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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. Happy Birthday man!
  2. @Pancake Be careful buying a cheap/dodgy electrical like that... Them shit/the battery could blow up!
  3. No one said anything about taking it over.
  4. Not people, Miyamoto himself to the press. Everyone's reported it the same way.
  5. This. And yeah I loved Blue Storm! (I didn't play the original on the N64) Also there's not reason these games wouldn't sell if they're made well and marketed well. Just look how everyone was anticipating the last SSX game!
  6. It was indeed. No on rails section on display whatsoever. Purely a tech demo. I've said before, Treasure should make StarFox the next Ikaruga, combining top down and transitioning into 3D on rails sections and back.
  7. The 10 Coolest Things to do at E3! http://www.gametrailers.com/videos/b03lao/the-final-bosman-top-10-coolest-things-to-do-at-e3 I almost started crying with laughter at No.7 :p Urgh, I hope the changes at Gametrailers won't have many effects on the site, I love the guys they have their now (you know the characters, the relationships between them) and their complimentary range of shows.
  8. Nope, I'd rather wait on a release window at least before thinking it'll be out next year. Disputing NSLB could also be looked upon as splitting hairs.
  9. They've said they're planning on completing it within a year from now. No indication of whether that's realistic, or in fact when it will be released, which will be the most appropriate gap in the schedule as we've seen with Pikmin 3, DKCTF and MK8.
  10. DC finds its Aquaman?...
  11. We don't know that for sure.
  12. This thread is about an abundance of 2D software releases on the Wii U. NSLB was a big game with loads of effort put into it. I don't really see how it makes a difference. If this thread was 'An abundance of third person sandbox games on 360/PS3' I'd count Lost and the Damned yes.
  13. It was sold at retail as its own game, I'd count it. Add NES rexis 1 & 2, Pullblox and Mario Maker to the list too. Heck even Super Mario 3D World often operates on somewhat of a side scrolling perspective. I guess they're the quickest type of genre to produce. But ah well, they're largely all great.
  14. Because you haven't made one?
  15. No, it's that aside from the size if the characters being terrible and this hard to distinguish your own character at times if they are the same or a similar colour to another, the controls are bad and take getting used to.
  16. Fantastic hands on impressions of the Wii U version, Not good hands on impressions of the 3DS version...
  17. I actually got a lot more fun out of F-Zero X, but I think that's purely the stage in my life at which it hit i.e. a time when I would play 4 player local multiplayer. I absolutely adore that game, it would probably make my Top10 games of all time. But damn... GX looked amazing! I always though a setting like Coruscant would make an awesome setting for a Captain Falcon bounty hunter type game, or even just a hub world for a new F-Zero racer. Of course you could go off to other planets and space stations too, but the setting seems perfect for his home. And of course in Jango Fett we've seen a bounty hunter going about their business on such an environment. So much potential for a new F-Zero with this generation of console. So frustrating!
  18. Even I noticed that watch tower :P But yeah great analysis when they enhanced the picture. Seems those arrow types are the ones you need to defeat those enemies then.
  19. I thought that game was a new IP. Shows how popular it was :P
  20. I echo what everyone has said above about F-Zero, WaveRace (and 1080). There's also the fact that there are no other games like F-Zero (especially now that WipeOut has gone) or WaveRace on the market! Nintendo's console is the only place you can go to get such an experience (most other types of games you can find alternatives elsewhere) and quite frankly it sucks we're not getting new ones.
  21. Maybe they could put custom Mii amiibo's on the Stars catalogue to order for however many (7,000-10,000) stars or something. Make them rare.
  22. Yeah various podcasts have mentioned the possibility of these... but with so many ways to customise Mii's, how on earth would they manufacture them without it and them being ridiculously expensive?
  23. Ok so the full 'Project Beast' trailer has leaked. What they were going to show before I guess they felt it wasn't good enough to show and went with the E3 trailer and behind closed doors footage.
  24. I wasn't saying Zelda should be the main character because the series is called The Legend of Zelda. The fact it's called that doesn't bother me in the slightest. I was saying, for once, let the series almost poke fun at its title and just call itself that, and give us that. (Ok it's hard to explain what I meant :P)
  25. 8-bit Samus Morph Balling her way around Mario levels would be so fun!
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