc, too. The fucker. Can't really be sure if he's not got any of my other games as honestly I don't know what games are my own ones half the time. And at some point in my sleep I've managed to lose my phone. Usually when I go to bed it lives in one place -- under my pillow. Not being there this morning, I presume it is under my bed somewhere... but I've yet to find it. It's on vibrate and I'm literally sitting here waiting for someone to text me...
  10. Promotion is safe, I don't think I'll win the title though. EDGED a win today despite fielding my worst possible team. Do not like the idea of playing against the likes of noodle or roostophe next season at all...
  11. Turns out my coursemate and her boyfriend are people I should've met 4 years ago. I went to their place after work/pub and we played Resi 4 and Smash bros (currently undefeated on their console, oh yeeaaah!). They are into the same books/movies as me, suggestested only the graphic novels I've already read and wish to watch shows I've already seen... Love these guys already. Managed to stumble home by myself -- only to realise I'd left my keys at theirs, ensuing a 45 minute-round trip to collect access to my own place. Subsequently I've watched the latest Ultimate Fighter and am finishing the pilot to Twin Peaks (weird), and my friday is essentially xpert11 followed by potential bbq, as well as general harassment to a housemate who owes me £70, another who stole my copy of assassin's creed, and another housemate who was foolish enough to use up the last of my persil tabs. Clearly the whole house has been using them.... but now I have concrete evidence to prove one housemate alone owes me clean clothes. Last night I drew "U OWE ME!!!" on the carcass box and left it by the kettle, today teh box is nowhere to be seen, but there was only one other housemate in to use the tabs and to throw the box away, so classical and comical confrontation shall ensue. P.S. I love my ex-girlfriend. But where shall I live come july? A new friend has offered his flatemateship. I need to decide by sat 12th june...
  12. Rummilicious ^_^ I remember when we first meeeeee-eeet, you were walking and I was sitting oooon a steee-eeep... can't really keep up this song, but happy birthday!
  13. jimbob; can you post details/link for us lazy people who can't be arsed to google it
  14. Every time you break out a pun, you speak in a contrived manner so the audience knows to expect a bad joke. There is no foreplay to the jokes! If I were you, I'd have all the puns I could think written down, then try and do one long sketch that fits them all in, preferrably with dialogue and, if we're lucky, an essence of plot as well. I'll go through and point out each moment where it's too long when I come back from work.
  15. Mundi; don't blame dante for the thread - I ripped it from xb360 discussion >_< Personally I think it looks too sterile and wii-imitating and soulless...
  16. For some reason I've spent 30 minutes 'catching up' with comedy rainbow. - Each episode is too long - Each segment is too long - Each line is too long By this I mean there's no need for any of the pauses. They just cumulate and annoy and detract from any intended dead-pan tone. People aren't going to sit and watch it for the full 10 minutes. Just be snappy, dammit!
  17. Logorama - won the 2010 oscar for Best animated short. It's pretty cool.
  18. So my ex-girlfriend (future-girlfriend, present-close-friends-due-to-distance-more-than-anything) just turned up on my doorstep this afternoon! We went to town, and sat in the peace gardens with some live african music playing, just watching people enjoy the weather and enjoying each other's company. I like surprises
  19. Bird pooed on my head once.
  20. Yeah rokhed started cross-dressing and getting into a bunch of fetishes but retained his woe-is-me persona. x-treme cube changed his name to mokong, he got married and now has a kid on the way. Tim sold the forums (orwhatever) and now works for NoE... And the Uber Leets have all but disbanded. Jordan (kingofunrealuk) became an admin, then after breaking up with a fellow forumite irl, quit in a hissy fit. Oh yeah! We have girl members now... And lots of people, attempted to rock the forums, left without a blaze of glory... Yes! But statto/sexual chocolate/spazz monkey was the first one to take the emoticon and use it for his avatar. I used to use one of the default avatars - a spherical smiley looking into the post...
  21. That's a funny-picture-thing. Stop trying to be anarchistic and play by the rules, murray.
  22. Use hay to soak it up, then scoop it right off the surface. I mean seriously, I'd just do anything. Like, just try to sort the mess out.
  23. Woop - Started fielding my youth and got some surprising performances, amidst a 4-0 win! The opponents got a whopping 7 yellow cards and 1 red! Dev-wise I have 7 players above 15. Rest of the season will be youth-orientated, so I'm really hoping to see some two-bar skill increases. Lol!
  24. Munch was around when I joined, was still around a bit when I was a mod, but disappeared before I became an admin, so yeah, he's srsly old skool. Munch needs his old sig/ava combo!
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