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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. haha, so everyone then! I'd really like to see Red Bull deliver another great car and Vettel and Hamilton battling it out this year! It was something we didn't get to see last year... let's find out who's best!
  2. ^ Might have to join you on that one! I'm supporting Vettel whatever. As Kimi's mate and Badminton buddy, it would be rude of me not too!
  3. Looks the same to me?!
  4. Ah let them ruin it, there the ones who'll have to watch it! Whilst we'll always have our awesome series!!
  5. I can't really remember, I think it was a decent length, probably as long as a decent Resi experience like Code Veronica or Resi 4.
  6. Can you find anything about it be genuine?... anyone recieved gifts?
  7. I know you have to be 25 if you want to drive in the US, but not sure about Europe. EDIT: and my sig is where exactly?? vvv
  8. At the time I thought this was a Fantastic game, reallly, really good. I'm not sure how it'll holds up now, but it was one of my favourite Dreamcast games. The motorbike is a little awkward, but you can play around it, though there's a mission later on that requires driving it under a time limit... that may frustrate you, but play on! I loved driving around certain parts of the map on my bike, especially the tunnels and one other movie inspired area! It gets a bit random towards the end, you'll see what I mean, but it's a game with a great style to it. The VR training missions to 'level up' are also really great!! Enjoy!!
  9. True, I've done alright up until now with premium compacts. Yeah I read that the incuded lense had built in IS... btw what does it mean by 'kit'?... standard? I had a look at the Olympus E-510 which looked good, but I did kinda have my heart set on getting a Canon, was a bit dissapointing. I'm pretty new to the world of attachable lenses, how do you know which ones to get... as in can you just buy them equivalent to Optical zoom distance (18x etc...)? and then of course there's Macro's, but that's ok. Have you had a look at any extra lenses, and their costs?
  10. Tbh I'd have to agree. However, I would miss him on the grid knowing that the likes of Alguersuari have a drive!... but then that's another pitiful aspect of F1 for you, being able to buy yourself a seat!
  11. Wish he'd do something about the Vader vs Oldy Wan battle... it's so embarrassing!
  12. Wario Land: Shake Dimension Just played a few more levels on my playthrough, including... Glittertown and Itsall Mine (brilliant name!!). Also just beat Boss 3 - Chortlebot, who was a little tricky at first, but beat him after a couple of restarts. Continuing to really enjoy it!!
  13. GT Review - 6.8
  14. De La Rosa gets BMW Sauber drive, Hmm, been a long time since he was in a race... didn't work out well for Badoer (though that was 10 years or something), but DLR will hopefully be up to speed much faster! I'm sure his car knowledge will be beneficial, but I wouldn't be surprised if Kobayashi is the faster of the two! EDIT: Just remembered Heidfeld, I thought he was gonna get that BMW seat! Surely he's by far the better option for them! Just Renault, Campos, or US-F1 left then for Nick!... Kubica's team mate again?!
  15. ^ I was thinking about upgrading to a DSLR yesterday and was looking at the 450D, but then I found out it doesn't have a built in Image Stabiliser, meaning IS has to be built into all the lenses making them more expensive. I don't how how much more in comparison, but I'm now not so sure.
  16. Chicken Nugget was a Euphemism wasn't it!
  17. I really dislike the whole 'trilogy' mentality of the film industry at the moment.
  18. I have no idea why I posted that in my Visitor messages!

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