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Quite the selection of titles today... Even the Ocean a narrative-driven platformer coming in 2019. Blasphemous is a Metroidvania hack'n slash affair also coming in 2019. Vampire: The Masquerade - Coteries of New York seems to be a visual novel gateway into the table-top game due out in Q4 2019.
Nope, but my bet is on £19.99 which would make it about feasible to make it a physical release as well I'm hoping. if it's cheaper than that, I'll be pleasantly surprised.
Six new screenshots for Cadence of Hyrule. That should tide us over until it's shadow-dropped at E3.
Mega Drive Mini (19th September 2019)
S.C.G replied to Hero-of-Time's topic in General Gaming Discussion
Annnnd now I want one again! -
Mega Drive Mini (19th September 2019)
S.C.G replied to Hero-of-Time's topic in General Gaming Discussion
So... all of these games that have just been announced, chances are that we aren't even getting them in our version I'm guessing? They should really just include all of the dfferent lineups on every region of the console and let us choose because it's certainly not technically impossible. I want to get this but... I have a Mega SG and while I'm glad that they have a version of Snow Bros on at least one of the variants... ...I like my super legit and totally not an aftermarket cartridge from back on the day which requires me to attach it to a converter to safely use. -
Funnily enough, I ended up watching the same video last night. I was going to post it in here but it was getting late by that point, but it certainly was interesting. I've seen a few videos from Pat the Nes Punk before and all of the conversations and stoires are really interesting, especially this latest video about collecting, I've only ever tried to go for one full set because the console has always fascinated me and that's the Neo Geo Pocket Color, but then I do intend to play most of the games as well, realistically I don't know if I'll keep the collection long term but I'd like to think that I will, it's something that I'd like to write a feature about one day or maybe even make a video. On the whole though, for all other platforms I'm purely going for games that I'll actually play and enjoy, otherwise... what's the point really? That's part of why I sold Zelda's Adventure on the Phillips CDi all those years ago, part of Nintendo history? Certainly. A good game? Nope... and I don't regret selling it. I was checking the values of other games after watching that last night such as EarthBound which I bought years ago and I'm surprised at the price now but then I did buy it to play and to have in my collection do I don't regret buying it around eleven years ago, and it was a fair price for the game back then.
I just wanted to say that the Q&A with the Shot Triggers development team video was nothing short of spectacular. It was really enjoyable to hear about how they broke down this seemingly complicated STG shooter genre into something more understandable. These kinds of insights into the Japanese game industry are rare, so I'm really glad to see My Life in Gaming covering fantastic developers such as M2. - - - - - Also, Sega Lord X has a new video out which focuses on Sega Saturn games which aren't that bad. I'd have to agree on some of them, others though? Nope... I still don't want to play them really. I have heard only good things about In The Hunt though, I didn't know about the slowdown in the Saturn version, just that it was rare, a very good game and worth getting. It's one Saturn game that I don't own though but I'd consider getting it if I saw it for a good price.
A very good point indeed, thanks! I'll see if I can include those as well. Devolver Digital have had some excellent press conferences and Limited Run did really well last year as well I thought. It seems they are becoming staples of E3 now, which is a good thing, I've just got to get used to remembering to include them; they do some excellent work. Edit... and they are now in the article plus I put you a credit in there as well for drawing my attention to these two excellent conferences.
Right, time to bump this thread seeing as we have only around a week until the Nintendo Direct and even less until time until the events at the weekend. I've written up a new article which is basically the E3 schedule for Nintendo plus the other conferences as well. Everything is covered with times, banners etc and a little bit of a write-up plus all linked back to this thread and the E3 predictions thread as well. Who knows what we'll see this year but I thought it was about time to get prepared and a little bit hyped for it as well. We'll do our best to cover everything and hopefully this will be an E3 to remember.
Gato Roboto Review written by @Hero-of-Time Thank you on behalf of N-Europe. And thank you to @RedShell for the graphics.
Dead Dungeon is coming to the Switch eShop on 14 June 2019. Looks a lot like Super Meat Boy in its style of gameplay and it seems to have been released on PC a few months ago. Check out the trailer in the article if you're curious about it.
Oh absolutely! I completely agree, the game came out on the Xbox One on 4th August 2015 (according to my Rare Replay poster) so its exclusivity should be over by now. Heck, I was telling people about the game in conversations if ever I saw that someone owned an Xbox One, I'd make a point of telling them about Rare Replay... ...did they care though? Nope, not really... the sad reality is that even with 30 classic games, people like whatever games they like and that's fine but it meant that Rare Replay definitely missed out on some potential sales, or rather I would say the people who didn't buy it really missed out on several classics unless these kind of games really weren't the kind of games they were after, it's just that growing up with these games, I find it hard to fathom why anyone wouldn't at least enjoy three games out of the thirty at the very least and that's me being pessimistic about games which I would regard as classics for the most part. At this point though, you can pick up Rare Replay for £10 or less which is criminally good value in my books but I think on the Switch, with a few other certain games in the collection or possibly even more or minus some of the Xbox titles, however they want to do it, Rare Replay would definitely sell well on the Switch, plus the console would have a distinct advantage over the Xbox One version... if you wanted to play local multiplayer on some games, you had to be either signed in and/or online as well... for offline multiplayer. I would love for Rare Replay to come to Switch, if it doesn't then as you say it's easily money on the table for Microsoft, more than that though I guess Rare and Nintendo would get something out of it as well, which is nice and would be a dream come true to see Rare come back to Nintendo with their classics in at least some form, it's a situation with no down-sides for anyone... well except maybe for Sony I suppose but I don't think Rare Replay would be on the table for PS4/PS5 as they have hardly any history with Rare, if that happened too though, it would still sell so I'd never rule it out but for the Switch... definitely.
OK, Here we go... Banjo-Kazooie for Smash - With a trailer featuring Minecraft Steve getting pecked by Kazooie for digging up parts of Spiral Mountain (Steve will feature as a costume) F-Zero GX HD - Very simple really, give Nintendo fans what they've wanted for... quite a while now assuming we aren't getting a new F-Zero, just remaster F-Zero GX. Pikmin Collection - All three Pikmin titles (you could chuck Hey! Pikmin! in there as well but...) in HD with the option of either motion or conventional controls. SNES games for Nintendo Switch Online - We've established that the Virtual Console is dead (R.I.P.) you've trickled out NES games, now do the same with SNES. Mother 3 fully translated release/HD remake for Switch - This has gone on for long enough, at this point only a physical release or remake would be appropriate. Sure, there's other stuff but Collection of Mana we technically know about even though that doesn't make is any less monumental. I'd love to see Rare Replay come to Switch as well but it's one of those things I just can't see happening... until it happens, I'll believe it when I see it but would love it to happen.
N-Europe's Top 10 (Voting over, check first post for results)
S.C.G replied to Glen-i's topic in Nintendo Gaming
Sorry about that, its fixed now, the quotation starts and ends at the right places. (or it will appear fixed in a few minutes once it updates) Damn, and I thought I'd gotten away with not editing the article after posting first time for once. (Edit - yep, it's definitely fixed now) -
N-Europe's Top 10 (Voting over, check first post for results)
S.C.G replied to Glen-i's topic in Nintendo Gaming
Here is the final article for our Top Ten Game Boy Color Games. Thanks to @RedShell for the glorious banner/side graphics. and @Glen-i plus @Dcubed once again for organising this, the write-ups in each article are spot-on. Also thanks to the N-E community for contributing as it's always nice to hear peoples stories from back in the day and varied opinions on all these classics. (my contribution was making the game banners in the article and getting it uploaded) I just hope that the top ten in-article game banners I made are still looking reasonable enough? I've tried to keep it simple, just changing the button layouts and the colour scheme but I might incorporate an actual GBA logo for the next edition. Enjoy! And here's to the next one. -
N-Europe's Top 10 (Voting over, check first post for results)
S.C.G replied to Glen-i's topic in Nintendo Gaming
This should be up tonight with any luck, I intended to get it on the main page by the weekend, nearly there, just getting everything ready to format into the final article. -
On the front page. Any excuse to post that lovely artwork really... I wouldn't mind if that was the cover for our version of the collection, assuming we're hopefully getting a boxed copy. Please don't let us down now Square Enix, it's money on the table afterall.
Paper Bugs anyone? In the absence of any Paper Mario sequel or remaster of the first two games, I'd probably go for Bug Fables as it certainly catches the essence of the series. It looks good anyway and well worth checking out the trailer in the article, it started out as an Indiegogo funded title and consoles versions were announced at Bit Summit. One to watch either way.
What I want to know is when I can get my hands on that Crypt of the Necrdancer & Cadence of Hyrule physical release double pack. Come on Nintendo, don't let me down!
And it's on the front page. I just went with a brief summary, grabbed a list of what was shown, and re-ordered it to what's relevant for over here on the releases. Then a link to the video and I also posted a handful of videos of titles we either haven't seen before or that are still anticipated. Good to know that Cadence of Hyrule is still set for a June release.
N-Europe's Top 10 (Voting over, check first post for results)
S.C.G replied to Glen-i's topic in Nintendo Gaming
I was talking with Gadwin last night and it's genuinely the case that those are the only five GBA games which he's played, we even went through a few titles I thought he might have played at some point but it seems that's just how it is... the GBA was released at a time when lots of Phantasy Star Online was being played by myself, Gadwin and many others. That's where most of our gaming time went, though I was there for when the GBA came out on launch day and picked up quite a few games when I could, even my GBA collection isn't that big but I did pick up some gems when I saw them for a good price, that's how I ended up with titles such as Astro Boy and Gunstar Future Heroes as they were a reasonable price at the time. I'm certain that Gadwin will likely be voting when we cover the GameCube top ten though and probably all the other Top Tens going forward as I know he's played a fair few games on those platforms, although I'm not 100% on Wii U... I think that'll be quite a devisive one when it arrives but it will be interesting to see who played what. -
You're right on all counts... (well not the drunken part) though I will admit, it was a bit of a blind purchase and it is indeed a Super Rare Games release. Both of them are releasing so many games at the moment that it's hard to keep track of them all.