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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. I've updated the list, but I'll leave Battlefield off 2015 for now, until we have a date.
  2. Read it on IGN...
  3. Sweet haul @Hero\-of\-Time!! Rumoured today that The Unfinished Swan is heading to PS4. I hope it's true for @Fierce_LiNk.
  4. Well at least you know now. I think you need to get over this us and them mentality.
  5. If you're in no rush just wait for a decent deal.
  6. What on earth would make you think that @drahkon? :P ... you and your own sodding opinion.
  7. Loving the sound/look of the Nintendo references in this version. I think I'll skip the Plus version I have and play it on Wii U whenever that may be.
  8. @dazzybee, I don't know how many times it needs saying, but I'd like to know what you think we'd all be discussing in this board if the Mods imposed the sort of moderation you seem to want. Did you not notice a vast difference in personalities and discussion during E3 week?... I know I did. Comments are far more likely to get left in this board because at least it's a discussion, if Nintendo were doing their job correctly we'd have other things to discuss. And as for the repetitive 'You don't see Nintendo fans going into the Other Console board and troll those consoles'... well no, but such members just do it within the comfort of this board where they know owners of those consoles will see it anyway. Threads are often derailed by members randomly bringing other console comparisons into things. Also, by all means volunteer to be a Mod if you like, you'll then see for yourself that things aren't as easy to balance around here as you seem to think.
  9. Bit rude, how about being a bit more open minded? (especially as you always dismiss the idea of user generated content, and then Mario Maker goes and happens) It's not exactly difficult to see how a Pokémon maker could work... Build your own towns, connect them via your own grass/woodland/etc area... and then draw invisible paths/place points within these for wild Pokémon to be. It may not make the most sense for a game/what Nintendo needs to be doing, but it's certainly possible.
  10. Turns out Doki Doki Universe is a cross buy, can download it for PS4, PS3 or Vita.
  11. What's the US city that you see getting destroyed in the trailer? Some of those scenes look really similar to those in Transformers 3, is it the same city again?
  12. Guess we'll have to wait for more info to find out exactly what the world design is like.
  13. God in the end I could only skim read this post, unbearable.
  14. You got Infamous @Fierce_LiNk?
  15. I got it free on Plus, haven't got round to it yet, but maybe if a few people in here start playing the Wii U version.
  16. Gametrailers complained about the 3DS version being difficult to see and keep track of your character especially if someone picks the same character or two characters of similar colour, and I imagine that was on an XL too at E3. I didn't even consider the additional problem of the original 3DS screen!!
  17. Could be an official Game & Watch confirmation.
  18. Because that's the shift they've made within over the years in order to be successful. Nintendo should take a look.
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