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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. *sigh* if this is true then... I guess I'll be buying a PS5. I'm only sighing because I really like my PS4 and I've had my launch model since... well... launch. I didn't want to buy another new console but depending on when this launches and how long my PS4 lasts, who knows. But yes, full backwards compatibility? With all Playstation systems? That would be absolutely amazing. Although... I would probably only put really good condition discs in it, also the other side of it is, it has to be able to handle all those discs well. I know with some backwards compatible systems, they handle the discs differently, just saying... you wouldn't want them scratched. Certainly not if you had a rare PS1/PS2 RPG that's hard to replace.
  2. I forgot that I pre-ordered it and that it was coming out so soon. It should be arriving in the post, I'll be tempted to play it when it arrives but I'm still busy playing through the Devil May Cry games, who knows though. I could just play it for a little bit, if anyone here wanted to here some impressions though? (spoiler free of course) Edit - It just arrived... right this moment, ah... what to do? Well... I should install it at the very least. Annnd, it's installing and updating... to version 1.02 already, 3.8GB patch on top of the 25GB install. Also I just re-read that last bit of your post, anything significant about the game, I'll make sure I put in a spoiler box. I know pretty much next to nothing about the game as well, aside from a few trailers, I didn't play any demo or anything. Was there even a public demo? See, I genuinely don't know... all I know is that the game looks good. Also I should add, that I've never finished a From Software game to my knowledge so maybe this will be the first. And... I'm playing it, sorry, not sorry... I'm on holiday and I don't often get the chance to play a game on its launch day. The worst thing about it so far? Having to accept the Activision Software and License Service Agreement. The Best thing about it so far? The title screen and the music!
  3. Cheers for the games, I really enjoyed playing for a little bit, it was fun. I didn't have a bad run at the start playing as Samus... Not too bad with the random fighters either, there were some good match-ups there.
  4. Well the goodwill surrounding Apex Legends doesn't look like it's going to last much longer. Crucially though, it's OK because Respawn have said that "it's not a roadmap" so it will probably be fine.
  5. What game was it out of interest? I really thought CEX had a policy about only taking PAL games, or at least the one I traded stuff into did.
  6. I really hope you're right, I'd love it to be Banjo-Kazooie. As for the rest... we get three more right? After we get Joker from Persona. Well... I really can't guess, I know we've got bets on in another thread but after Joker was announced, really anything is possible within reason. Just not Steve... or Waluigi... although...
  7. Personally, I hope it's Banjo-Kazooie, another Rare character (such as one of the Battletoads) or nothing. I'd rather there be no representation from Microsoft then get Steve from Minecraft. I know the game is popular but in the grand scheme of videogame history, it's not that significant. (to me anyway) I've played it, had a bit of fun with it, I can see that there's something there but... there are so many other games to be played. I guess I should take the chance to enjoy what I can of Smash online before it's ruined by a DLC character that I don't want. (see you online after Mario Kart) Nah... I really don't think it will happen, if it does then I would seriously have to consider whether I want that bit of dlc despite owning the season pass. Surely I can't be the only one who doesn't really want Minecraft in Smash? (maybe I am, perhaps it's inevitable and something I'll just have to learn to live with)
  8. To be fair though, Conker would have quite a diverse selection of items at his disposal thanks to the "context sensitive" button. Everything from an aspirin to an arsenal of weapons. (But yeah, I suppose, no gratuitous amounts of blood in Smash so, it's a no go) Banjo-Kazooie is suddenly sounding like more of a safe bet.
  9. I couldn't beat the Mission 7 combat adjudicator, so I just carried on in the end... damn that was an epic end to that mission. And then Mission 8 turned out to be an "Inside Jabu-Jabu's Belly" scenario, I was glad to finish that one, now onto Mission 9 tomorrow as my hands need a break I reckon. So many combos but I feel like I'm getting the hang of things now, I can't believe I'm only halfway through the game though. I should make some decent progress tomorrow as I won't be able to leave the game alone now until it's finished.
  10. Maybe... but I'm still not seeing it and I'm definitely not feeling it. Banjo-Kazooie would just fit in, plus if Microsoft are bringing more games to Switch then... Rare Replay. That has all the Banjo Kazooie games, then it will be time for the real Banjo-Threeie. OK, maybe I'm dreaming there but still, stranger things have happened.
  11. I'm so hoping it's NOT Minecraft Steve... despite Minecraft's success, Banjo-Kazooie should take the Smash spot. I mean, just imagine the moveset for Banjo-Kazooie! Now imagine the moveset for Steve... It's just no contest.
  12. Well, I did start playing again after 7PM tonight and I'm still playing now, although I'm still on mission 7 because I decided to go back to the start to improve my ranks and get stuff that I missed, also I got to the combat adjudicator and realised that I'm not quite good enough to get the SSS rank against it yet so... I'm currently running up and down Skull Spire decimating the statues so that I can level up Swordmaster style, as I'd been stuck on Trickster style since the start of the game and I'd just recently maxed that out, so the grind is real right now, but I'm improving so all is well. Still having fun playing the game as well, rewatching many of the cutscenes proved to be entertaining, especially after just reading the manga. - - - - - Annnd Swordmaster Lv2 get! now to try again and if I still can't beat the combat adjudicator then... grind to 99999!
  13. Oh nice! Always good to hear about Panzer Dragoon being discussed. Let us hope that the series truly does get remade properly, it deserves it. I'd love for all of the games to be playable on modern hardware, even if it ended up being exclusive. Obviously better that it comes out for all formats if this does happen but if not... ...Xbox One would be a good fit as it already has Panzer Dragoon Orta running beautifully.
  14. N-Europe's Roundup article of the showcase. (PR stuff plus a link to the video) A good showing, I thought.
  15. Physical release please, just imagine the potential boxart!
  16. *Checks e-mail* Oh shi... ...totally hasn't shipped yet. Damn, I wish... still not long now!
  17. Mega-bump! (I'm not even sorry) I'm here to finally talk about Devil May Cry 3 and to thank @Hero-of-Time for pushing me to finally play it. I definitely get it now, playing right from the start, this game feels more like Devil May Cry... well then Devil May Cry, which is in itself great but this game is off the chain! I love everything about it, indeed it does feel like I've played it before in parts even though I know I couldn't have, at least not to the end. Something is familiar about it though, I do remember at least trying it out on my multi-region PS2 many years ago, there's a particular area I remember as well. Surely it's not possible that I just played some of it and a bit of Bloody Palace mode? I think I'm getting some memories of DMC4 and DMC3 mixed up which isn't right. Anyway... I'm up to chapter 7 now I think and I've enjoyed pretty much all of it so far, I just need to start playing the game earlier, which is happening each night now. I shall try to start at 7PM tonight and see how far I get before becoming too tired to play on, the game is also quite hard on the hands so I've been taking breaks. (not just saying that, I think I've had some kind of circulatory condition for a while now without realising, so I wear some gloves for a bit then all is well for a while) But yeah, aside from not finding as much time to play as I'd like, I'm still managing quite well and I intend to see this series playthrough until the end. As an aside, the DMC3 manga is pretty decent as well, providing even more context to the backstory. (just finished reading both volumes)
  18. You're very welcome. I'm glad to hear that it reached you in good condition and it's nice to know that it will be going into your collection to be played and enjoyed. On the subject of replacement boxes, I ordered a box only for Street Fighter 2 Special Championship Edition because I already have the cart and manual... ...which was inside the box for Cadash which is a rare Genesis game but I didn't want to pay a huge amount to complete that one. I did find a seller was selling a reproduction copy but it is one that looks like it's from back in the day (from the '90s) as I have a copy of Snow Bros. cart only which is similar. Also got some lights to go on my Sega Shelf as where it is, it's so dark that you can barely see the games, so I've got a few sets of those, you get two and an IR remote for £25. Very pleased with them so far, I'll post a pick of the shelf once everything is done but, after shining a light on it all... I think I need to do a bit more dusting and sorting first.
  19. Just when I'm about to get round to playing my Mega Drive copy of Castlevania: The New Generation and Konami release a collection with it probably in it. I'm not complaining... the more people that get to experience the only Castlevania game on the Mega Drive, the better, assuming it's one of the games to be added. Plus not forgetting the rest of the titles and collections, this is very good news indeed. I just kind of wish for physical versions of these... so I'll be left wondering for a while whether or not to buy these when they come out.
  20. I've had CEX send me a composite cable instead of a component cable for the PS2 before, quite the price difference too so I did send it back. When they get it right, they are great but when they mess up or deliberately sell you something incomplete etc, they can be pretty bad. I'm only using them with caution at the moment, especially since I spent all of my vouchers with them. I had a Mega Drive game sent in the post to me today, in an opened case, so that it would go large letter! This was from a big seller as well and for a mid-price game too, fortunately there wasn't too much damage but still. The case has to be bent back for it to go large letter and then the game isn't properly protected, I left feedback but wasn't pleased. Anyway, worse things happen... I know, it just annoyed me but I'm lucky to have all the Mega Drive games I have so there's that. Hopefully you'll find the game I sent you will reach you in excellent condition, it definitely should for all the bubble wrap I used. I got Jungle Strike today, not the rarest of titles, I thought I had it, turns out I didn't, so now I have the original Strike Trilogy again.
  21. Kirby's Extra Epic Yarn Hiiiiii! Yep, it's Kirby time! Once again, a pleasure to review almost ten years later and on a different platform. Really quite an amazing port, even if the "extra" part doesn't add much, arguably it doesn't need to. (thanks again to @RedShell for the fantastic GFX)
  22. Meh, I've seen enough, I'll check back here later to see if anything earth-shattering is announced from this, I doubt it though.
  23. A collection has been rated recently, it just hasn't been announced which platforms or which games, exciting stuff though. I have Castlevania: The New Generation and it's the one game I really can't wait to play on my Mega SG when it arrives.
  24. And... it's up on the front page. Cheers for the heads-up @Ronnie I've credited you in the article. Let the hype commence!
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