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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. ^ Man I'd like those days back! Kimi-McLaren, Schumi-Ferrari, A1 Ring, V10 engines, Overtaking, More racing and less stupid rules/regs/constant steward enquiries.
  2. Never Mind The Buzzcocks: Doctor Who Special Hillarious! Possibly best episode ever. This series with the special guests hosts has been great, so glad that little jumped up shite Amstell left! 10/10
  3. Christmas Trailer: [360/PS3 version]
  4. Possible 3 year deal.
  5. Nice analysis Nicktendo! Pretty much agree on all fronts. So Heidfelds missed out on a top drive yet again!
  6. ^ If that's the Russell Crow one, I thought it looked aweful. I wouldn't have known it was Robin Hood if I hadn't been told.
  7. Heard a shout out for Letty on Radio1 earlier! Made me smile! I assume it was her... there can't be many Letty's texting in from the Shetlands!
  8. Shrek Forever After
  9. Definately something different! Is this gonna make it out of Japan though?
  10. Yeah it's getting rediculous, no doubt the calander will soon look something like this... Bahrain Malaysia China India Spain Monaco Rome Turkey Russia Las Vegas/New York Valencia Paris Silverstone Hungary Begium Italy Singapore South Korea Brazil Abu Dhabi That would be a 20 race calender, 6 street circuits, Monaco, Rome, Las Vegas/New York, Valencia, Paris, Singapore. 13 Tilke Tracks, Bahrain, Malaysia, China, India, Rome, Turkey, Russia, Las Vegas/New York, Valencia, Paris, Singapore, South Korea, Abu Dhabi. Loosing the circuits that have been in trouble lately, or have sort term deals, Austrailia, Germany, Canada, Japan. That just leaves Interlagos at which to get some overtaking!
  11. Oh Bollocks... According to the autosport forums, Tilke is doing the track layout, with this the supposed final [crap] layout... It doesn't even feature any of Rome's historic landmarks or monuments, other than a palace!
  12. Some great photo's, really like the last 2 and the windmill ones.
  13. What game is Castle B from, one of the Mario&Luigi games? Fantastic episode Sprout!!
  14. £14.98 http://www.gamestation.co.uk/Wii/Action/Adventure/Adventure/~r416541/RabbidsGoHome/
  15. Any chance Phil could teach his trick to Claire by Episode 4?
  16. Sweet Co-op Prequel Campaign!
  17. THAT... LOOKS... FRICKIN'... AWESOME!!!!
  18. Ah right, I heard they's sold a %, didn't know it was that much.
  19. ???... Ferrari, McLaren, Mercedes Benz, Renault (still keeping the name aren't they?) Good good. If only Sato was given a go aswell.
  20. I can't stand Alice in Wonderland.
  21. Man that looks aweful!
  22. It shouldn't matter if it's not 100% accurate, it's an interpretation, somebodys recreation, in order to make it as entertaining as they can to the most people.
  23. I think the FreezeFlame Galaxy is a contender for my favourite galaxy, with 'Conquering the summit' one of my favourite stars. Toy Time Galaxy is also fantastic... anything that starts off with retro music and a train instantly gets my vote!
  24. Ice Mario is an absolute legend!! There's just so much to that powerup! Waterfall jumping, platform building, ice skating forwards, backwards, spins etc... an absolute joy!!
  25. Yeah the DC was/is AWESOME!! I loved Power Stone, such an incredible game, SO much fun with awesome orginal characters, levels and concepts! I didn't get the sequel, something about it just didn't appeal to me as much, and yeah I'd question whether they could make a new one that was as good as the first, but I guess it's worth someone giving it ago, if it's crap we can just ignore it. There were so many great, original, GC games!! Space Channel 5, Toy Commander, Headhunter, Chu Chu Rocket, Daytona USA, Ikaruga, MSR, Trickstyle etc... all of which could do with sequels!!
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