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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. Ughh they're right, too often Zelda has been the same old [save the princess] story... maybe it's as much of a problem as the repetitive dungeon formula. I would actually LOVE that to be Zelda you play as. I think that alone has the ability to make the game feel so much more fresh! I so hope that's Zelda. The Legend of Zelda.
  2. Ok I think the Treehouse has run it's course.
  3. IGN put it to them at 4:10 in the video above. They completely skirt around it, and basically say that yeah basically stop short of saying it will be d-pad communication. He should follow the question up and say... 'why not?!'
  4. Not really selling system storage is he :p
  5. Smash is the one I'm bored of seeing. Seen LOADS of it now.
  6. Not sure. I guess there wasn't much revealed for 3DS at E3 as they focused on Wii U. So they might wait for another better time to announce it.
  7. As the roundtable game you mean? The roundtable game always should have been a new IP really, as Zelda MM wouldn't take much explaining.
  8. It is a little disappointing that this time last year Super Mario 3D World and Donkey Kong (which ok slipped in the end) were announced to be released the same year! The equivalent this year is Captain Toad... (not that it doesn't look great) Yes Smash is planned for Christmas and there are big games on the horizon, but still. 2014 is pretty quite, it could have done with a big surprise.
  9. Yeah Epona felt so bulky with over accentuated (flopping about) movements in Twilight Princess. Didn't like it. Back to a more gentle horse riding style please!
  10. Ok, first time I've properly watched the gameplay of this and it looks fantastic! The art style is fantastic and it actually looks quite challenging, and that you'll want to replay the levels to perfect your scores. Gives me a bit of a Kuru Kuru Kururin feel as well. In the tank level why didn't she just drive backwards and pick up that star she was flapping around with? Maybe she was stuck on a rainbow rail.
  11. Can you? I thought I just heard them say you can't turn gyro aiming off?... maybe they said you wouldn't want to turn it off. Also it sounds like it doesn't have voice chat, but just some sort of in game communication at this stage.
  12. Hope to get it out in the first half of 2015. They are thinking about making a single player mode (didn't say whether it would be a story/campaign) and other modes. I get the feeling it wont have voice chat. Or at least the devs aren't using it. They say primarily they just want you to focus on what you are doing. But that they plan on introducing 'some sort of communication feature'.
  13. I can't really see No More Heroes in it other than how he runs around in third person :p
  14. Here's the IGN gameplay demo and chat with the developers talked about in this thread. I think it's great they're excited to fill a gap for core gamers on the Wii U with this game, but I do hope for their sake (being a project 4 years in the making) that it goes multiplatform, especially as it doesn't really seem that great. Although it sounds like it might be an exclusive partnership with Nintendo. Yep the lead character is awful. And the way it transition to First Person for shooting is not good.
  15. Really good gameplay demonstration, much clearer than a trailer
  16. Yeah I was just gonna post, what an awesome guy.
  17. Well there going in depth on it tomorrow on the Treehouse!
  18. Although a 90 minute roundtable would lend itself more to something new.
  19. After watching a few matches, I'm a bit concerned it may need something a little more than that. I'm not sure for how long primarily running around painting floors will be fun without a really competitive aspect too. But we'll see.
  20. I haven't found out a great deal about the game just watched videos, so what is it that stops people just running around trying to paint as much of the level as they can within the time and ignoring fighting one another?
  21. Just you with the Squid Action there Reggie! :p
  22. On Melee didn't you used to be able to get your % up into the 300's etc...? It was hilarious when you'd still manage to make it back onto/down to the level from such a height! I'm not sure if I've seen anyone make it out of the 100's on Smash Wii U?
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