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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. Up on the front page.
  2. So, who's staying up to watch Bethesda's conference in just under half an hour? And also potentially, Devolver Digital's conference at... 3am? I'm all in for watching Bethesda's currently, by the time it finishes, it'll probably be a case of... well only another half hour until the next conference so, why not. We'll see anyway, any hopes for Bethesda? Personally I wouldn't mind a console port of the brutal Doom mod seeing as we're getting a new Doom anyway. Might as well have all the games on the Switch.
  3. We'll play PSO2 together just like we played PSO on the DC, GC and PSU on the Xbox 360 and PC back in the day. I reckon we'll be able to get a good N-E hunting group going between us all I reckon. Me owning an Xbox One is finally worth it once again, unless... Could you imagine if it was suddenly announced for Switch and PS4 over here by the end of E3? With cross play, cross saves etc? Pick a platform, any platform! We'd go from having no PSO2 to having it on everything. Failing that though, PSO2 on Xbox One and PC, I'm OK with this.
  4. Me neither, it only took them what... eight years!?! *hugs Hero* So... N-E clan/group/whatever when this comes out? - - - - - Where's @Gadwin? I know he'll be in day one for sure!
  5. Phantasy Star Online 2, playable on consoles and PC, in the West! Finally! The best announcement of E3 2019 so far for me.
  6. I'll be watching Microsoft's conference. And I bet there'll be something Nintendo related in it but who knows at this point.
  7. N-Europe's Roundup of the events of last night. So that's the Super Mario Maker 2 Invitational and both World Championships for Splatoon 2 and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate More of a general roundup featuring some commentary and some quotes from this thread. (hopefully people don't mind, if you do then just say and I'll edit the article, I just thought it would be good to have peoples reactions) Anyway, I've tried to make it interesting while not going over and covering/spoiling everything that happened in case people hadn't watched it yet.
  8. Nintendo GameCube games, now we're talking! Here are my picks... Metroid Prime The Legend of Zelda: the Wind Waker Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door F-Zero GX Phantasy Star Online Episode I & II There are so many other titles I could have nominated but when it comes down to it, I firmly believe that the above games we're definitely my most played and most loved titles. I could have easily provided a top 100 for GameCube games but this is a Top Ten so we must be brutal. Look out for the N-E Top Ten GBA Games coming soon to the main site.
  9. Nor here... something about clams? I feel so out of touch when it comes to Splatoon. So you're not alone. They're all putting on a good show though.
  10. Me neither, I'm mostly just watching it so that I can cover it... however, I will say this, as someone who doesn't really play Splatoon that much, I've definitely learnt a few things. So it's giving me a new appreciation of the game(s) plus there's a load of modes and arenas that I've never even seen before, so there's that. But as for the Super Mario Maker 2 Invitational? I loved every minute of it. And being that I do play Super Smash Bros. Ultimate every now and then, I'll be looking forward to that Championship a bit more. Plus there's bound to be some good announcements throughout the trio of events.
  11. I think you can just view the live video now and wind it back, or I can at least but that might be because I had it queued up for hours, in any case...
  12. Here's to a hopefully leak-free E3 on N-E! Plus a few tips in the article on how to avoid potential leaks or spoilers. (plus a bit of tongue-in-cheek humour and a good old leak/leek gag for goos measure) Well, I tried anyway.
  13. Super Mario Maker 2 Invitational, Splatoon 2 & Super Smash Bros. Ultimate World Championships 2019 Saturday 8th June – 19:00 BST / 20:00 CET
  14. Absolutely, this is what I want as well and I think it's the best way to make sure everyone gets to enjoy E3. Besides... there's plenty of reviews and things I could post instead if I finish them soon and we'll still report on the Nintendo Championships, so there's still stuff to do.
  15. OK, that's settled then, I won't be posting any Nintendo related leaks on the main page and I'll ask in the Staff area to see who else will agree to not posting leaks as well.
  16. No but this is what I mean, I don't want to spoil things for myself or anyone else, so I'd be happy not to be posting anything more until Tuesday afternoon. What I'm saying is, I'll now be avoiding other news sites etc until then and I'd imagine a lot of us on here will be avoiding them as well. So I was going to make a point of not posting any news until then, or unless we actually get some PR sent directly to us that's news and not related to any leaks. Plus it would mean that N-Europe isn't contributing to reporting on these leaks and potentially ruining E3 for anyone, that's what I mean. I'm sure we'd all like to look forward to the Nintendo Direct on Tuesday afternoon at 5PM so let's see if we can not spoil anything for anyone.
  17. Thank you for the heads-up. This puts us in a difficult position when it comes to posting news... though really, I don't want anything spoiled either so... I know I've been reporting on a lot of news recently on the main site but, I'd be happy enough to just not post anything from now until after 5PM on Tuesday. Is this what people would prefer? Because I will go along with what our forum members on here want, the last thing I want is anything ruined for anyone. So if this is the case, I will not look at any news sources, starting now and all I will post is reviews or features which we've had planned anyway. Does this sound agreeable? Let me know asap and I'll get the word round. Just because every other site is going to be leaking stuff, doesn't mean we have to... I mean I know journalism is about reporting on this stuff but I'm not about to ruin E3 for anyone.
  18. Available now to pre-order on the Nintendo Store UK.
  19. And it's up on the front page! Damn, you never can tell when there's going to be news to post during this run up to E3, it's welcome news though. This looks really good, I'm wondering if as a backer of the original Yooka-Laylee there might be some kind of offer for the physical copy. I doubt it, and it doesn't matter either way, I'm just glad this is coming out. I really liked Yooka-Laylee, even though I do need to go back to it on the Switch. A new platformer in the same universe but from a different perspective sounds good to me.
  20. Ministry of Broadcast is coming to the Switch in 2020. In both digital and physical form. Well worth checking out the PR and trailer for this one if you like the idea of a cinematic platformer with a Dystopian theme.
  21. Is it worth £20? Of course it is! You didn't like the 3DS games? Fair enough... technical limitations, I like both for different reasons but the world in Monster Hunter World is certainly larger. The game is easy to get into, there's plenty to do solo so still worth it but the multiplayer is where the action is at, you can even ask for help as and when you need it per quest. It's the most beginner-friendly Monster Hunter game I've ever played but there's still plenty of challenge there as well. I've been meaning to go back to this, so I likely will in the run up to the Iceborne expansion.
  22. I think Huber might be just a little bit hyped for E3 2019... ...it's hard to tell though.
  23. Jim's pretty much spot on with this video, highlighting to meagre the offering of Nintendo Switch Online NES games is. This is essentially what we've been saying for a while now and Nintendo can't be oblivious to it... surely? Especially not after sending out surverys on Nintendo Switch Online, one which I got myself and well... I certainly responded... I got 50 platinum points for taking the survey and who knows, Nintendo might actually do something with the feedback. Yes, I realise that around E3 time, SNES games or extra features for Nintendo Switch Online might be just around the corner but they chose to send out the survey right now, so I gave them my opinion in as polite a manner as possible but while also being as honest and constructive as possible because it really is about time that they really start giving people at the very least the basic features that they really want, lest they want to start losing subscribers. Ultimately, I'll probably still keep my subscription because it comes down to one question... Do I still want to play Mario Kart 8 DX, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate and Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate online for the forseeable future? The answer to that would be a resounding "Yes!" But please Nintendo, you know it makes sense to improve the service now rather than wait for another generation.
  24. Ouch! I hope you feel better soon @Kaepora_Gaebora we'll hunt again soon.
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