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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. Damn... there's at least one game that isn't in the shortlist that I thought would be but I understand, it's tough having to make the final call. Still, that's one heck of a shortlist! Now comes the real hard part... voting for just three out of those fifteen titles.
  2. Time to bump the old Cooking thread again I reckon, seeing as its been nearly a year this time... Here we go... - - - Ginger Beef - - - Beef marinated in Teriyaki with a good bit of extra ginger, with some black beans, broccoli, carrot (match-stick size), courgette (deseeded), chopped leek served with rice. - - - Main Ingredients - - - Beef (one good size piece) Black Beans (one carton or can) Broccoli (a decent sized piece) Carrots (around four is ideal) Courgette (just the one) Leek (one should be fine) Rice (a third of a 1KG pack) - - - Method of Cooking - - - Chop up the beef into small pieces Place in a dish to marinade Use a couple of tablespoons of soy sauce, a good amount of ginger, some garlic, salt and pepper Mix the beef and the marinade together, then cover over and set aside Chop up the carrots, place in a pre-heated pan, cook in butter and/or oil Keep stirring until the carrots soften, you might need to add a bit of hot water and cover with a lid Add in the top part of the leek first if you can, then add the rest of the leek in a few minutes after De-seed the courgette (the seeds make it taste bitter) and add the courgette to the mix Put the loosely chopped broccoli into the pan, add some more water if required, cover with lid and transfer to a gentler heat source (another hob) In another pre-heated pan that has just a bit of oil in, add the marinated beef and stir continuously until the meat browns Add in the black beans (once you've drained and rinsed them well) into the same pan as the beef Bring some water to the boil in another pan and add the rice, cook for ten - twelve minutes Drain the rice, take the meat off the heat once it looks cooked and the vegetables Serve the rice into bowls first (quickly) then the vegetables with the beef and the black beans served last Enjoy! Looking back, I think my cooking has come on a bit since this thread started - still can't believe that's ten years ago now - but I help out with cooking stuff quite a bit generally. I just had a rare Good Friday off work, so I figured it would be nice to cook everything from scratch and it ended up being a nice family meal. With the amount cooked today, there should be enough for tomorrow as well, this is often a good way to cook if you can as the whole thing took around an hour with a bit of help. If anyone else has any meals they'd like to share their method to on here, then feel free to use the same format as above - or make your own - and Post Your Cooking! Or... just let the thread vanish for another year or more, I'm sure it will return again some day soon.
  3. I thought that the above news was front page worthy given the popularity of XIII back in the days of the GameCube. Cheers for the heads-up @Vileplume2000 I gave you a credit at the bottom of the article and used the video you posted above. I'm actually looking forward to playing the single-player campaign properly for the first time on Switch. My brother and I did dabble in the multiplayer a bit as well, pretty decent for what it's worth.
  4. You really should... and this is coming from someone who bought the game twice, couldn't finish it on PS3 for fear of overheating the system and then played it on PS4 properly. I got it when it came out, played it from start to finish and loved... almost every minute of it, there were certain sections which required multiple tries but I did it. One of the few PS4 games that I have played over the years and it's easily one of the best, so much so that I'm unsure whether or not this sequel will top it. But it is Naughty Dog so... who knows. If it does come out on that date then... that will be a pretty good turnaround from reveal to launch considering how much time has surely gone into making this possible.
  5. I noticed! I even managed to recover a few times I believe, before being chucked, slashed or beaten back off the edge again. Those were some really hilarious stages in the mix last night I thought, so well done to all involved in stage creation. I didn't have time to make any but I did dablle quickly with the stage editor when I left last night just after 11PM or so... I was too tired to make any sense of it though. @RedShell how did you make the background elements such as BabyFace etc? Is it easier to make square pixels for the background than it is for the actual stage? Also, is it easier generally to make these stages in portable mode or with a controller? I was thinking that for making straight lines my Hori pad might work better... ...maybe not though, it depends on how the d-pad is configured, either way, I do intend to have a go at stage building as I have a few ideas. Anyway, thanks for the games everyone, you made my first time playing as a Persona character in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate truly memorable... and that's no joke!
  6. My first thought about that mystery character was... Mach Rider. But the size doesn't add up and the hand isn't the same. Then I thought... Custom Robo. Possible... and plausible. Reset Era seems to think it's Teleboxer at the top of their poll. Not sure if they're serious though and it's not enough fingers on the hand. Ah well... I guess we'll find out - or not - soon enough I hope. Anyway, more to the point... those are some fantastic gifts and I hope Reggie enjoys his retirement.
  7. Here is the final article for our Top Ten Game Boy Games. Thanks to @RedShell for the amazing banner/side graphics (plus excellent advice for the in-article banners) and @Glen-i plus @Dcubed once again for organising this. Also thanks to the N-E community for contributing as this article truly wouldn't have been possible without your input. (my contribution was making the game banners in the article and getting it uploaded, which was a pleasure as always) Enjoy! And here's to the next one.
  8. Well, at least once the SNES selections are finalised, the other Top Ten lists shouldn't be so hard... r-right? *thinks about all of those glorious GBC, N64, GBA, GC, DS, Wii, 3DS, Wii U, Switch(?) and of course... Virtual Boy games* Who am I kidding? This is only the start of some very tough game related decisions.
  9. Well I feel like a fool... after posting the news early this morning that it was today for the 3.0 update, which it is in the USA... ...it's actually tomorrow for the UK and Europe. I'm sat here with my Switch updated, checking the eShop looking for the DLC while doing Duke Nukem impressions... "Where is it?" Ah well... at least I can sort my software icons until then... or do something useful like post a certain feature on the main site... ...yeah, I might do that I reckon, it's going to be a lonnnng day.
  10. Hot off the press, Joker is now available in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate so long as you've already bought the season pass. The entire 3.0 update goes live today (17/04/2019) including a host of new features. (one which @RedShell will be very happy about) Of course Nintendo would choose to drop this video at around 3AM, ah well, it was worth watching and posting the article. Check it all out on the main page (click the above banner) it'll be nice to finally play as Joker... ...but first, sleep.
  11. I love the Vita really, even though mine is criminally underused. I'll give it the playtime it deserves at some point, I just wish the memory cards weren't so expensive. I'd get one of those SD card adapters but I don't really want to jailbreak the console... even though it is tempting.
  12. Imagine if Sony suddenly decided to use roman numerals instead, abbreviating to PSV I'm sure no one would find that confusing at all... Afterall, there isn't really a notable console from Sony which has the same abbreviation. (I'm half-joking here, as the Vita is a great handheld console)
  13. Event Horizon This might not have been on the top of anyone's reviews they wanted to read but here it is anyway! I didn't really get on with the game, I suspect it's just not for me but someone might enjoy it. In any case I believe it's currently around £2.49 on the eShop until 21/04/2019
  14. Activision gets a refund on the tax that it doesn't even pay in the first place... How does that even... there are no words for the lengths some companies will go to in order to get as much money as possible... ...yes I know that's their main aim, but in Activision's case, seemingly even ALL of the money wouldn't be enough.
  15. In case anyone missed them the first time around, these have just been restocked. They are still in stock now.
  16. It's pretty much a full-gone conclusion though, even if they haven't "officially" announced the "Playstation 5" this is the first time we've had any real concrete details on it. And you just know that it will be called the PS5 when it is properly announced. But yes, I agree... the thread title is a little bit misleading, the main takeaway here though is that the information on the specs sounds promising at least. I'm glad that it probably won't be coming out for a year or two yet though by the sounds of it. It's just as well that I didn't bother to upgrade from my launch model PS4, so if the PS5 does turn out to be all that, then the leap to it should feel pretty decent. I'm still happy with my launch model PS4 though and I don't really want to buy a 4K TV (let alone 8K!?!) as 1080P is more than fine to me, but we shall see.
  17. Pretty much hits the nail on the head... Play what you want to play, how you want to play it, who cares how other people play it be that on easy, normal, hard because it shouldn't matter to you. It's all just common sense really, but it seems like in 2019 it needs to be said and well... this video says it. I don't care if From Software add an Easy mode to Sekiro either but I also don't care if they decide not to. If they or any other game company decide to make their games more accessible then that's great, so long as it's optional then I don't see the harm.
  18. I find it hard to process that the Nintendo GameCube launched nearly 17 years ago... that's... almost exactly half of my lifetime. But it's true, the European launch date was May 3rd 2002 and I can still remember it as if it had only happened recently. So I thought that I would make this thread now because usually I forget about these milestones and only remember when it's too late. I think it was just good timing that I happened to see this video from HappyConsoleGamer which recounted his launch day tale... (thanks to @Hero-of-Time for bringing this guys channel to my attention) And it got me thinking that it would be nice to hear either some launch day stories or just some memories from everyone here on the forum so that we might be able to celebrate it in two weeks time. I'll of course share my launch day story as well, I've just got to type it out... indeed I may have shared that story on the forum in the past, so I'll check for that. We don't get to celebrate console launches that often I feel and with the recent success of the ongoing N-E Top Ten for all Nintendo consoles, I thought there'd be no better time than now. Indeed, if this is something you'd like to see more of in the future then I'll try and keep other Nintendo console launch dates in mind for future articles as well. For now though, please share anything you can remember about either the launch of the Nintendo GameCube or just any stories from your time spent playing any of its excellent games.
  19. DC HDMI looks pretty awesome, aside from the price of course. I think I'll just hold out for the new Scart and Component cables coming from Retro Gaming Cables which shouldn't be long now.
  20. new video from My Life in Gaming.
  21. Annnd I'm out... sorry guys, just the way today has gone, gotta get dinner sorted as its been a busy Sunday, another time though I'll be happy to hunt.
  22. That'd be cool.
  23. Some genuine stone cold classics in these nominations. Although I must say... there's one title I'm surprised hasn't been nominated yet, so I'm going to make that right. This is certainly a tough one... but there can be only five selections which really, truly make sense to me. Here are my picks... Super Metroid Super Mario Kart Super Mario World Super Castlevania IV The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past Look out for the N-E Top Ten Game Boy Games coming soon to the main site.
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