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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. Nintendoland II featuring Gamepad controlled 'Tingle's Balloon Pop' complete with online leaderboards for three of the other games, online multiplayer for two of the games when you buy them as dlc, plus voice chat in the lobby on the second Tuesday of each month but only from 7:00am - 21:59pm GMT for Nintendo Network Premium members only. Killer App right there... : peace:
  2. I can see this from both sides, ultimately it might be 'just a game' but all titles have a reasonable amount of development time where everything has to bed coded in so at some point when it came to the relationship aspect of the title it would seem that only the variable 'M/F' was coded in without giving a thought on if 'M/M' or 'F/F' relationships should even be included. But I don't think that Nintendo would have done this to intentionally annoy anyone or to exclude even if they have in some way which seems to be the case, it certainly does go to show how very insular they can be in some respects, though at least their response to the situation shows that they are willing to consider being more 'open-minded' in their potential sequels which of course might be viewed as right/wrong or good/bad; at least it's something though. Personally I don't think it would have done any 'harm' at all to have included all kinds of relationships, indeed the word 'harm' shouldn't even come into it in this day and age because as it has been said before yes Nintendo are a family company but the modern definition of the term 'family' has changed a lot over the past few years, even decades but particularly in this modern age we live in most of the world accepts that the term 'family' doesn't just mean 'Mum/Dad/Kids' but instead there are many families who have same sex parents or children/siblings who are of various sexual orientations; this isn't a 'new' thing at all though it seems as if it is to Nintendo. Now I understand that Nintendo are a somewhat traditional company but this doesn't mean that they shouldn't be open to change in some way, it's not even as if the 'relationship' scenes in Tomadachi Life or even properly detailed are they? The style of the game is very whimsical so I don't think it would even have much of an effect on the games rating so I can't see it being an issue there or even at all... yet somehow it just is? All I know is that I will be looking forward to playing the game as I've had it preordered long before any of this 'uproar' took place, though it does sadden me to know that some Nintendo fans will feel excluded in some way because of an omission which should have been more carefully considered before the decision was made just to simply not code it in to the game. I truly hope that Nintendo will make good on including everything and everyone in the next instalment of what is sure to becomes a successful franchise but for now surely there is still a huge amount of fun to be had from this title? : peace:
  3. ^ Ah I can spot a small difference, the case that the game comes in within that limited edition is red isn't it? This isn't the case with our European limited shell edition I don't think.
  4. S.C.G

    Drive Club

    I've never had a problem with buying the full retail game at launch, yes I have Plus, no I never really intended to get the stripped down version in any case as I heard that we'll be getting a free 6 month/year Plus code in the game box unless that's now been abandoned or perhaps I imagined it. Either way, the retail game will be worth the money surely? The whole paying for upgrading from Plus edition is completely nonsensical if it's at RRP price for a digital upgrade, might as well just buy the physical version even if they have done away with the free *plus subscription, it's still going to be a fantastic exclusive racing game. *I think I must have imagined the free plus sub in the retail driveclub box as I can't find a mention of it anywhere now.
  5. I pre-ordered them both at around 6PM yesterday when they became available once ShopTo reported about it in their news section, they've been really speedy with getting pre-orders up on site more recently, E3 will certainly be an interesting time for them. At its very worst this iteration of Pokemon will probably last me around 50 hours just like X did which still isn't bad for a game in general so it's worth the purchase price. Personally I was disappointed with the post-game of X & Y... not that getting to catch Mewtwo wasn't awesome but after that it just seemed there were certain Pokemon to chase after, the battle place, Friend Code Safari and that was 'it' as far as I could see, unless I'm missing something? Either way, I hope these remakes have plenty of post-game stuff which is more interesting but this is probably just me unless anyone else felt that the X/Y post game was lacking a certain something?
  6. Wait this is for Wii U AND 3DS... ... with Super Smash Bros due out on both formats? I think we all know what's going to happen here.
  7. I'm sorry to hear that Raining... *hugs*
  8. So... how long have you known about this then @Serebii? In any case... *keeps ShopTo browser open, refreshing regularly* Yes I'll be pre-ordering them both...
  9. This is purely for peace of mind, the Turbo start... is it between the second and third starting lights or has it been changed yet again?
  10. I think we need some sort of distinction between actual hardware and accessories. Personally I'd deem consoles as being hardware, whereas toys with NFC chips inside I'd only class as being accessories by definition.
  11. :p
  12. What I mean is it's the first time that the situation regarding the system has been so dire, Yes systems before have had a few issues with public perception but you were still able to easily find software for the consoles right up until they were 'phased out' by the newer model. Currently it's difficult to buy software off the shelf for the Wii U in big stores - we don't stock anything for Wii U at work (Tesco) any more - plus it's impossible to buy the actual consoles anywhere but Game I'd imagine as other places just seem to be getting rid just when things were about to get good with the release of Mario Kart 8... well they've been getting rid of stock for a while now but you get my point. Ah perhaps I'm misunderstood here, the games will surely be regarded as classics, I absolutely agree there... it's just more about how the Wii U has divided opinion immensely, more than the GC or Wii ever did. --------------------------------------------------------- But I digress, at least there seems to be a little bit more positivity around at the moment so lets just go with that. Mario Kart 8 in just under four weeks!
  13. Personally I often feel as if I don't really have the enthusiasm to even enter this thread some days, it's not really down to anyone in particular posting either - this is a forum ultimately - but more just the general situation as it's somewhat depressing. For me the Wii U is a good console, I might not be playing it right at this moment but I know that will change by the end of this month, I might then end up going several months before purchasing another retail game for it but I know that once that next 'must-have' games comes out it will be worth the wait. : peace: It's just a shame that it's the first Nintendo console which really hasn't met everyone's expectations and has since divided opinions quite spectacularly. I still have faith in it though - I wouldn't have just purchased a second one for my brother otherwise - so I suppose that's all that really matters, games will come out eventually, I'll no doubt play/enjoy them so it's fine really. Even though the internet is a blessing - I seriously still very much enjoy reviewing for N-E and interacting with the community at times - it has made me realise that I do miss the simpler times when I'd just play a game and not really 'worry' as such beyond that but these are the times in which we live, so I get the feeling that as much as we embrace it sometimes we'd much rather not face it? Still at least it's not long before we can all 'forget' for a short time and just *race eeeeet!. *watches over his shoulder for that inevitable blue shell.
  14. Well I took advantage of the deal on a Tesco and ordered a Wii U with Mario Kart 8 for my brother, after voucher codes plus staff discount it came to £179.10 so it's by far the best price for it currently plus it falls under the 'pre-order price promise' so if the price changes it doesn't matter - all paid for now anyway - which is reassuring. : peace: Really I think the only thing which will happen is that the price will go up between now and the end of the month as I just checked on ShopTo and the same bundle is £239.99 so I'm feeling pretty good about the purchase even if it is a month in advance. One thing is for sure, there will be plenty of Mario Kart played in this house in the run-up to E3 2014, it's almost perfect timing too as hopefully we should finally be getting BT Infinity a week before MK8 comes out - on really slow less than 1.4mb Broadband currently - so I genuinely can't wait, it'll be so worth it when the end of the month arrives. Thanks again to @Mr\-Paul for the heads-up on the deal.
  15. Mario, noooooo! R.I.P Bob Hoskins The guy was a total legend for so many more reasons than just that though. : peace:
  16. Hmm the Mario Kart bundle though, do you get a boxed copy of the game in the box? I could get it for another £20 cheaper than that with staff discount so it's tempting - I know my brother's thinking of getting one - either way, cracking deal there for anyone who doesn't have a Wii U yet. : peace:
  17. I bought a 32GB card a while ago and it has proved to be more than enough space even with VC/Review/promotional games. Likewise I have a 1TB hard drive for my Wii U but I don't envisage filling that up anywhere near as quickly. But yes, extra storage space is good! : peace:
  18. Fortunately I have though, extensively... N-Europe Kirby: Triple Deluxe Review Enjoy! : peace:
  19. Unless he didn't have anyone else in his phone book with names beginning with either 'F' or 'G' then I can vaguely see how it might be possible if your names were right next to each other but even if that were so, yeah it's still unlikely or at least difficult to do something like that unless he wasn't really paying attention. Anyway, hope you're holding up ok. *hugs* ---------------------------------- Not much to say in my world regarding dating other than if anyone remembers that woman I was talking to on the dating site - the one that vanished along with her account obviously meaning temporary account deactivation or me being blocked *shrug* - well I noticed that she reappeared a couple of weeks ago, coinciding with when the schools tend to break up - she's a teacher - so I did think about maybe sending her a message but I decided against it. I'm in two minds because on the one hand I did really like her - still do a bit - but then that happened and it got me thinking 'oh well, never mind' but now she's back on the site but not on that often... I'm tending not to check the site that often either just once or twice a week maybe, she's still there last time I looked, still apparently single so yeah. To message or not to message basically and if so then I'm wondering where to start? (again) We had exchanged several messages, have some shared interests etc, I got a fair share of replies but I definitely sent more messages than her but not a load - it was just one every other day or so - just to try and keep in contact... but maybe that in itself was too much? She'd always seem to be busy with work, more in a genuine way than as an excuse so I don't know maybe in a way I came across a bit too strongly at the time; you can tell that I'm really not very good at this. Perhaps I'll just send her one saying 'Hi, remember me? still single? good me too... want to meet up one day this week/month/year? talksoonkthxbai' [/jk] Then again, might be best to just leave it.
  20. Is anyone really that bothered about the actual 'physics' which would be involved in the Morph-ball if it were real? I just always saw it as an actually genuinely cool thing that you could do in the Metroid series and it is most certainly not the case of 'oh well it's because we couldn't be bothered to animate Samus crawling' because this has since been done in Metroid Zero Mission. Also the Prime series took full advantage of this unique mechanic in many areas of the game actually making it even more fun in the process so personally I'm not bothered at all by the apparent 'implausibility' as not everything has to be explained in video-games, that's the whole point of them isn't it? Making fantasy a reality behind the confines of a screen powered by a 'wonder-box' of some description. : peace: I can't wait to get my hands on Super Smash Bros and the very first thing I will be doing is picking Samus so that I can Power-Bomb everything and everyone on the screen.
  21. 'Wait... there's an 'Easy' mode?' Is usually my response after blasting through most games on at least Normal if not hard, it has always been the way that I've played. : peace: I only tend to touch Easy mode if it's relevant to a review. Speaking of... *gets back to finishing the Kirby review*
  22. Glorious, simply glorious! : peace: I'm loving the amount of care and fan-service that is clearly evident in every aspect of this game. Is it Summer yet?
  23. Hmm that's a 'nice' collector's edition but not 100% 'must-have' like the Milla Maxwell edition was for me, two main things are already bugging me about this one; the figure doesn't seem to have any kind of 'base' like Milla did plus while the steelbook is nice I suppose... it has no title on the spine. If those two things change before it comes out then It'd be a definite purchase from me, small things I know but I do collect quite a bit of Tales of... stuff so it 'matters' to me at least. #FirstWorldProblems
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