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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. Don't really know what to say...
  2. Gametrailers Review - 9.0
  3. Yeah the last two were just obseravtions I saw on the walk home really... the flash was also the only way I could show the swilring wind in the lampost one. Tbh, don't know about anyone else but I don't find snow photography all that easy. What with all the white and often so little other defenitions it can be tricky to pick out any good compositions or scenes of real interest. People may say the snow makes everything look nice, but it's quite difficult to deliver.
  4. Yeah it was different this time round, they gave it the real sense that The Doctor had really grown into himself this time and loved who he had become, only to again be reminded of what his overall life as a Timelord involves 'sometimes I think the Timelords live too long'. I think it makes for a really fantastic chapter in The Doctors story. And yeah I was a little jarred by how differently he reacted once regenerated, I think he should have been a bit more reluctant to check his new appearance... given that he took it quite slowly from Ecclestone to Tennant, convincing Rose he was still the same person she had always known...
  5. Enter Rez.
  6. USF1 said this the other day... Though whether that's just a cover story and they are struggling, we'll have to wait and see! Yeah Heidfeld just got screwed over really! He'll get a drive but I wouldn't be surprised if he ends up back at BMW Sauber, or again as Kubica's team mate at Renault... who said the other day they ideally want a second driver who can push/match Kubica. And Nick's that guy! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OK, so F1 has now fallen 2 years behind where it should be in terms of aero development... F1 baffles me, it just seems no-one has any common sense at times, or is interested in working towards a common goal! At this rate we'll never get back to having overtaking in the sport!
  7. Thanks! They do immediately look better on a large scale and in their original form (they seem to have lost a bit of quality going through imageshack), but I'd be interested in knowing what you think they might need! All I usually do is adjust the colour and contrast a little if necessary... but I wouldn't really know where to start on much else! For example, when you realise what some people are able to do with the right software! e.g. on RedBubble... http://www.redbubble.com/people/rodelicious/journal/4279789-hdr-tutorial
  8. So is this gonna be a bit like Soul Calibur 2 I wonder, in that it'll have 3 console exclusive versions... Wii = Mii's 360 = Banjo&Kazooie PS3 = ??? (Rachet and Clank? Drake?)
  9. Visuals look very nice! The first screen just wouldn't be the same in the Edited Version!
  10. Yeah, what the heck, for £6.94 you can't go wrong!! Just grabbed a copy!! Hopefully it will have the same co-op fun as the likes of Jedi Power Battles and hopefully more so, due to the fancy visuals!!
  11. *Giant Poster of the New Doctor*
  12. You could always combine the two!?...
  13. That could almost be Drumstick in the distance... *misses Diddy Kong Racing*
  14. Some photo's from today, Brrrrrrrrrrrrr...
  15. Spring just doesn't seem right for a Zelda game though.
  16. ^haha, Be really interesting to see what Force India come up with this year... will they continue on in genuinely great form or be back in the mid-pack? They definately shouldn't be anywhere near the back as in earlier seasons. Be nice to see Williams taking another step forward aswell. Hopefully Rubens can get a few podiums.
  17. Yeah she's brilliant... she's also Uhura in Star Trek. She's really landing the big screen parts lately and very much deserved!
  18. WOW!... Now give us a proper Resi game!
  19. Yeah I thought maybe the above had divorced or something when I heard the voice over saying 'Presented by Anna Ryder *cough* Richardson *cough*'
  20. Oh, if it's celebrity specials then I have absolutely no problem with this.
  21. [Japanese] Debut Trailer:
  22. My early money would go on Lewis, or Vettel but Red Bull seriously need to have better luck with their engines! Hopefully Vettel FTW! The previously planned 'joint launch' was going to take place towards the end of Jan, so I'd imagine around then for the teams that have cars ready by then. The first week of testing starts on Feb 1st, so I'd imagine most teams will want to be able to bring their new cars to that. Another question, Anyone know how the 4 new teams are given their numbers? I just put them alphbetically in the list above, but are they just randomly assigned or were they chosen in a specific order?
  23. Really like the top one of these two! Is that by any chance a turtle covered in snow in the second?
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