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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. Complete with Brutal Doom mod, somehow made official and also featuring amiibo support so that you can put them into the Doom world as "Nintendemons" of course.
  2. I picked up Metro Redux recently and put down the money for Metro Exodus so I will be playing it soon enough. Just got to get through the first two games, then I'm right on it!
  3. I was more interested in this game around two years ago for the E3 demo, now though? I don't know... I cancelled my pre-order for it. I'm just not that bothered about it any more, I do hope that it does well but I just can't continue buying games at full price that I'm unsure of.
  4. Well, last night after hooking up my GameCube via Component cable, plus Stereo Composite for audio, copying my old save across to a new card, deleting the first save file and connecting my new GameCube controller, putting the disc in after cleaning some light spots on the otherwise flawless disc of my launch copy and adjusting AV settings after sitting at the title screen for ages... after that it was time to play Metroid Prime once again! So I started off on Hard Mode and died three times after beating the boss of the introductory section. But after that I made it to Tallon IV and it turns out that my last 100% Hard Mode run in 2003 was just over ten hours, which isn't bad for getting everything and scanning everything, even non-essential stuff, so I'm still pretty pleased with that... but it does make me wonder if I could maybe try for 8 or 9 hours while still getting 100%... I don't know what the world record is for a 100% no skips or cheats or sequence breaks but I'd like to have a go at getting close to it. The controls are perfect, just as I remember them, the aspect ratio is reasonable, the picture quality is excellent and the audio is phenomenal, much louder than the trilogy version. I might just play through it to the end this time on this version, I mean at least I did go back to the Wii version but the controls just aren't right for my setup any more and it's not the same. Thanks for the tips though, there was no sunlight interfering, the distance should have been enough and the audio on the Wii just seemed quiter in-game than I remember. Ultimately though, it's getting to play through the game again that matters, hopefully just in time for that Metroid Prime Trilogy HD edition which may well get announced tonight.
  5. Not so much a new Indie title but a whole new Indie Developer! Mostly made up of former members who worked on Sonic Mania. Exciting times ahead, assuming that they are going to be making Switch games in the future.
  6. There we go, obligatory "it's happening!" article on the front page. Thanks to @RedShell for the inspiration on the Nintendog quote in the article.
  7. Due to the Metroid Prime 4 delay, not only will we be getting Metroid Prime Trilogy early but we're also getting the 2D Metroid crossover title that we've all been waiting for... Metroid Prime: Fire Emblem Force is a 2D co-op Metroid title with a Fire Emblem flavoured twist... turn-based combat in the style of SteamWorld Heist! Take control of Samus as she commands the 100 character strong horde that is the Fire Emblem cast now (that's got to be accurate?) as you lead them, Pikmin style! You'll travel nonsensically from the vast reaches of space, to the castles of old as you fight against the evil Dark (Samus) Dragon which threatens the existence of everything! Also compatible with all Metroid Series and Fire Emblem Series amiibo figures, with another dozen on the way in time for launch. Pre-order now for early beta demo access and one hundred Nintencoins (in-game currency) which you can use for (just cosmetic!) in-game purchases! We can only dream... See you all at 10PM tomorrow night!
  8. Last night, I decided that I would at least try the Wii version via Metroid Prime Trilogy, which I still maintain as being a good way to experience the game but alas... I just couldn't get past the opening section, not for the games difficulty as I've finished the game many times over, although notably only once on the Wii version. Nope, it was because of the controls... as great as they were back then, either my setup isn't right for it or I just don't get on with them any more. It is a shame too because visually the game looks fantastic over RGB Scart, with full Widescreen support and decent enough sound, albeit a bit quiet. At least I tried. (also I had to excavate my copy of the game as all my Wii games are on the "back shelf" behind all my GameBoy and 3DS games) Tonight though, I will do what I originally intended and play my original copy on my original GameCube with my (not so) original HDMI adapter and new GC Controller. We'll see how far I get this time and I bet I'll be in Phendrana Drifts before I know it. Also, at least I'll get to hear the proper intro music for Metroid Prime again, that always annoyed me with Metroid Prime Trilogy, just right into the game, no original menus. When they release it on the Switch, I hope it's a definitive collection with ALL versions including GameCube for Prime and Echoes and an upgraded version of Corruption. Just imagine, they can have all the games in HD, with or without Widescreen and the option of whatever controller you want to use, GC, Pro or Joy Cons. If they fumble the execution on it in any way, I get the feeling that I'll still be returning to my trusty GameCube version. Anyway, I start again properly tonight with any luck on either Normal or Hard mode depending on my save file situation... I've beaten it on Hard Mode before, 100% in 12 hours so I have nothing to prove. (unless I try to beat that time)
  9. Yeah, I saw that but I didn't bother with it, I think for the same reason that I didn't go for the Bayonetta games in its Japanese release. Even though it contained both games physically, there was something different about the boxart or the spines which just wouldn't have fitted in on the shelf very well. I have bought Japanese releases before though for other consoles, I got the Asian (English language) release of DMC4 on the PS4 as that has the English wording on the spine. Capcom really should have just released it over here, even in limited numbers as it's money on the table.
  10. So, even though we've got games to look forward to this year, I'm kind of curious... how is everyone's backlog on the Switch? I will post pictures at some point but currently my physical Switch game library which is mostly backlog is now 50+ games. This is the "physical were possible" path that I've chosen for Switch games though so this does include titles from... Limited Run, Super Rare Games and Strictly Limited Games I've been trying not to buy games which contain half the game on a card and the rest download or one game card the other download... ...but I did make exceptions for Doom, Wolfenstein II and Bayonetta. Anyway, hopefully I should get around to playing some of these games soon and if anyone is interested in the actual collection then I'd be happy to photograph it all at some point and showcase some of those games which had limited releases... interestingly I know that Yooka Laylee is arriving soon so maybe I could write a follow-up to that Yooka Laylee 64 Bit Edition article I wrote... nearly two years ago, where'd that time go? How is everyone else doing with their Switch backlog? (Digital, physical or otherwise) Also, if you're all digital... how are you doing for SD card space? (25.0GB System Memory and 130GB microSD card free space here) (Worth noting that I have 14.0GB of screenshots and videos, 10,000 screenshots is the limit in case you were wondering, I need to archive)
  11. It's 30% off at the moment as well, until at least midnight tonight. @Shorty (just in case) Speaking of the current sales/offers, I decided to actually buy some... digital games for a change! I couldn't pass up One Strike for 89p especially since @Ashley gave it a good review a few months ago, it has been on my list since. Then I got Pocket Rumble for £4.89 as it's 30% off, I love Neo Geo Pocket fighting games and this is exactly what that is but a new game. Having given up on a UK physical release, I bought Capcom Beat 'em Up Bundle for £12.79... now watch it get released in boxed form. VVVVVV is a game I already have on 3DS but... Switch version for half price at £4.49? Why not! I also saw that Freedom Planet was in the sale, I'm going to leave that because the sequel will come out and I bet it gets a boxed release. Then as for games which weren't in the sale, I got two Sega Ages titles, which are OutRun and Phantasy Star because I NEED them. Plus I got Sonic and Thunderforce IV when they were in a sale a while back, so it's good to support these games... ...now watch Sega release a compliation in a few months, ah well... I don't care, will double dip on that one if so like I did on the 3DS.
  12. in Guess I'll be White Yoshi then.
  13. Monster Crown is getting published by Soedesco, console versions in the works including Switch. No release date but, it's looking like it may well be pretty good once it releases. I didn't back it but did anyone support it on Kickstarter? *crosses fingers for a physical version*
  14. I've updated the article, thanks for the heads-up @MindFreak as it's appreciated. Maybe i'll think about playing Smash again soon then if it's limited to certain SD cards, still uneasy about it though. Does anyone here actually use one of those Samsung 256GB EVO Select Memory Cards? If so, then it might be a good idea to backup those saves just in case... it's a good idea to anyway but especially now.
  15. Another decent video from Arlo about the success of the Switch and its future, worth a watch.
  16. Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime is supposed to be pretty good. If you've got the Sega Megadrive Collection then there would be plenty to choose from on there. Oh and of course... Deru which is based entirely around co-op, even though it can be played solo, it's double the fun and frustration with two players. I'm sure there are others but those are just what spring to mind at the moment.
  17. I think so, also it seems to be more with the digital version than the physical version from comments I've read but, I don't know... I'd still rather not risk it knowing there's an issue.
  18. A quick article about the potential problems with Pirahna Plant DLC. Nintendo haven't found what the problem is yet but they are working on it at least which is good. I think I'll hold off going back to Super Smash Bros. Ultimate until it is fixed though. A shame because I do want to try out Pirahna Plant as it looks like an interesting addition.
  19. Damn, why didn't I think of picking GameCube games, good call @Dcubed (I think I just have trouble thinking of the GC as "retro" even though it has been seventeen years) Well, you know that I'm going to vote for Game #1 because even though I want Metroid Prime Trilogy to come to the Switch, I'd totally play it again on the original console. Even though the motion controls add a lot on the Wii version, there's still something about that original control scheme and being able to select beams with the C-Stick. And I can play it with a relatively fresh GC controller thanks to getting one with Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, so that's a plus. As for the other choices... Game #2 is one that I would play again only if the remastered version came to the Switch as I just can't go back to the GC version, not right now anyway. While I feel that Game #3 is a good enough choice, we just got a re-release of it on the 3DS and I wanted to check that out at some point even though original's still likely better. Either way, whatever the choice... I'll make the effort to get two of my GameCube consoles setup, one with component and one with HDMI to finally see which looks the best. Though from what I've seen so far, there really isn't much in it, the official component cables are amazing but the HDMI solutions available now do seem to equal it at least. Anyway, that's probably a conversation for another thread but I'm looking forward to playing some GameCube games this month!
  20. I'd be very interested.
  21. I don't want to upgrade to a PS5 if it comes out soon... ...but if Sony manage to make the console fully compatible with physical PS1, PS2, PS3 and PS4 discs without compromise, then I think I'll have to. Plus it's always in the back of my mind that I still have my original launch model PS4, which is working fine now but for how long? I wonder if this patented technology is using FPGA in any way to accomplish what it's suggesting with the backwards compatability? Whatever it is, I'm definitely interested to see if it can deliver such an expectation which would be a good enough selling point for a reasonable amount of their user base.
  22. Be right there, system update, 1 minute remaining. update complete, racing through the menus right now. thanks for waiting.
  23. Please let this be a title which gets a physical release later on down the line as I would love to pick this up.
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