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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. S.C.G

    Mario Kart 8

    ^ Ahhh... all the highs and lows of Mario Kart captured perfectly in a GIF lasting less than 20 seconds, glorious! Mario's reaction to getting Green-Shelled right near the end is priceless.
  2. Happy Birthday! Derek/Don Shabba/@EEVILMURRAY! I hope you have a PrO day! : peace:
  3. The embargo is still in effect for a few more weeks, I'm not sure why we got sent such an early review code either, it's rather... unprecedented but still I'm certainly not complaining! Perhaps it's to do with it already being available in Japan, very little translation required due to the nature of the game maybe? I'm not entirely sure myself but oh well... Just about to dive into this gem of a game again - I've been at work for most of today - will finish Kirby Fighters tonight hopefully and with any luck Dedede's Drum Dash which I'm really intrigued about, hopefully I'll get to play a multiplayer match on Kirby Fighters in a bit too so will report back in a bit. : peace:
  4. It most certainly does. Hopefully I might get to at least play some 2P versus matches later after work as I'm sure at least one of my brothers will be keen to play a few battles. If I can get a 4P game going though at some point then I will. : peace:
  5. Well who would have thought that facing off against the A.I in Kirby Fighters would actually be so challenging, I've spent literally most of the day working my way through the various difficulties and I've still got a few battles left to do, anyway here's more in-depth info from my review notes - nothing to do with the story mode - for those who want to know...
  6. Ninja Gaiden... The original NES trilogy is brilliant so I'm not talking about those although I would love another 2D Ninja Gaiden someday but more the recent 3D titles, the first of which was a really solid title which laid the foundations for the sublime Ninja Gaiden II which is basically the pinnacle of the newer titles. Ever since they released Ninja Gaiden III it all seemed to go downhill, probably in part due to Itagaki leaving Team Ninja... the new Yaiba Ninja Gaiden Z seems to have fared even worse. So yeah... time for a drastic rethink on where the series is going before it's beyond redemption. Until then... *hugs copy of Ninja Gaiden II*
  7. ^ I can confirm that the game is indeed as fun as it looks in the above trailer and then some! Interesting that they decided to go with a special pink/white 2DS for a game which uses 3D so well, of course it works fine in 2D as well but the 3D certainly 'adds' to the experience but oh well. However I am glad to see that this is one title that Nintendo seem keen to promote, because they definitely need it to do well but then... it is Kirby so I'm sure that won't be a problem. Just has a quick blast on Kirby Fighters, it's actually surprisingly well-made, doesn't just feel like a tacked-on extra, clearly a decent amount of thought has been put into the setup, I'll report back later with more details on the mode but I can see that it'll be a blast to play in multi-player but even the single player is surprisingly fun though it is a shame that there's no online for this mode... so far my only gripe with the game but then you knew that one was coming literally if you can ignore there being no online then it's still a very well made title indeed. : peace:
  8. I finished the main story mode last night, what an ending... ...which I'm not going to talk about, not even in a spoiler box I wouldn't even if I was allowed to. : peace: But yes, suffice to say that it's very good indeed, personally I found it to be immensely enjoyable from start to finish, with a great deal of variation even in each stage contained within the games different 'levels' and for those who want to know completion time (roughly) and file % after finishing story...
  9. Their entire marketing department...
  10. Well I've played up to the second 'Level' so far, for those who want to know more click the spoiler boxes below...
  11. I have plenty to play at the moment... Wii U - Zelda, Pikmin 3, Deus Ex (when I feel like finishing them) 3DS - Kirby Triple Deluxe (Reviewing at the moment so will be playing it a lot) PS4 - inFamous Second Son (Evil playthrough to finish plus Paper Trail missions) PS3 - ALL of the 'Tales of...' games (I'm planning on playing them all subsequently) The Sly Trilogy (will get around to playing these eventually) Ico/Sotc HD (another two classics I shall delve into someday soon) Okami HD (will be starting this again one day) ALL the Final Fantasy games (for when I feel like playing them) Xbox 360 - Bioshock Infinite (I might finish it this year, you never know) Numerous sealed games that I can't be bothered to list... Virtual Console - Reviewing all, playing any that I've become unfamiliar with or just want to play again, this will probably include a good few of the GBA titles. ...yeah I think I'm good for having games to play.
  12. Initially I tend to go with the story missions just to get powered up a bit, after that though I've found the 'best' way - for me - is to clear out the map a District at a time - first going for the DUP, shards, then the other stuff - then after I've cleared one I'll use all the shards to upgrade loads of stuff before moving onto the next one. That's just me though, sometimes it can be fun to just run around, do a few of the street tags, kill a few drug dealers/civilians and just generally have fun, if you're enjoying it then that's the main thing. : peace: Still working my way through my evil play through, loving it although I took a break from it for a bit yesterday so I could play the Cole's Legacy missions which are actually really good, I just hope that they do put them up for general release somewhere down the line so everyone can play them. A new patch seems to be available today which adds the second Paper Trail mission, can't wait to give that a go once it's finished downloading.
  13. It runs at 30fps from what I can gather but it runs silky smooth. Will do, only had a quick go on it so far but will be putting some proper play time into it tomorrow for sure.
  14. Not for a good few weeks, will give it a play in a bit - only just got back in from work - but yeah, any questions about the game, ask away. : peace:
  15. Mega bump! If anyone has any sensible questions about this game then ask away and I will try and get back to you over the weekend as I'll be reviewing Kirby obviously I'm not allowed to post anything that could be considered a story spoiler but from what I gather I can talk about the mechanics etc. Still downloading at this point so the only things I can confirm are that the file size is at least 4000 blocks + Kirby is still pink plus I won't get to play it until later after work but I just thought I'd resurrect the thread/provide what non-spoiler information I can in an attempt to create some buzz around this title again. Because let's face it, who doesn't like Kirby? : peace:
  16. I'm a few hours into my expert run now, yeah it's not that bad once you get a few upgrades, initially though I was finding it tough when you start out with next to nothing and you just feel like... 'give me back my powers!' But it's cool, very much enjoying playing it a second time, nice not to have to worry about killing stupid civilians who would always seem to somehow get in the way, now it's just a case of rockets away! Kaboom! Oh also I've been noticing other small details in the world even now such as when you find a play area in one of the first districts...
  17. It plays inFamous Second Son... ...drawbacks? Hmm nope, it's pretty freaking awesome. [/Delsin]
  18. So quite soon after finishing this I decided to just start on my Evil run on Expert difficulty being that the only trophies I have left are the ones for making all the evil choice in the story plus the one for getting to level 5 evil karma; turns out that Expert mode is actually quite challenging though... which is good but I decided to take a 'break' and play inFamous Festival of Blood which I finished completely moments ago. Back to Second Son I go... hopefully I should have a code for the Cole's Legacy mission pack in a couple of days which I'll be keen to play once it arrives, until then I'm just going to work my way through this glorious game once again. With any luck this will be the first ever game that I actually manage to get a Platinum trophy for. : peace:
  19. I decided to tackle inFamous Festival of Blood today, started at around 10am and I've just nabbed the last trophy, not bad for a days work. Really enjoyable, definitely worth playing and above all it's just a lot of fun. : peace: Will be interesting to see what DLC route Sucker Punch decides to take with Second Son.
  20. Nice... I've bought the Sly Trilogy on PS3 recently as I've been on a bit of a Sucker Punch binge recently but I didn't really want to pay as much for the new one or at least I wasn't going to buy it quite yet being that I won't actually get to play the Sly games for a little bit yet - still enjoying the inFamous series - so if it's free on plus then that's fair enough. : peace:
  21. Today because it's my day off I've probably played about 10 hours... ...on a day when I'm working usually I'll play for an hour or so but often I just won't bother if I'm too tired. So I probably average about 20 hours a week but then I only work part time and I'm well aware that I could be doing other things instead, I'll be learning to drive again at some point soon this year, that will keep my occupied but I'll still manage to keep gaming, quite honestly it's one of the few things which keeps me going in my otherwise rather standard existence. I'm proud to be a gamer! : peace:
  22. Ah fair enough, yeah it is a bit... I hate being generally socially inept, I mean I suppose it's unfair of me to say that I have no social skills whatsoever but sometimes when it comes to interacting with people I can come across as a little... odd to say the least. I often find it to be more amusing than annoying though... most of the time anyway. The whole 'waiting 'X' amount of days to text' I've never really understood though, but then I am rubbish at it and I tend to avoid texting if possible, I get that it's a useful method of communication but I suppose I've just never really felt the need to send them very often at all other than if really necessary; like for instance if someone texts me and I can easily message them via my PC then I'll just do it that way. But if it's the only way of contacting the person then I can definitely understand it but I still don't get the need for 'rules' so long as you're not texting them all the time... one hundred plus messages a day or something... that'd be weird even by my standards. :p
  23. Literally just finished it myself, I agree with you on the length but wow... what a game! Easily makes the PS4 worth every penny paid for it, I'm really tempted to start another save file and play through it as evil though I may wait a while, as you say though at least we have Paper Trail and I'm even tempted to see if I can acquire a dlc code for Cole's Legacy after discovering that it wasn't included in the update as I assumed, ah well it'll get added to PSN at a later date I'm sure. Overall though I really enjoyed inFamous Second Son a lot, indeed I've enjoyed my time with the whole series over the past few weeks and I would recommend the games to anyone/everyone because they are just that good. : peace:
  24. Well one thing is for certain, no matter how 'artificially' dark the colour scheme may be it will still be a darn site easier to see the games on a TV than it ever was on an original GBA screen. :p
  25. I feel like this every day, it's such a bind when you're at work too dealing with people as customers and you want to just be yourself - more fun - but your workplace insists a certain amount of 'professionalism' - read as 'behave like a robot' - from you, it's a great shame too because I seem to find that a lot of customers - at least where I work - find it better if you just chat to them. Take yesterday for example, I had quite a few decent conversations with some nice people but because they're customers as well I have to mention certain things which my workplace is promoting and yeah... definite conversation killer. I just find it a shame because there can be quite a few nice people that I serve at work who I wouldn't mind meeting outside of the workplace but because of 'rules' etc it obviously never happens. Outside of work when out and about or just walking down the street anxiety tends to take over so I rarely stop to talk with anyone unless they happen to know me from somewhere which doesn't happen often... ...sometimes I think that I'm really better off alone. [/rant]
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