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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. The Gametrailers crew sit down and discuss the Zelda Wii U trailer and the game from 23.15mins in... http://www.gametrailers.com/full-episodes/zveo8f/thanks-for-playing--bloodborne-again Really enjoyable watch. Damiani is hilarious So passionate about the series. 'Clearly this is a futuristic Link sent back in time to erase everything wrong with the timeline'... lol. I actually like the idea that maybe Link and Ganondorfs descendants are friends in this or something it's set so far in the future, and they don't actually know who they are. Maybe things unravel as the past of Hyrule is revealed and they learn things, but equally maybe the descendant of Ganondorf is just purely good throughout, that's just who he is now, this Links best mate. And I do hope for an actual villain that isn't Ganondorf.
  2. But then PlayStation is a Japanese brand, and everyone within their company gets the importance of it.
  3. Probably best to give this its own thread.
  4. I'd love to know all these New IP's that fail in your opinion. I can only imagine you're counting mobile games or something to even begin to get it anywhere near 99%.
  5. What are you using as your control setup?
  6. Paper Mario would make a fun character, paper plane would be a cool recovery.
  7. Yeah but seems a likely Plus game, though probably around Christmas time. There are a lot of people streaming their play on Twitch. I watched a couple of minutes last night, but didn't really want to spoil any of if for myself. Liked what I saw.
  8. I'm thinking of getting it on PS3, but may wait a while. Heard great things about it though, definitely would like to experience it.
  9. Retro_Link


    Resogun is £7.99 on the PSstore this week btw https://store.sonyentertainmentnetwork.com/#!/en-gb/deals-of-the-week-/cid=STORE-MSF75508-DEALOFTHEWEEKUK
  10. And even at the most fundamental level it's not about co-ordinating tactics, it's just being able to have fun with your mates! "OMG did you see that!"
  11. I think they're just running low on PS3 games (honestly they've given them pretty much all away at some point :p) and it'll be a while before the PS4 ones kick in.
  12. FEZ - £3.59/£3.99 on all PlayStation consoles this week https://store.sonyentertainmentnetwork.com/#!/en-gb/deals-of-the-week-/cid=STORE-MSF75508-DEALOFTHEWEEKUK?gclid=CJOon7uxlb8CFagSwwodnioAkQ
  13. What's this got to do with Capcom anyway?
  14. Dude the other consoles have a 500GB hard drive... My PS3 has a 160GB hard drive and I haven't had to think about it yet.
  15. lol, that's ridiculous!
  16. Impa seems a bit of a heavy character which is a bit disappointing, she should be the nimblist ninja of them all... Hopefully Sheik may be included, but still. Who's the new blue woman? Actually the 3 goddesses would make good characters with their elemental and magic powers!
  17. Multiplayer seems unlikely, but something like Dark Souls where you can leave messages to players around the overworld seems perfect, to warn players they might not be ready for this part of the overworld/temple, or to leave them tips should they want to take it on. Having said that, some sort of horseback battles/horse racing/archery multiplayer could be fun.
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