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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. more like it. Anyway I think the Gamecube had a better E3 year, and maybe the Wii too?
  2. Just gonna give this Gametrailers recap a watch, see what these guys made of it EDIT: LOL at the dumb Mii faces comment :p
  3. Very positive hands-on impressions.
  4. The only thing that makes me think it's a bit of a stretch is, that whilst Gal Gadot probably doesn't have much else to do, it's an intensive schedule for her and she's gonna have to keep this work out regime running for 3 years, to film BvS-JusticeLeague-WonderWoman back to back.
  5. Best E3 in terms of coverage. I don't think you could possibly say it was their best E3 in terms of hardware and software.
  6. lol, the fuck was that?...
  7. Isn't that new badguy basically the merchant from Starfox Adventures :P The 3DS version actually looks like it could be the better one. Being an exclusive it's quite surprising Nintendo chose to distance themselves from this game at E3, with it not showing up for a demo in the Treehouse at any point. Of course to us it looks pants, but still.
  8. *Round of applause* for the Nintendo Treehouse!! Such a great idea!
  9. Thank god they like the Prime Metroids and potentially see that as the future of 3D Metroid! Can you imagine how incredible a new First Person Metroid could look having seen Zelda!!
  10. Oh ok then, playing with four people on 4 TV's in the same room
  11. Fantastically positive impressions from the Gametrailers crew! http://www.gametrailers.com/videos/k8nzxc/splatoon-e3-2014--hands-on They can't stop smiling. At least we know local multiplayer is nailed!
  12. Yeah I thought there were issues a few times in ASA but I just watched it back and I think all instances were just down to misunderstanding/miscommunication. Anyway like I said, I've love the live aspect of the Treehouse. Wouldn't really have wanted it done any other way (for when it was new).
  13. Dunno, Disney Figures are all under £10 I think.
  14. You're forgetting Affordable Space Adventures.
  15. Treehouse are showing some crazy Bayonetta Mech walker level! EDIT: Oh it's finished :P
  16. ^ I dunno, I kinda like all that live stuff :p And I actually appreciate the breaks between game demo's.
  17. I dunno there's something about the idea of it being Zelda and the bow therefore being the primary weapon that I like. Change up the combat a bit. And then of course she'd have a sword when necessary, but just looking at the potential for the bow in the trailer it's exciting!
  18. The Treehouse stuff can be found on youtube anyway, even Nintendo have put some of it up on their page.
  19. I love it when the level goes 3D at the goal!
  20. Tech demo it is...
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