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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. Sherlock Holmes Fantastic acting from RDJ and Jude Law (all the acting was great) and a great chemistry between their characters, good humour, very witty, good story, though I thought the 2nd half was better than the first. It really picked up and I'd now love to see more Sherlock Holmes films. 8/10
  2. Not with any special equipment that's for sure! For the one with the car in it I fixed the camera to a tripod, rested it on the window edge, lay it across my lap, set the camera at an angle, and extented the tripod legs into any part of the car I could to try and gain any extra stability!... in short... as best I could! The second two were taken with the camera outside the car in the gap between the windscreen wipers and windscreen, with the camera strap hooked under and around the windscreen wiper just in case!!
  3. Oh yeah! Yeah I guess that counts, it was an Arctic 'special'... in that case... Vietnam > Africa > Arctic > America > Bolivia have there been any others, that weren't 'races'? There was the search for the greatest driving road and the trip to Romanis at the start of this series, but they're not quite the same.
  4. ^ Redbubble. There's a link to the site (well, my page) in my Sig. If you're into photography (or any kind of art) in any way, you should set up a page!
  5. Yeah me two. The car one has more of a purpose behind it, the other two were just test shots really.
  6. Cheers. I'll probably give it another go to try and get a slightly better result. Also took these two...
  7. Well done! It didn't quite win the challenge I entered, but the group ended up featuring my entry the other day... Photo could have turned out better, but tbf it's one of the most challenging photo's I've tried to take because I wanted the car as a solid object after a 30sec time lapse. Some of the group challenges are so funny, the one I entered the above photo into had around 150 entries, where as I saw one the other day where you had to photograph a gate hinge (random!), which unsurprisingly had all of 2 entries!
  8. It was good, but probably my least favoutite of all the 'crossing countries' specials... Vietnam > Africa > America > Bolivia
  9. Six Days Seven Nights ftw!
  10. Definately. A disgusting, attention seeking moron. Along with the legendary Mask.
  11. The Holiday Really enjoyed it. Has that same sort of Love Actually charm to it, that makes it one of the better Rom-Coms (well it's not much of a comedy, but still). Thought all the cast were great and it has a sweet story to it. 8/10 and yeah, I don't get all the hype around The Incredibles either... I think it's pretty undewhelming.
  12. ^ Who's changed their name to this?
  13. This! Definately!
  14. Lets Tap - £4.95 http://www.zavvi.com/offers/best-ever-sale/games/nintendo-wii.list?buy=10042985 De Blob - £8.95 http://www.zavvi.com/offers/best-ever-sale/games/nintendo-wii.list?pageNumber=2&buy=9985442 The Conduit - £9.95 http://www.zavvi.com/offers/best-ever-sale/games/nintendo-wii.list?buy=10042984 Resi: Darkside Chronicles + Zapper - £32.95 http://www.zavvi.com/games/platforms/nintendo-wii/resident-evil-the-darkside-chronicles-zapper-bundle/10068001.html
  15. Yeah the ending and Timothy Dalton was great!! Is it me or have the Time Lords moved into and re-decorated the Star Wars council room? I have to say, I'm not really getting The Master though, I don't quite fully understand his character. What exactly does he want? what's his purpose for even wanting to clone himself? Is it simply that he's lost his mind? has his character always been like that (mad) throughout Doctor Who history? Does he simply just want to wipe out the human race (it's been his aim both times he's been in the show) simply to spite the Doctor? I dunno, I always expect The Master to have more of an intimate battle with The Doctor, I'd rather the two of them were locked in their own conflict together and as such I'm always a bit dissapointed by him, because he comes across as a bit of a generic baddie! Also, the drumming started in his head when he looked into that Space/Time thing when he was young right? Do we even know what the drummings about yet?... was it the Time Lords returning that he glimsed in the future or something? ... I'm confused about him!
  16. Sprout, ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC!! Thankyou!! and have a Merry Christmas!!
  17. Avatar (3D) ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT!!! Visuals were out of this world, the characters were fantastic, wonderful story, emotional, believable world, and my first 3D film which made it all the more special... couldn't believe how clear and downright incredible everything looked!! 9/10 Question about everyones 3D experience... were the things that you thought might actually be meant to come out of the screen, not doing so... there were just a couple of these instances, like the water droplet right at the start (though it looked incredibly clear, it wasn't right in front of you), and the tip of Jakes gun at one point, and a couple of those plantlike danelion/jellyfish things.
  19. Very Merry Christmas Buddy!! :santa:

  20. Thanks guys!! and thanks for the Birthday thread FLink, love ya! Man we're all growing up on here aren't we... some further along than others! Just got back from watching Avatar 3D, ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE!! Fell in love with the world and characters, loved every minute of it! Had a great day, Thanks again all!!
  21. Jedi Power Battles was frickin' awesome!!
  22. Gametrailers GOTY:
  23. 'Mechs' seem to be one of the themes of NMH2, that's 3 so far.
  24. ^ I know it's cheap as chips, but is Lets Tap worth it?
  25. In having those days back I didn't mean exactly as they happened, just the scenario. No way would I want Schumacher to dominate the sport. I just liked the Kimi-McLaren, Schumi-Ferrari, Alonso-Renault days... they were such a missed opportunity because of unreliability, we never got to see those three fighting it out as much as we should have. Schumi's glory days were an absolute snore fest, I wouldn't want that back for anything. But I really miss those V10 engines, seems they made overtaking possible.
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