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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. Another space shooter type game, I swear we get a new one every week or so. Red Siren: Space Defense is out on the eShop on 4th of June. - - - - - The surreal fantasy adventure Another Sight is coming to the Switch later this year. Worth checking out the trailer in the article on the main page, could be a title to watch for later on in the year.
  2. Another days passes, another Indie title gets a release date. Warlocks 2: Godslayers is coming to the Switch eShop on 7th of June.
  3. I shall heed the call of the N-E Brotherhood! 8:00PM? or 8:30PM?
  4. Up on the front page, will be covered on the day with the usual press release info shortly after the Direct. Let's hope that we get some interesting new information from this latest presentation.
  5. Could it be Mystery Dungeon time? I sure hope so, I'd say the fanbase is hungry for it!
  6. Yeah, this seems to be the case with a lot of discs from that era, I've been going through just general music CD's today and found a few with pinholes but they seem to be fine. I'm not going to worry about it any more but I will do the usual checks when I get around to it soon. I suppose the more pressing issue is probably checking to see if my Sega Saturn is still working, its been a while since I last booted it up, my old Mega CD II still works though and that hadn't been used in a good long while so I'm pretty hopeful, will be good to try out those new Sega Saturn pads I picked up recently.
  7. I have a feeling you'll hopefully be pleasantly surprised.
  8. Another great Top 10 video from The Happy Console Gamer, it was great hearing some of his memories of NES titles from back in the day. Most of my memories of buying games in stores from around when they came out mostly come from the 16-Bit era onwards so anything from before is always interesting to me.
  9. This is what I've been thinking, after discovering some of those Sega Mega CD demo discs have gone bad though, I think I'll start checking some of the older stuff. I've got a load of Phillips CDi games stored away somewhere... I've got a bad feeling about those, I did have a copy of Zelda's Adventure at one point but I sold it years ago. I'll likely be checking the Phillips CDi unit over soon anyway as I think it might be time to sell it as I haven't used it in years, so if it works, that may be on the cards. Damn... I feel for you on Panzer Dragoon Saga though fortunately from what you've described, that pinhole doesn't sound like it's anything bad so I reckon it'll be fine. - - - - - - - - - - Anyway, assuming that the majority of people's disc-based games are fine, which titles is everyone looking forward to playing or replaying? For me it'd have to be... Saturn - Dark Savior, Deep Fear, Night Warriors, Radiant Silvergun, Saturn Bomberman, Shining (series), Shinobi X, Torico Dreamcast - 18 Wheeler, Cannon Spike, Carrier, Daytona, Dino Crisis, Ecco, Giga Wing, Half-Life, Samba De Amigo, Tech Romancer When it comes to other disc-based systems, I'd probably have to think about it for a bit more, there are Playstation games I want to play but they just aren't at the top of the list. Although, I will say that I played Strider and Strider 2 on the PS1 which I enjoyed a lot.
  10. Nice, two solid Sega Saturn titles there @Goafer Reminds me that I really need to get my old Sega Saturn console hooked up again soon, its been too long and I have a few titles I've been wanting to try out on it for a while. Top of the list for me at the moment has to be Saturn Bomberman. Before that though I have a feeling that I should be checking them for disc rot I really hope none of them have been affected by it and I'm not convinced the problem is that rife, especially not with Saturn and Dreamcast games but you never know... I was trying out some Sega Mega CD games recently and sadly one or two of the demo discs had pin point holes in them all the way through, lncluding the Keio Flying Squadron demo disc, which is a shame as I was hoping to use that to play the whole game. I think it's mostly 80's - early 90's discs we should probably be most concerned about, I'd been going through some CD's and even some of those have started to degrade. Anyway, hopefully not though as there's still plenty of disc-based Sega games I plan on playing, it's just always in the back of my mind. Edit - it might not be that bad though, sometimes apprently if there's just a few see-through holes that might not be disc rot... I need to watch a few videos. This video is interesting... This video's quite informative... It also had me checking my copy of Metal Gear Solid: Thw Twin Snakes just in case... it might just be the US versions that had the bad pressings.
  11. For what it's worth, I had been enjoying Team Sonic Racing based on its own merits. However, I too would also like to have seen a port of Sega and Sonic All Stars Racing Transformed for Switch, in addition to this. There's easily room for both I feel but the compromise would have been somewhere inbetween the two racing games.
  12. Battle Worlds: Kronos is coming to the Nintendo Switch on June 11th 2019. It's a strategy game which takes inspiration from Advance Wars amongst other titles. It will cost £26.99 but there is a physical release as well.
  13. Did someone say "Meowtroidvania"? (I take no credit for that but I wish I could) Anyway, it's a Metroid type game, in black and white, starring a cat, what more could you ask for?
  14. Got my Sega Mega Drive 6 Button Arcade Pad from Retro Bit today. It has the weight, look and feel of the official pad, will try it out later. Will be nice to finally have a decent controller to use with my Analogue Mega SG. I may have to get a second one as well.
  15. If you have an account on the Epic Store and you try to buy multiple games on it (a feat in itself as it doesn't have a shopping cart) then your account might be blocked. Good to know.
  16. Oh yeah, granted... the Switch version of Mario Kart 8 DX is the best portable Mario Kart game easily but I was just thinking in terms of anything that can fit easily in your pocket. Mario Kart DS and Mario Kart 7 are both worth mentioning as well as they are pretty much easily portable and playable on the same system if you have a 3DS. There was always something about playing Mario Kart Super Circuit on that GBA Micro though. Mind you, I also quite like playing it on the big screen on the GameCube via the GBA Player as well with that Hori controller.
  17. If any mobile Nintendo game needed to be played in Landscape mode then surely Mario Kart Tour would be that game... this is just bizarre. But then it is a mobile game, so I never held out too much hope and I'll admit that they aren't something I really understand or probably ever will. It's just that the bar never seems to be set very high at all for these kind of games. I get that they are just quick "fixes" but I always thought of Nintendo games as a lot better than that but this just seems to be very low effort generally. Especially with the way in which they've implemented the gacha mechanic with the characters. Ah well, at least we'll always have the old classic portable Mario Kart games, I guess Mario Kart Super Circuit on a GBA Micro is still the ultimate in terms of portability. Anyway, I know that this game isn't aimed at me as I'm not the target audience, so that's fine but it all just feels like a wasted chance to make something worthwhile.
  18. Here is the final article for our Top Ten N64 Games. Thanks to @RedShell for the wonderful banner/side graphics. and @Glen-i plus @Dcubed once again for organising this. Also thanks to the N-E community for contributing as there were some really excellent submissions which I enjoyed reading a lot. (my contribution was making the game banners in the article and getting it uploaded, plus I put in some mini-banners for the previous articles) Oh and I definitely didn't make reference to the DK Rap when posting the article on the front page, so don't worry, we're professionals!!1! here at N-Europe. Enjoy! And here's to the next one.
  19. So, Sega put an advert out for this... Not a bad effort from the marketing department. Happy launch day, as the game actually comes out today, I was going to see if I could write a review by today for it but alas... ...interestingly there aren't any/many reviews out for the Switch version (or not recorded on Metacritic anyway) so I think a lot of review outlets just covered other versions. Anyway... soon, I've just got to finish up the main story mode and then I'll put something together but ultimately I ended up enjoying the game more with each play session.
  20. "I'm really feeling it!" "I'm really feeling it!" "I'm really... flippin' freezing!"
  21. Sony Interactive Entertainment. (Yep, I had to search for it to be sure)
  22. Just to clarify @Glen-i when is the final submission date for the final vote on the games from the GBC shortlist? I'm only asking as I couldn't see it in your last main post (apologies if I missed it) I just want to make sure that neither myself or anyone else misses the date. (for now I'm going to guess that voting will close on 25th May 2019 as that would be a week, just as the others have been) Also, look out for the Top Ten N64 article on the main page very soon.
  23. Switch version all the way for me, I pre-ordered it on ShopTo and it didn't seem that expensive at all, I paid £33.11... And I just checked... it is £5 more on the Switch! I didn't know that... but it's still worth it for the portability option.
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