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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. Up on the front page, PR and hype-train release date trailer! I was just about to let @RedShell know but it looks like I don't need to. Can't wait to play this one!
  2. Up on the front page, all the PR and the above trailer that @Dcubed beat me to posting. Anyway, the main thing is that these titles are finally coming out and that we'll be able to play them at the end of this month! I can't wait to play Virtua Racing.
  3. The latest Nintendo PR, letting everyone know what they are doing in the runup to E3 2019 and during it. I already covered most of this the other day but I thought I'd post the PR e-mail in case anyone was interested.
  4. I could be on after Mario Kart if you like? So that would be at around... 9PM if that suits? Sorry to hear that you're not feeling well. Hopefully a bit of Monster Hunter will help aid your recovery.
  5. Darksiders Genesis coming to Switch and all other consoles. Leaked but basically announced and we knew it was coming so... More details to be unveiled at E3 probably though this hasn't officially been announced. Interesting new top-down perspective.
  6. Grandia HD Collection is coming to the Switch! No trailer yet, more details to follow during E3 2019. Check out the details in the article. I'm really happy for this announcement, as this will be the first time playing these RPG classics. (time to bump this thread then, I completely forgot that these were coming out, but hey, at least we know we'll be getting more info soon now)
  7. Do you know... there's that much coming out on the Switch that I completely forgot it was coming out. We probably even posted an article about it the first time around... *checks* yep, we did.
  8. Grandia HD Collection is coming to the Switch! No trailer yet, more details to follow during E3 2019. Check out the details in the article. I'm really happy for this announcement, as this will be the first time playing these RPG classics.
  9. Super Skelemania come to the Switch... ...and it's available, right now! It's desribed as a single sitting Metroidvania, so it's perfect to pick up and play it would seem. Check out the trailer in the article.
  10. If that's the line-up for all of the DLC characters, I'd be happy with that as well and you're right, that 5th character is very surprising, heck even the "third and fourth" are surprising as well. The second is surprising to a degree but more believable, but in any case in that video yeah... it's credible I think. I'm not going to go into any more detail than that as I don't want to accidentally spoil anything if this does end up being the line up but... I'd be happy with it. And having said that, even after looking at that video, I'd still be surprised to see those characters full reveal when the time comes.
  11. Dandy Dungeon is the next game from Onion Games, coming out later this month. It looks like quite the wacky "fantasy" RPG and after viewing the trailer I can't help but wonder if @RedShell might be interested in it too. I know I'm intruiged by it at the very least. (it also reminds me that I've got to get back to playing Black Bird)
  12. Here's N-Europe's Pokémon Direct 05.06.2019 Roundup. That's all we can really do until the press release hopefully comes through. So there's a short list in there containing some of the new information and I'll update it with the PR later. It's a lot easier to just watch the video though, so that's in there as well and of course the release date is the main piece of information we wanted. Pokémon for the end of this year then? Sounds good to me. These will likely be the games which get me back into the series.
  13. An interesting physics-based platformer called Deleveled is coming to the Switch later this year. Well worth checking out the trailer in the article.
  14. Posted on the front page. I linked to some old VC Weekly reviews for each game but you probably know that the only game I'll be recommending this month is Double Dragon II. City Connection is... passable and Volleyball is... not brilliant to say the least. Bring on the SNES games already.
  15. Quite the selection of titles today... Even the Ocean a narrative-driven platformer coming in 2019. Blasphemous is a Metroidvania hack'n slash affair also coming in 2019. Vampire: The Masquerade - Coteries of New York seems to be a visual novel gateway into the table-top game due out in Q4 2019.
  16. Nope, but my bet is on £19.99 which would make it about feasible to make it a physical release as well I'm hoping. if it's cheaper than that, I'll be pleasantly surprised.
  17. Six new screenshots for Cadence of Hyrule. That should tide us over until it's shadow-dropped at E3.
  18. Annnnd now I want one again!
  19. So... all of these games that have just been announced, chances are that we aren't even getting them in our version I'm guessing? They should really just include all of the dfferent lineups on every region of the console and let us choose because it's certainly not technically impossible. I want to get this but... I have a Mega SG and while I'm glad that they have a version of Snow Bros on at least one of the variants... ...I like my super legit and totally not an aftermarket cartridge from back on the day which requires me to attach it to a converter to safely use.
  20. Funnily enough, I ended up watching the same video last night. I was going to post it in here but it was getting late by that point, but it certainly was interesting. I've seen a few videos from Pat the Nes Punk before and all of the conversations and stoires are really interesting, especially this latest video about collecting, I've only ever tried to go for one full set because the console has always fascinated me and that's the Neo Geo Pocket Color, but then I do intend to play most of the games as well, realistically I don't know if I'll keep the collection long term but I'd like to think that I will, it's something that I'd like to write a feature about one day or maybe even make a video. On the whole though, for all other platforms I'm purely going for games that I'll actually play and enjoy, otherwise... what's the point really? That's part of why I sold Zelda's Adventure on the Phillips CDi all those years ago, part of Nintendo history? Certainly. A good game? Nope... and I don't regret selling it. I was checking the values of other games after watching that last night such as EarthBound which I bought years ago and I'm surprised at the price now but then I did buy it to play and to have in my collection do I don't regret buying it around eleven years ago, and it was a fair price for the game back then.
  21. I just wanted to say that the Q&A with the Shot Triggers development team video was nothing short of spectacular. It was really enjoyable to hear about how they broke down this seemingly complicated STG shooter genre into something more understandable. These kinds of insights into the Japanese game industry are rare, so I'm really glad to see My Life in Gaming covering fantastic developers such as M2. - - - - - Also, Sega Lord X has a new video out which focuses on Sega Saturn games which aren't that bad. I'd have to agree on some of them, others though? Nope... I still don't want to play them really. I have heard only good things about In The Hunt though, I didn't know about the slowdown in the Saturn version, just that it was rare, a very good game and worth getting. It's one Saturn game that I don't own though but I'd consider getting it if I saw it for a good price.
  22. A very good point indeed, thanks! I'll see if I can include those as well. Devolver Digital have had some excellent press conferences and Limited Run did really well last year as well I thought. It seems they are becoming staples of E3 now, which is a good thing, I've just got to get used to remembering to include them; they do some excellent work. Edit... and they are now in the article plus I put you a credit in there as well for drawing my attention to these two excellent conferences.
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