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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. A new 2D Multiplayer Battle Toads.
  2. We definately need a Shenmue 3!! New Jet Set Radio, Crazy Taxi, Skies of Arcadia... basically a LOAD of DC games! And basically ALL the Nintendo franchises they are currently ignoring!
  3. Probably for a Sleep Vitality Sensor 'game'... zzzzzz (zii)... clever!
  4. Essential purchase imo! The first game was fantastic, and the sequel looks and sounds just as good. Yeah I'm also a bit unsure about removing the overworld, I kinda liked it, but judging from the screens the bike does make an appearance.
  5. Collectors Edition: Where are the goggles!!
  6. I think Gamestation might possibly still sell some old stock.
  7. It scared the hell out of me the other day when I suddenly realised in almost 5 years time I'm gonna be 30... Second star to the right here I come!!!
  8. omg, I agree with everything you just said!

    Yeah Tim and Simon are great, the show would be aweful if one of them left... they're awesome wondering conversations and running over time are great.

    Yeah Amanda's kinda cute and she's nice enough, but is it just me or is the worst part of the show when it's her turn in the kitchen to do lazy brunch... boring!!


    Lisa Snowdon's great, they had some great female presenters in when she was off but I can't remember who they were. And yeah dispite Tim and Simon being great I do really like it when Richard Bacon fills in!

  9. Finding the girl of my dreams.... (In before Dannyboy!! but true nonetheless!) I'd also like to do some travelling. And some volunteer work abroad. Would also like to go and see a Space Shuttle launch in 2010 before they finish the programme. World Cup 2010, F1 2010, WRC 2010, Iron Man 2, E3 2010. Alton Towers new ride.
  10. REALLY want to watch Iron Man, but I'll wait for a quality version.
  11. haha, cheers buddy!

    Do love watching that show!

  12. Ebay if your best bet for sealed Gamecube games, what games are you after? You'll probably just have to wait a while until someone puts the games you're after up, because there are sealed/new copies of games on there. What you on the look out for?
  13. That Climb song is aweful, heard it a few times on the radio today. Honestly it was such a setup for Joe to win (Cowell probably saw him as the better investment), because realistically how was Olly meant to do anything with a 17yr old girls 'disney esque' song?
  14. Yeah I agree on the line up. Sato was in contention until the other day, he'd have been far more exciting!
  15. Lotus Team Logo: Lotus Announce Drivers: Trulli and Kovalainen http://www.autosport.com/news/report.php/id/80563
  16. Couldn't you just try entering them and see if your stars go up?
  17. Hope Dannii isn't replaced by Mel B! She's the only thing worth watching on the show! Lovely!...
  18. Alright... fucking hell! I just meant it's not a game of the film.
  19. Doesn't take much to better...
  20. With the photographer!! Shame on you!
  21. I look younger than I am, but I don't understand why people around our age want to get told they look younger than they are? I can understand if you were 35, liking being told you looked 25/30, but why when you are 23/24 would you want to be told you look 18/19 or whatever? I can understand it more for girls actually (still don't think it's something you should be that concerned with), but for guys, isn't it better to look a little older.
  22. Well everytime I've seen some X-Factor this year Danni has looked far prettier. Beautiful dresses, sexy hair (apart from one hairstyle I saw) and great personality.
  23. It's probably more people voting for Cheryl to win, honestly there are too many people obsessed with that women it's sickening. It's the only reason Girls Aloud won a Brit and why she's had a No.1 Album, No.1 Single and probably more yet to come. Dunno what it is about this convicted chav that people idolise so much!
  24. Personally I don't think that towl rack makes a very good hat.
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