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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. Conker's Bad Fur Day is not only regarded as a classic purely because of its adult themes... though that was a genuinely brilliant move on Rare's part as the platform genre did have a reputation for being rather 'kid-friendly' up until then; but no... no, no the game will also be remembered for its excellent gameplay, managing to seamlessly combine classic movie moments into a game that was not only fun to play but it blurred the lines between what a platform title should be and what it could be and for that I will always praise it. Once they got 'focused' on just what it was they were creating, there really was no stopping them from turning what would have been a missed opportunity with the early in development 'Twelve Tales: Conker 64' into something much more memorable, which it clearly was as I can still fondly remember it to this very day. It wasn't just the single-player either, the multi-player was its own self-contained component which I can honestly say is one of the things that I played the most of on the N64 next to Goldeneye, I don't know what it was but Rare certainly had something when it came to designing multiplayer modes as this was one of their best yet; all out warfare between you and your mates with weapons ranging from Samurai Swords, Machine Guns, Sniper Rifles plus much more besides and at the risk of sounding 'childish' - ironic in this context - you could even urinate on your opponents in certain multiplayer areas, what other game allows you to do that? But I digress, those are just a few of many reasons why Conker's Bad Fur Day is in fact a genuinely brilliant game, one that we are unlikely to see anything like ever again so this news is most welcome as even if this new 'game' only turns out to be half of what Conker was then I can still see it being very successful indeed; there's a reason that just the N64 cartridge alone goes for a lot on eBay even today, it contains not just an expensive sound-chip for unrivaled audio at the time, but a stone-cold classic game which will be in demand for years to come.
  2. So I decided to back-track and claim all my stars for download titles, which means filling out all of those surveys... Here are my responses for 'Please briefly explain why you bought or received...' Enjoy! 3D classics Exitebike - 'It's Excitebike in 3D... what's not to like?' Pokedex 3D - 'I wanted to see the Pokemanz in 3D!' HarmoKnight - 'I own HarmoKnight? Awesome!'* Pullblox - 'So that I could pull... blocks... in 3D!' Eurosport - 'I downloaded it so that I could get rid of the Eurosport icon from my 3DS home screen!' Nintendo Letter Box - 'It's like Miiverse... but for the 3DS... sort of... Nikki is... nice.' Mighty Switch Force! - 'Who wouldn't want to hunt down female criminals in 3D? Justice served!' Colors! 3D - 'I don't even know... I can't draw!' VVVVVV - 'I wanted a game that begins with the letter 'V' so I found this one to be VVVVVVery good!' 3D Classics Kid Icarus - 'Palutena in 3D... Dem pixels!' Marvel Pinball 3D - 'It's a marvelous 3D pinball game.' Nano Assault Neo - 'Small ship, twin sticks, pew pew! HD! Need I say more? ' Trine 2: Director's Cut - 'Dwarves! Elves! AND Wizards! In the same game... it's like LOTR but better' Zen Pinball 3D - 'I like Pinball games and this one is so... Zen... man, the 3D just puts me in a trance.' Pullblox? - 'Pullblox? I thought this survey was about my main man Prof Layton... Dat hat!'** Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask - 'It's Professor Layton! Dat Hat!'*** Zen Pinball 2 - 'HD Pinball... the closest thing to playing it in real life, except it doesn't cost 50p each time to play. ' Wii Street U powered by Google - 'I can see locations from all around the world... Oh look, there's my house!' Nano Assault EX - 'One small ship, two round circle pads and OhMyGodLoadsOfBulletsComingAtMeFromAllDirectionsInThreeDee!' Runner2: Future Legend of Rhythm Alien. - 'It's a game where you run, jump and get fired out of a cannon at the end of each stage, what's not to like?' Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D - 'Though I already own it on the Wii, through the promotion I got it for free, Donkey Kong Free Dee! Thank you Nintendo for your generosity, time and patience. ' *This was supposed to be for Nintendo Video but ended up being HarmoKnight - which I haven't downloaded yet? - so naturally I was surprised. **And this one was supposed to be for Professor Layton but for whatever reason, it was a survey for Pullblox... again, didn't get to finish it anyway. ***Then it let me fill out the survey properly... And after all that I'm around a thousand or so points richer, anyway I needed to find something to do during the two and half hours plus that it took Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D to download, now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to play it!
  3. I suppose, still... if that does turn out to be the official box-art, I wouldn't complain!
  4. Got my code! Thank you Nintendo! Now to see how long it takes... download started at 16:51
  5. Currently waiting on my free download code for this, c'mon Nintendo! Waiting on the e-mail because it's not displaying in the banner on-site - like it did for some people - will keep checking both though as I really want to download and play this today.
  6. So I'm finally getting around to registering my codes today, got Fire Emblem, Luigi's Mansion 2 and Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate to register, so I take it that's all I need to do, then just sit back, wait and I should have my Donkey Kong Country Returns download code within a few hours?... ... then I'll be able to play it within a few hours after that once it downloads.
  7. Apparently there was Update Data applied for this today - was checking my download management as I'm downloading Kirby games atm - but I've no idea what it was for? Perhaps just a stability patch... thought it worth mentioning anyway.
  8. Mega-bump! I was on Shopto checking my pre-orders when I found... Dat box-art! Didn't think this had been posted yet - unless I missed it - so figured I'd share.
  9. Why don't they just take out the gliding and have something that requires skill instead... yes I went there! Bring back the feather I say only make it more useful, have sections of the track - shortcuts - that can only be accessed via using the feather, but you have to be exact with your timing otherwise you fall off-course, it could be the difference between gaining a lead or ending up last, adding in a nice risk-reward element. Adventure Mode? Yes please... I would absolutely love this but if they are rushing Mario Kart out the we won't get it, if they are delaying it however and making it better then I'm all for that. Battle Mode... basically yeah... just erm copy the battle mode that was in Mario Kart 64? I don't see why Nintendo keep trying to reinvent this as they only ever fuck it up royally, I just don't understand it, a copy-paste would work, more importantly it would be less work - for them - and it would be amazing, add in online then we're set!
  10. Wow, only just realised that this is now available on ShopTo, I've put in my pre-order... hopefully the price gets lowered but if not well it is limited... This and Pikmin 3 on the same day? it's gonna be epic but with that said I may just keep it sealed and buy it as dlc too as it will be very collectable I'm sure.
  11. This! I also want to see some kind of unified account system that will allow me to play my GBA 3DS ambassador games on my Wii U, even if it's for a small upgrade fee.
  12. (I have no idea, slightly cheaper download codes? GAME still suck though, ShopTo ftw!)
  13. 17,000 blocks? *looks at 3DS storage* Open Blocks 221,308 *Laughs* [/iwata] But seriously, that is actually more than my entire digital 3DS collection, for one game... I'm only actually getting it because it's gonna be 'free' for me due to the promotion, must redeem my Club Nintendo codes over the weekend.
  14. So is that just for the US being that we don't have Kirby's Dreamland 3 yet? Nintendo... Y u do this to Europe?
  15. Hmm so the PS3's Blu-Ray players isn't region free? Or perhaps not any more... I have an original model NTSC PS3 and I have played Blu-Ray's on it that are Region A and Region B, however I only actually found out recently that it could play region B discs when I bought Skyfall. Surely for the PS4 they could in theory just make the blu-ray region free? That would surely be a - minor - selling point if they could get around it.
  16. Wow, just goes to show how often I check this thread... Eevil... I'm sorry to hear about your Step-Dad, I really don't know what else to say.
  17. ^ I saw that earlier, was a genuinely brilliant moment.
  18. Some classics here... The last one I could actually believe... ... Platinum Games can make anything brilliant! :p
  19. Hmm futuristic, suit, like a racer... perhaps a pilot... of a ship? Jet-Pac! There's your Megaton right there! It could be the base of the classic game but fleshed out into something more suitably epic.
  20. S.C.G


    That... was supposed to get people hyped?
  21. Exactly, I just hope that whatever Criterion are working on right now which they have gone on record to say is... 'not Burnout and not a sequel to Black' is something... spectacular, which hopefully it will be.
  22. Why couldn't they just leave all of the game development to Criterion? The only acceptable answer to this is if Criterion are instead working on something else (which I believe they are) or if they are making another Burnour game on the quiet as well as other projects. For now I'm happy with NFS:MW anyway, plenty of dlc to play on that!
  23. So is this supposed to be like Dead Island... except good? But not really... I just can't get hyped about it.
  24. Funnily enough, I started playing the game last night too but then it was about time being that I've had it since release! :p You can thank Monster Hunter for that... yeah, it's a good game though but I've only really played a couple of missions so I'm sort of 'enjoying' it but will probably end up loving it once I've actually played a few hours on it. I must say that having never played a Lego game I'm actually really impressed by the overall world design, because it's set in a city it has a definite 'GTA' vibe to it, except unlike recent entries in the overrated franchise, Lego City is actually fun to play. There have already been some real quality moments in the cut-scenes too as the characters are brilliant, Chase McCain is obviously funny by default but some of the 'lesser' characters are still brilliant in their own way, in particular Frank Honey who is hilarious as the 'Rookie Cop' really providing some great moments in addition to actually being border-line creepy, honestly I can't see how this game got a rating suitable 'for kids' with characters like him in it but I suppose it's akin to watching a Toy Story film or similar, in that it's billed as 'for kids' but there are many moments that someone younger wouldn't 'get' so there are some nice in-game jokes for long-term gamers which is nice. I can see myself spending quite a bit of time in Lego City in the near future.
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