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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. Nice food Ine Today for lunch I had... Vegetable Bean-Burger on Toast Tasted rather good actually.
  2. Ah... Joanna Newsom... Yes you still have the power to move me in such ways and all I can do is do my darling right by you by lending you my ears, they are only skin afterall.
  3. I feel your pain Iun... still, console yourself in the knowledge that you touched each other in special ways and will always have memories of the good times that you shared.
  4. Finally! Sonic 4! This is truely a joyous day indeed.
  5. Tesco seem to be cheaper... http://www.mysupermarket.co.uk/tesco-price-comparison/Vegetables/Tesco_Closed_Cup_Mushrooms_Loose_Approx_70g.html £2.48 / Kg Ok so it's only 2p cheaper but still... :p
  6. I was listening to Bjork again earlier, Vespertine to be precise... Pagan Poetry still stuns me.
  7. Excellent contributions it's good to see a nice variety of dishes being cooked.
  8. When it comes down to it though, who cares? It's Monster Hunter on the 360! So for those who have never played it - like me - it's gonna be a well worthwhile purchase.
  9. Happy Birthday Guys! ^^
  10. Post of the week lol... Seriously though... don't be surprised if we hear nothing about a successor to the DS until mid 2011 at the earliest.
  11. S.C.G


    That's a shame... because it's a brilliant game, for it to be ridden with mere technical flaws on what is basically the more 'powerful' console must be frustrating, I mean... if they'd done it properly then the game would have run even better than the 360 version surely as opposed to worse.
  12. S.C.G


    Lol @ the 'flawed' PS3 version, how could they mess it up so bad so that it has terrible load times when they have all that extra power and Blu-Ray storage space to play with? Was it really that hard for them to port across... I've had no issues with the 360 version, it runs pretty smoothly and plays like a dream.
  13. It's still godly... Now I'm gonna be all dissapointed if the 'Slicer' Badnik doesn't make it into the game lol, come one make it so Sega. :wink:
  14. ^ That concept art is godly, even though I vividly remember despising those 'Slicer' Badniks from the Metropolis Zone it's so good to see them return. Partially related article, was just reminiscing about Sonic 2 when searching for what the above bot was actually called and came across a handy guide for the Metropolis Zone, very detailed and reminded me of both how excellent and devious the level design used to be. http://www.soniczone0.com/games/sonic2/metropolis/
  15. I wonder what they'll be called this time around... my money is on 'Pokemon Asphalt Grey' and 'Pokemon Mudslide Brown' versions and will feature new Pokemon including 'Coneatose' (a creature based on a traffic cone and that fights while in a permenant 'sleep' state) and 'Wheelaton' (a ten ton wheel-shaped creature with spikes attached that 'drives' over other Pokemon in a gratuitously gorey manner) yes 2010 will be a fine year for Pokemon indeed... :wink:
  16. Achievements, trophies, in-game rewards... they all offer small, fun challenges in most cases that can help prolong the life of a game, they all essentially 'do' the same thing so lets live and let live eh? There's more to life than this...
  17. Fixed Also as I said before, get both, problem solved... not necessarily at the same time though but when either console has what you want on it, simple. And if it's a question of money then obv when you have enough for the machine, either way there won't be a shortage of machines so buy one and get the other when/if it's right for you.
  18. I'm stunned... not once... not twice... but thrice...
  19. Quitter... I quit on Ninja Gaiden Black too, so shameful...
  20. Happy Birthday Sprout! ^^
  21. Don't worry, if Homebrew is on your Wii Nintendo will get rid of it for you, as for the DLC... they will probably fuck you over somehow by not moving it, claiming that they don't know how to because it isn't first party stuff Idk... *shrugs* never have this worry on the 360. I love Nintendo but they don't half make things difficult at times.
  22. Just... get... both problem solved : peace: (although your wallet/purse will hate you) :p
  23. Lol Rare have basically become Microsoft's whores... sad times indeed, needless to say though I'm sure some faith will be restored when they actually announce an actual brand new game that they are working on rather than applications and avatars but just how long will that be?
  24. Rolling Stones... even though it's a bastard to sing on Expert in Rock Band, it's still a good song.
  25. Obv the ban is a good thing, the world would be a very slightly better place without cigarettes but that isn't gonna happen because it's ingrained into our very culture sadly because it's that 'popular' and for that reason it won't die out. Of course if cigarettes didn't exist then people would just get addicted to something else like caffiene or... idk... there would still be an addiction to something but it'd still be preferable to people smoking.
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