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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. Pfft, the Gamecube didn't have anything to make it stand apart... It had a handle!
  2. Nope they wouldn't and I think this is down to something I'm not sure Nintendo can ever recover from, and that's the online communities established to existing franchises. People are unlikely to suddenly start buying such third party franchises on a Nintendo console, even if it's at the start of a new generation, because they've built up communities around certain games on the other consoles for the last 7 years. Everything they ever need for those games is already in place, easy to access, good to go and it's where their friends are.
  3. I think they film most of it and then put up the main discussion topics as separate videos on youtube. There's another part up there now
  4. Peer's face when they mention Devils Third, even though it was an exclusive reveal on their show. Could have been the game itself that made him do that, or remembering the reveal interview itself.
  5. Guess he could be DLC in Smash Wii U.
  6. Just whilst you're considering buying a second hand console, you can also get both MassEffect1&2 on PS3. Nope you can't transfer characters between different consoles. I really hope Mass Effect trilogy gets a PS4/XboxOne(Wii U?) update.
  7. There's a new TMNT visual history book out for the 30th anniversary
  8. 30minute gameplay demo released It looks fantastic! Just wish I was a fan of the series.
  9. Nicely done man
  10. Why does DK have a storm punch move? where are they drawing that inspiration from? seems more Kirby.
  11. The Bonus Round discusses Nintendo's E3 (and it's largely positive ) http://www.gametrailers.com/full-episodes/abxdaj/bonus-round-e3-report-card--nintendo
  12. I don't really get the big deal with him though tbh. His part in GoT didn't exactly require much.
  13. It's a wonder we're even bothering with the Japan sales charts anymore.
  14. Shredder ... looking a bit like a Decepticon.
  15. Here they go into more detail about the humans and the androids on the ship, and how you can approach situations, but they're still giving pretty much nothing away which is great.
  16. New Nintendo K'Nex sets... http://n-europe.com/forum/showpost.php?p=1689544&postcount=479
  17. SUPER MARIO: Mystery Figure Bags Series 4 SUPER MARIO: Figure 3-Packs Series 3 NEW SUPER MARIO BROS. U: Layer Cake Desert Building Set SUPER MARIO 3D World: Cat Mario Building Set
  18. Didn't we have that news last week?
  19. Seeing as Clover are no more right, and the Okami brand is just sitting there... and having seen the new Zelda and knowing what Nintendo can do with cel-shading......... OH MY!
  20. Enjoyable E3, but you are correct.
  21. Because it was pants.
  22. It's understandable why they felt the need to do it in Skyward Sword, given the controls were so unique, but yeah, glad they're giving it a rethink. I thought it was handled pretty well in Ocarina of Time, you basically learnt as you went along.
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